Tuesday, March 05, 2019


Redefining CSR acronym

Corporate Social Responsibility was introduced in India and is the first country in the world to enforce it, for corporations whose net worth is above a limit set by the government. 2% of average net profits of three years towards is supposed to be invested in CSR, areas of education, poverty, gender equality, and hunger. Then what is the government supposed to do? Isn’t this not what governments are made for? If an Organization or Business House wants to involve in social development it should be voluntary, but in India, ‘Government social responsibility’ is voluntary, and mandatory for Organizations. What a dichotomy? Same goes with policing, law and investigation agencies, the media uncovers scams and other social injustice, when it is supposed to report it. A Complete Social Rupture.

Then government’s scaring its people. Citizen Scaring Rules. If you air your opinion of governance or a government / political official, you could be charged by the law. At the same time a politician can bark about kidnapping girls who refuse a boy’s proposal, and then get away stating that their comments were out of context or a fake apology. Politicians can slander, insult, rape, loot and allow financial fraudsters to scoot. Where are Country Social Reforms? If one needs to air their views on government or politicians, it looks like one has to be in politics, where you can mudsling opposition parties, call the Prime Minister a thief, and there is no taking the person to court for defamation of a PM; or a CM showing allegiance to Pakistan and no action for sedition, where a train ticket collector gets jailed for shouting pro Pakistani slogans. So politicians can abuse each other, accuse each other, praise enemy nation and that is what we have to understand as ‘service to the nation’.

Demonetization to ring in black money and get it back into the country, and having the country going digital in payments, ending up with Cash Still Rules. PDS which is supposed to be Public Distribution System for subsidized essential food items for the poor, ending up as Pet Distribution System, where a person has been food essentials on the name of his dog, showing it as his son https://www.indiatimes.com/news/india/man-makes-aadhaar-card-for-dog-raju-in-madhya-pradesh-to-purchase-extra-ration-353721.html A country where starvation deaths still exists, people claim subsidized essential food items for a dog. Wondering could that be a reason where politicians get ‘highly subsidized’ food in the Parliament, as the Parliament does resemble a kennel when sessions are on, with the way Politicians bark on trivial issues and many a times the session is a wash out.

Then is the religious community leaders, whose role is to lead its followers on Communal Scripture Road or path that its founders or prophets had preached. The lethal concoction that is when politics or governments try to influence religion and vice versa, leading (in fact directed) to Communal Social Riots, in the name of religion or religious practices. India maybe the only country in the world where a cow is protected under religious reasons and ensured and maintained as a Cow Security Rule. With this law many states are facing stray cow menace who are abandoned by their owners as they cannot be taken care off. Irony is state governments planning cow shelters, when there are millions homeless and starving there are no shelters, and only hope their get is fake assurance and promises once every five years during elections. Why not make election manifestoes legally bound with stringent action taken if not fulfilled, or is it the privilege of the Political class to make an ass (donkey) of its people, and the masses cow down to them.

Spiritual leaders indulging in sexual crime is so alarming, horrifying and even gory that maybe rape in India is increasing as ‘illiterates’ maybe under the influence that it must be a religious appeasement to some God, since their leaders are doing it. Catholic religion in India is so mired with sexual crime that it is only now stifled cries are being heard. Cases of priests raping nuns, sodomising kids. Thank God in India Court Supreme Rule still prevails and matters are being heard in the court of law……if not religious leaders would be in Courting Sexual Rendezvous. God please do not forgive them as they do know who they rape. Hope today being Ash Wednesday they would for Christ Sake Repent.

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