Wednesday, December 03, 2008


Son of a bitch

He was found littered in a gutter in Bandra area in Mumbai in mid 2005. Amongst his other siblings he was the cutie and that was it, decision made; he comes home. Though he was not the first pet we did have our tryst with. We had dogs and cats (besides fish, turtles, snails and now a parrot). The dogs and cats were bought in and then let go, after cleaning them and feeding them till they were back on their feet.

This dude was different; he had the looks and a brindled coat to match which gave him the look of a pedigree. He was nursed to health in a few days, and the Doc docked his tail and that gave him the look of a rock star. He loved everyone giving him looks for his looks, and soon he was a part of family, which was rare as we were not prepared. Somehow the dude knew how to use his charm. His first victim to be charmed was my wife a ‘dog hater to the core’, though the way she loves cats, would take another essay to express, doubt an essay too would express it all as she has had cats all her life, and gave up when she met a dog like me. Me an absolute lucky dog to have someone like her in my life.

Struggling to handle a dog like me, here comes another one she had to handle. This dude was more intelligent than me. He actually ensured he ate out of her hands in a matter of weeks, and I was always fed after him. The naming ceremony was a big decision, bigger than the decision of keeping him. So with having decided to keep him, now it was what we will call him. The obvious name was Tiger becoz of his brindled looks, and I felt that would be confusing, as we had to decide if it was a dog or a tiger. My wife who always had her way stuck to a pet name of Tiger and called him ‘Tigu’. Imagine a pet in the house called a pet name a tiger would be called by, how complicating!! Now I know what it means when people say it’s a dog’s life, as how more complicated can it get.

Since I had to ensure a decent name for the dude, and to also ensure I look intelligent (which I am neither in looks or otherwise) when his name would be written in the Doctor’s file, I decided to name him Manthri (meaning Minister in Hindi). There could have not been a better name than that, as all our Ministers are like dogs anyways. They guard us, they protect us and they are loyal to us. So that was the perfect name my dog could have. Incase anyone feels otherwise of our honorable Ministers, I would like to change my statement, that all our ministers are not like dogs, they are dogs.

Our honorable Chief Minister of Kerala, Mr. Achuthanandan made a disgraceful remark as "If it had not been (Major) Sandeep's house, not even a dog would have glanced that way," when the late Major’s Sandeep Unnikrishnan’s father refused to meet him. I want to tell him Mr. Minister my dog will not even touch (lick) you, as your even your name has Achut in it, which means untouchable.

Next time if I ever see a Minister, and if my dog is with me, I would just command my dog “Manthri cheeew”. Fortunately my dog would chew only commanded, and the other dog keeps chewing the country and it’s people every day.......son of a bitch.

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