Wednesday, June 28, 2023


Are you sacrificing a goat or are you the goat?

Eid Al Adha is a memorial commemorated of the sacrifice Abraham was ready to make of his son when Allah wanted to test his faith. A story that is a part of the Torah, Bible and the Koran. Three faiths with one origin and interpretations that may vary but the core is of the obedience of Abraham to the call to sacrifice his son as a test, which later was intervened by God who stopped Abraham from sacrificing his son and gave him a ram to complete the sacrificial ritual. Since a ram is not available in all parts of the world, Muslims who commemorate this day by sacrificing camels, sheep, buffaloes, cow or a goat.

Once this beautiful religious sacrificial festival is over, the question arises, who is the goat? Muslim community is facing the worst challenge from the Genesis of Islam. Muslim nations have fought against each other and millions killed. Even a goat is slaughtered with compassion unlike how Muslims in war torn nations are being killed. US initiated or instigated wars are another massacre of Muslim community in many parts of the world. Yes there have been Muslim atrocities and conflicts against Muslims against Muslims like in Afghanistan or Shia Sunni conflict or even act of terrorism done in many parts of the world which kill even non Muslims. Then this has nothing to do with Islam or the teachings of Prophet Mohammed (PBUH). This is just certain minority segment of Muslims radicalized and gone rogue. So does this mean Islam and the whole of Muslims worldwide are terrorists and inhuman.  

Colonial powers in history and in recent history and today's time, America has been responsible for the maximum killing of human beings. America will aid more countries as allies to keep the Industry of war churning, as it helps in sale of their arms and ammunition. The only Industry on which American economy survives. To the extent they can't control gun violence in their own country, resulting in innoncents killed and that too many a times kids going to school. International media likes to prove, highlight and show violence only of Muslims and Muslim nations and never the garbage in their own nations of killings, rapes or forced evacuation of Muslims from Palestine by Israel. 

The need for the Muslim community as they celebrates Eid Al Adha sacrificing a goat, is for unity. Pray for wisdom and blessings of Allah on them so that they are not going to be the goats to be killed.

May you have an enlightened and a Happy Eid

Wednesday, June 07, 2023


One prayer

Be a God follower and not a religion follower. Religion packages God into brands like packaged food or drink. Like food and drink that nourishes your physical body, God nourishes your soul. So you can choose any brand of religion that may help you attain this spiritual nourishment and enlightenment.

Many follow and stick into the religion they are born. No harm at all. Harm begins when you become ambassadors or models of your religion to prove your religion is the best. Just like models who in advertisements for brands of food, drink, clothing, etc. The bigger harm is when we blindly follow role models or ambassadors of religions who are the spiritual leaders of any religion. 

Good leaders in religion or for that matter anywhere. Be it politics or Businesses are now a diminishing species nearing extinction or even extinct. Very few stories you hear of humanity of people reaching out. Unfortunately most of these (or maybe all) are ordinary individuals not religious leaders. So it is no good being a leader that cannot be a front foot infantry to fight evil and do good.

Most of these religious leaders now merged with political leaders have become the most lethal WMD. Weapons of not just Mass Destruction but even Moral Destruction. Dividing people on religion, racial or human created lines of caste? To the extent creating divisiveness in religion where wars have been fought. Yet all religions claim God is one and trying to prove their version of God is the one God. At the same time religions have many manifestations  their God or even different Gods. Then proving oneness of many Gods in the same religion as one?? Even God on High is getting confused.

Then comes the rituals of prayers claiming to worship and honor God. Which God wants honor of us creation which he created? Rituals from sacrifice of animals, to burning candles or fragrance burning or self inflicting wounds or abstinence or fasting? Does God want animals to satiate his hunger? Candles for him to navigate in the dark? Fragrance for God, maybe even God cannot bear the stink of the world himans have made it into? Inflicting wounds and then praying when sick? Abstinence and fasting is when God actually laughs. God wants us to abstain from evil and that we will never do? Fasting???? Instead why not feed the hungry?

Even our prayers? It is only asking God and very rarely Thanking God! Does goes God need to be prayed too for what we need? He accepts and answers only one prayer. 

Pray to control our greed and reach out to those in need.

Saturday, June 03, 2023


United States of Assholes (Part VI)

Obama had one piece of advice for his children. Don't let your hunger for success ruin your happiness

Obama your kids have it all. Thanks to your wife Michelle and your hard work. So it's easy to preach from the pulpit of success you have achieved and the wealth you have accumulated. Shamelessly Bill Gates confesses his success was at the cost of vacations and weekends. So for the common average person in America he can't wait to be President or be a Bill Gates to provide for his family and preach like you. For many it could be putting food on the table that is a challenge. Paying for their children college tuition fees and medical bills. 

To make it worse us the fear if their children would come back alive from school or be a victim of some idiotic gun trotter. Or the fear of their children getting trapped into drugs or lured into sex. Then you have employers who lay off employees like how they empty a garbage bin, and you expect children of such parents to have vacations and quality sleep? Then are the exam levels and stress that burn out kids in the competitiveness. You expect them to have vacations? If they don't perform they don't get the jobs they aspired for. If they get jobs they don't know if they will last on the job. 

Unlike being a President of The United States of Assholes, where you are assured of a term in office and don't even get impeached for sexual misconduct like Bill Clinton or destroy Iraq with no proof of Weapons of Mass Destruction or slap sanctions on India when it tested it's nuclear capabilities when America has the largest stock pile of Nuclear Arsenal.

America allows Pfizer to roll out vaccines for the Corona virus which you blamed China and it has American finger prints. These vaccines have proven to be counter productive to even causing deaths. Bill Gates advising children not to miss on their sleep, the fear of parents is will their kids wake up from their sleep after the jab. Even if they do will they lead normal healthy lives?

So Barak Hussein Obama, two words for your one piece of advise and one of them is, off.

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