Monday, May 22, 2023


Old currency new cowdung

The word Bullshit is a metaphor associated with rubbish and lies. Cowdung on the other hand in India is considered holy, with healing properties that cure cancer and even shield from atomic radiation, if applied on to the body. These are statements made by political or religious representatives on TV programs. So replacing Bullshit with Cowdung to make the lies more Indian. Like make in India. This is lie in India

So now to cowdung reasons for the latest move of phasing out Rs. 2000/- currency note. One cowdung reason is to introduce a 'clean note policy'. Instead of a 'clean government', the focus to divert attention to 'clean currency.' Then was the cowdung of notes having nano chips that could be detected by satellites which was fuelled by 'Ghodi Media' (media in the lap of the government). Financial criminals get a safe getaway and no agency was able to stop them or maybe the agencies ensured their safe passage and here we were fed with cowdung of currency that be tracked by satellite?

How much cowdung is the government going to feed and how much more we as citizens going to consume this holy dung. The claim of curbing Black Money. How intelligent was it to ban a Rs.1000 note and replace it with a Rs.2000 note. Made it more easier for Black Market hoarding of currency. Coins minted are of same dimension with different value. E.g. 10 and 20 Rs coin. 1 and 2 Rs. coin, which is difficult to make out. Could they not make different shapes like a round edge square coin or a coin with a hole. Then with a government that is burning holes in the Banking System and economy why the need for a coin with a hole. 

What would be the cowdung of security features that should be incorporated in the new currency note planned. One should be a picture of our Supreme Leader due to his rising global popularity. Then it should also feature a picture of a tea kettle. This would be to honor his humble alleged beginning as a tea vendor at a railway station. Something that cannot be proved as there was no railway station in that location at that time, where he alleged to have sold tea. Similar to his educational qualifications from an Unibersity and not an University, and neither the qualification be proven?

As bribe in India is called Chai Paani (Tea and water) it would be easy to transact with how much Chai Pani a corrupt official would want. The note will be cowdung infused so that it can ward of future viruses. Like how banging vessels and ringing bells could ward of Corona Virus. The note will also have a self destruct feature like Mission Impossible gadgets, which will self destruct if it gets into the hands of criminals and terrorists. Best security feature would be the currency would be impossible to be duplicated and made into fake currency, as there would already be a picture of a feku (someone who fakes promises) on the note. The eyes of our Supreme Leader on the currency bill would be imbedded with AI. This will give live location update of the location of the currency and people transacting with it.

This is a brief synopsis of cowdung on the features of the new currency. Now the choice is in the finger of every Indian, next year during elections. Didn't want want to mention hand of every Indian as would confuse with a party symbol. That hand too was involved in corruption but there was not so much of cowdung.

Think before you vote or there would be more note ban or phase out of currency notes and new currency notes introduced with additional cowdung features to divert attention from core issues as unemployment, inflation, infrastructure, etc. A country that wants to be a 5 Trillion US Dollar economy cannot have a secure safe currency note and neither safe banks to deposit into. 

Saturday, May 20, 2023



2012 was a movie based on an alleged theory encryption of a Mayan tribe calendar of the apocalypse of world on 21 Dec 2012. The theory was even promoted and believed by many. Did the world end? No. Then we as human beings have ensured the world would end faster than what it would in a natural state. Even if the world is not destined for an end, we as humans will ensure its end.

Pollution, using of non biodegradable products like plastic, fossil fuels, exploiting the earth far more than what it can produce, wars, biowarfare with viruses and the list is endless. One thing for sure is humans will end far earlier than the earth ending. Earth ending would be the results of what humans did and perished and not necessarily some meteor hitting the earth. 

Politicians and capitalists are ensuring culling humans and  only those survive that be enslaved with a job and dictated by rules that apply only to the enslaved. India is one perfect example. A corrupt government overthrown by another who promised Paradise to the citizens. A country where many cannot buy milk for their children but brainwashed on the advantages of drinking Cow urine? A country where the poor cannot access medication or hospitalization but brainwashed on how cowdung can cure many aliments and diseases? A country where faith in government and politicians are completely lost but temples are built to ensure their faith in God? A country which lacks proper road infrastructure even in cities priding to have built the tallest statue in the world? A country where a Prime Minister advise on ringing bells and banging utensils to ward off Corona virus? A country where the Prime Minsiter whose educational qualifications are doubtful, advising airforce on how to avoid enemy radar by flying over the clouds? 

A country where citizens are forced to keep their money in a Bank but there is no protection of money kept in banks? Infact money kept safe in utensils in the olden days in households were more safe than money kept in Banks in India today. Even if a household in the olden days were burgled it would have been really difficult for the the thief to easily have spotted where the money is kept. Today with Banking in India a capitalist thief can just walk into a Bank (maybe even chauffer driven by the Bank) ensure a call made by his political servants in power and he can take how much ever amount and scoot out of the country. Even an easy passage is ensured and we have financial scamsters enjoying the loot not is some paraiah countries in Africa or Pakistan, but in the United Kingdom which has become the safe have for Indian financial criminals. We demand  Kohinoor diamond back when we cannot get criminals safe holed in UK and expect to get a diamond kept in the safety of a Museum in London? 

2012 may have been benevolent where the world did not end. Then 2024 India could slide into doomsday. The choice is ours during elections. Do we want a government who will give us temples so God can save us? Do we want a government that dictates which language we speak or a government to who a common citizen can speak to without fear? Do you want a government that dictates masks during a pandemic or ensures a clean environment and governance and not mask corruption? Do want a government that give you safe roads or forces you to wear helmets and seat belts and drive on bad road? Do you want a government that gives freebies or gives employment? Do u want a government which is dynatic or a government that ensures future generations a hope of prosperity and not just their generations to follow? Do you want a country safe of crime or a government that ensures safety of criminals and rapists?

Time we think about Acche and Imandaar Insaan (Good and Honest Human Being) to lead India. 2024 could be the deciding factor or what want. Do we want Acche Din (Good Days) or Political parties that only make a Din. 

Friday, May 19, 2023


Idiots in the laity

To the few ethnic origin discriminators in the laity of the Catholic Church of Bombay

Humans like to prove superiority of our ethnic origins of where our ancestors originated and how we followed our faith especially in the Catholic religion with the cultural influences in India.

This is good when we collectively enjoy the diversity of the festivities in the faith. Festivities which are more rooted to the land and has nothing to do with Catholicism or other Christian sects. On the contrary some of it are Hindu traditions with a mixture of Portuguese and colonial influence.

When ethnic origins become discriminatory that's when the rot starts to eminate. Communal cliques are normal in the Catholic Church. The problem gets murky when it seeps into the clergy. A recent expose of clergy sex scams has shown a majority involved being South Indian Catholic priests. The matter gets into ethnic garbage segregation by few with poor knowledge of history (even poorer in faith and plain idiots) in the laity by highlighting the ethnic origins of the Priests. 

Reasons could be maybe the commencement of the Christian faith in Kerala with the arrival of St. Thomas. Then the colonial arrival of Vasco Da Gama in Kerala and the first Church in India established in Kerala. Though many still are not aware that Vasco Da  Gama arrived in Kerala first. Then till today many don't know who found America and credit it to Christopher Colombus.

Some (or many) get into religious vocations to escape poverty. Especially Nuns as many families cannot afford the ugly scourge of dowry system prevalent in India. Religious going rogue in morality, ethics and honesty has nothing to do with origins of an Individual. The Cardinal of Bombay on whom there is an FIR and many  alleged corruption accusation. He is not a South Indian, unless some would like to prove his lineage with Darwin's theory to find out he came from a brood of monkey in South India. Rogue elements with poor morality and honesty in clergy was there, is there and will be there in the Catholic Church and also too in all religions. Judas went rogue and turned against Christ. So from the genesis of Adam and Eve to Judas at the time of Christ Christ, many went rogue and betrayed God.

So too humans in religious life (not just South Indians) will betray not just God, but prey on the laity with sexual crimes, squander the donations given by the Laity and cheat them of their land. Then what needs to be saluted are those in the clergy who dare to stand up and speak the truth. Even at the cost of being crucified with defrocking and getting excommunicated from priesthood.

Latest is Fr. Ajimon Puthiyaparamabil who has quit priesthood to take a slingshot at the Goliath of corruption in the Church.

To the idiots in the laity of the Church, Fr. Ajimon is a South Indian from Kerala.

Sunday, May 14, 2023


My Mother an ATM

My Mom was my ATM. 'All Time Mother' and also 'Any Time Money' in my growing years. Especially my Boarding years where parents were allowed to visit on Sundays. That day she used to bring me a meal and snacks for the week which was my ATM, 'Any Time Munching' that would not last through the week as it would be shared with other boarders. Some times flicked by others. For some strange reason, I don't know why we used to call snacks loading. So when hungry we used to ask "Anyone has loading". We also knew who had the hoarding of loading and how to download it, was an art perfected.

Mummy was also ATM, 'Any Time Medicine', being a nurse medicines were always at home for any illness. Not just for the family but the entire neighborhood. ATM, 'Any Time Matron' for emergencies in the neighborhood. As I grew Mummy became ATM, 'All Time Monitoring'. Guess being the only child she wanted me to be the best a ademically and I turned out to be the worst. To the extent when I failed an year in school, she was still an ATM, 'All Time Motivating' and strengthening me to handle the 'All The Mocking'. Ashamed to accept that I was never an ideal son and lucky to have had a Mother who I never deserved.

Though she would break but never show as I showed no signs of making it in life. She continued being ATM, 'Always the Mentor'. Never would allow anyone to speak ill of me even though there was nothing good about me to speak about. As I grew into adulthood, Mummy and I became more of friends and less of a Mother and son. Though I could never contribute with my presence near her. Boarding, then few years of employment and then overseas. A regret I feel hard to let go. Especially as she was ailing in her last few years, I could not be there for her if she needed anything, where I could proudly tell "Any Time Mummy if you need anything". 

I know I could have done more but did not as most of the time I guess I took my Mother a lot for granted. Just meandered a lot of my life and just when fate of Lady Luck smiled on me, my Mummy passed away. No opportunity to show her my ATM, 'All The Mementoes' of achievements in career, especially a home as we came from very challenging background, where a home was concerned. My wife and I after having a son we had our second child through adoption. She passed away after a month of my wife and I getting our second child home. Guess that was all she wanted to see.....

.....leaving me with only 'All The Memories'

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