Sunday, December 13, 2009


Wake up India

Telengana would be the new raped portion of India as a state. Thanks to Nehru who divided the country on linguistic lines that today we are paying the price today of divisive politics. One idiot holds a fast and holds the country to ransom and is on the verge of getting a new state. Strange even with fasting these politicians don’t die, even terrorists who ravaged Bombay could not kill a single one. Wished all the farmers who died of starvation deaths would have got a piece of land instead, rather than land being carved out for a linguistic community.

So now we will have another state who will demand that people who live there should know the language, vandalize property that don’t display signs in the language of the state, and do everything to screw up lives of people living there. Clear cut example is Maharashtra. What has Maharastrians achieved by Shiv Sena or MNS? Yes Bal Thackrey has earned Matoshree, Uddhav has his holidays in US, Smita has her film production house and Raj flaunts his Audi, and the rural part of Maharashtra still drags on a bullock cart.

The best achievement in Maharashtra has been renaming of Bombay to Mumbai. It clearly shows how well politicians can rape a city of its past glory that it is not even worth being associated with its earlier glorious name. Now after Telengana in Maharashtra the demand would be for Vidarbha, then would follow Tamil Nadu, and the list would go on.

If linguistic dividers are used we have more than a thousand languages including major dialects. The 1991 census recognized "1576 rationalized mother tongues". So that would make more than a thousand states. When the whole world is trying to unite here we are dividing. This is what China exactly wants. Where we destroy ourselves with our communal, linguistic, religious issues and split the country into small smithereens, after which they could squirrel in bit by bit. Dividing the country linguistically was to never saw any development of the state, leave aside maintaining the language. Neither maintaing the language gave anyone a decent life. It is just that dividing the cake so more politician crooks can have a bite at it, and the common man is treated like a sucker.

We deserve what we are getting, we asked for it so we better lump it. None of the politicians ever put a gun on our head and told us to vote for them. There maybe few cases and some booth capturing and rigging and buying votes for a bottle of hooch, and it is not the whole country arm twisted to vote for crooks. We don’t deserve a change as we don’t want to change. During elections we have this big humbug of media encouraging us to vote. Corporates use that occasion to sell their brand of tea and have a ‘Jogo Re’ campaign, and fool us to believe that if we exercise our power of voting we can have a better life. They sure did have a better sale of their tea and we went to sleep after that. Now they will wake us up at the next election to sell tea again.

I am wondering why don’t we ‘not vote’ for a change, as voting has not brought a change anyways. Coming to point of dividing the country on linguistic barriers I would like have a separate state named Bombay, as the language there is Bombiya, which is a potpourri of languages, and in that language I sign off saying, “Vaat lagney wale hai apna desh ka” (our country is gonna get screwed).

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