Wednesday, June 03, 2020


A sermon to a priest

A message I penned to a relative of mine who is supposed to be ordained and the ordination got delayed due to COVID19

As u will be walking towards the banquet table of our Lord tomorrow, to be a part of HIM, the words of this hymn may resonate

The dreams and hopes you may have cherished and looked forward to the big day of your ordination tomorrow, may not be a reality in our human social thinking perspective. As many will not be able to make it due to the pandemic of COVID19 that is devastating the world

Remember at the last supper Christ too had only his close chosen disciples. Even in that one turned to be a traitor. 

So what use would be a big audience from which many may not even remember what they had in a meal of your celebration. Today even after 2 millennium we remember what was eaten, shared and nourished at the last supper, and you will be partaking in it. 

For the laity you would be Christ, as being a priest that is what it means. It does not mean follow Christ, it means be HIM. Not a very easy path to tread, as Christ too with all HIS glory and being son of God was regaled to death on a crucifix as a criminal.

Unfortunately today in the clergy many are criminals and crucifying the laity. Be the Christ that whipped the traders out of the temple. Today with all the corruption in the Church, it is not okay to have good priest. The need is for brave priests who can make a difference. Christ did that and if HE has called you, then it means you were called to make a difference. 

Dont only preach the gospel as the laity has been only served that. The need is along with preaching, reaching Christ, for which you have volunteered 

You may be fooled within your own system or congregation, *which is happening.* The choice is yours whether to be a part of the man made Church or be a part of Christ.

If your Congregation founder Arnold Janssen, formed the SVD, did it mean where he was from during his novitiate was not good? Maybe or could be he felt he could do something better. Search that factor where you can make a difference. As today Indian clergy is regaled to slave white masters in Rome. So you have to decide who should be your Master? 

I have had priests who arrogantly refused to accept you are in a profession, like anyone else. People who serve in the army are also in a profession where they know they would have to give up their life saving their nation. So too as a priest you should be aware that you may have to give up you life if you want to serve Christ teachings 

You have spent good no. of years training to be a priest. The first apostles did not have any of it. You have seen the luxury in which the priests are living and how the laity is living in many parts. The apostles did not have the luxury which many of the priests have. Yet they chose Christ over the religion of that time

So reiterating will you be ordained as a priest of a congregation or a Man made Church or will u be a disciple of Christ?

May the force of the Risen Lord be with and wish you joy of serving in the vineyard of the Lord


Palms of your hand

Palm Sunday is a celebration of Jesus entering Jerusalem. People welcomed him waving Palms and placing palm leaves and their cloaks on the way, where he came riding on a donkey.

This Palm Sunday we cannot do any of it. Not that anyone ever threw their cloak in front of God, but we definitely are cloaked well when we celebrate anything in Church. Sometimes even wondering are we cloaked well? Figure hugging dresses, ripped Jean's and T shirts that has prints definitely not appropriate to be worn in a place of worship.

This Palm Sunday as we stay indoors and hear a virtual mass on a YouTube channel, let us wave our palms of our hands to welcome the Lord. Then we are in times where we need to keep our palms washed regularly. Times we cannot kiss a cross in a Church. No Holy Water to sign ourselves. 

The palms used traditionally are burnt the following year and used on Ash Wednesday. God will not expect us to burn the palm of our hands, but maybe this time HE is telling us to contemplate on the palms of our hands. Have your palms burnt anyone in deceit? Burnt anyone of their rights? Burnt yourself in selfishness, greed, fear to stand for the truth. Burnt another in hunger of a meal, or clothes, or shelter because of your not sharing or cheating? 

Then it is time to cleanse your heart, soul and palms. Clean them for better good of humanity, and not crucify humanity as no one will resurrect again (atleast not in 3 days). Anyways keep the palms of your hands clean. As you will be waving to welcome Jesus into your lives, and for your safety and precaution from COVID19

Issued in the interest of spiritual and physical health of Catholics


Who is a Mum?

Anyone who is a single father is a Mother. Anyone who is a giver is a Mother. That is why we call Mother Earth and not Father Earth.

Even nations are called Mother Land and not Father Land. A ship, a plane, etc are addressed in a feminine gender

Everthing is a Mother first and then a Father. Even God needed a Mother to send his son to Earth. God too realised that HE can be a creator but he needed to make a Mothers to take care of his creation. 

Start looking at everything from a Mother's perspective and you will realise how insignificant everything is and how even more insignificant you are.

The hand that rocks the cradle, not only rules the world, creates a better world for the future. 

So if u have achieved anything it is not your achievement, but the upbringing of a Mother. If you achieved anything  and shared it, you are a Mother


Intellectual Masturbators

The below article contains expletives and foul language to bare the truth of a foul world

Intellectual Masturbators 

So much empathy, so much pain, so much anger on the killing of a black man in US

This shit is going to continue as long as you continue shitting. Call it racism or call it any ism. It is realism. A reality practiced by every human being knowingly, unknowingly, subconsciously, religiously or culturally.

Everyone wants Utopia, but that fucking place even does not exist even in heaven. A place where you are judged by the color of your sins. At the same we preach or are preached of a Utopia and of a God that loves sinners. A God that likes to mingle with sinners as it is a sick that needs a Doctor. Could it be that God is sick with what's happening in the world?

Racism, Discrimination or division of people is a reality we have to live and not fake empathy as OMG what the hell is happened, and that too in America?!?! A country where till today there has never been a woman president. Unless all American women are dumb. Never a black president, and for those who opiated in joy is seeing Obama as a black president, he was not black but colored. Which color? The color that you saw with your myopic view of your eyes, of the color on the skin of his body and the world and concluded it as black.

Even in religion, and within a religion there are divisions. Even Christ will not come again. Not that he would fear another crucification but this time it would be lynching and everyone who got a body part of his claiming that is the real Christ.

So keep maturbating your faked intellectual, spiritual and moral views, as when u finish wanking the solution that will cum, will be white

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