Friday, December 30, 2022


Happy every moment

It is a man made calendar
So many of them is a wonder
Many of them linked with a religion
0ne though universal in every region

Universal New Year will be tommorow
Wishing our dear ones happiness to follow
A dawn of a new day
Gone behind the next day

Happiness should be a gratitude
To God who was and is your fortitude
It is not just a day that we should celebrate
But every moment of life which is great

Wishing everyone happiness in every moment
Into the New Year of man made calendar movement
Movement of a day into a Year
When every moment is a reason to cheer

Thursday, December 22, 2022


Second coming of Christ(mas)

Christmas is about realizing that we could be the second coming of Christ. It's not merely worshipping and praying to an idol of baby Jesus, rather it’s about doing what Christ did, and wants to do through us.

Realization that you can give sight to the blind. However, we are so selfish even after death, that we don't want to donate our eyes.
Realization that our blood can save lives, but we will not donate blood. If Christ could give his blood to save, why are we not doing it?
Realization that we may not be able to make wine out of water like Christ did. But saving water can quench the thirst of many.
Realization that we may not be able to multiply 2 loaves and 5 fish like Christ, but we can avoid wasting food, that could have fed the hungry.
Realization that we may not be able to walk over water like Jesus, but we could walk across to our neighbors, many who we don't even know.
Realization that we may not be able raise the dead to life. But realizing that we can avoid killing many with our selfish use of resources leading to climate change. It’s time we change, so many can live
Realization that we may not rise from the dead like Christ but living how Christ lived.
Realization that it is not about evangelizing and preaching Christ, but allowing Christ to reach the broken world through us
Realization that it is not about putting up an artificial Christmas tree but planting more trees.
Realization that it is not about making a crib and having crib competitions but making a poor man's home happy whose house could be worse than a stable in which Christ was born.
Realization that for many a Christmas supper could be the last supper with their families. So, cherish and live with your family in love
Realization that it is not about celebrating the wise men who visited baby Jesus and saw the baby surrounded by animals. It is about contemplating if we are living our lives with wisdom or are we living like animals?
Let's wish we be blessed with wisdom and the realization that we can be a source of happiness to mankind this Christmas.

Tuesday, December 13, 2022


Banking Scam

Where does a One Time Settlement usually happen? When a person defaults a bank loan. Then the Bank negotiates a one time settlement, usually reducing the interest component but ensures most of the time the principal is got back

In PMC Bank case the Bank has defaulted depositors and does not even negotiates with depositors. On the contrary what is done.

The Reserve Bank of India decides on an Amalgamation Scheme, fools the depositions to send in their suggestions and feedback to the Scheme and slaps the same Scheme back on to the depositors, with minor changes. Then why ask the depositors for suggestions, when it was a take it or lump it scheme? The scheme does not speak of what happens when the defaulters properties get liquidated?

The Bank is then gifted to Bharat Pe and Centrum. Credentials of then Bharat Pe owner Ashneer Grover is in the Public Domain. Gifted with all the existing assets of PMC Bank. Could these two entities not just apply for a Small Finance Bank license and start one on their own? Why was PMC Bank given on a platter to them? There was allegedly another investor who came with a bigger investment and assurance to pay back all PMC Bank depositors. Why was that investor rejected? Why was Maharashra Governement proposal to merge PMC Bank with³ Maharashtra State Cooperative Bank rejected? Below is the news link (Select the link to open)

The new entity Unity Bank SFB which was formed by Bharat Pe and Centrum, floated a One Time Settlement which offered a settlement on 10 lakhs which was payable in 5 years with no interest, with a One Time Payout with a haircut of around 38%. Is this a haircut or plain Banking goodaism. The scheme was not even approved by RBI. Then who gave Unity Bank the right to this extortion?

Why was the One Time Settlement suddenly cancelled and withdrawn? So can Unity Bank be Banking Terrorist who tomorrow may even back out of the Amalgamation scheme? As the scheme even though forced on to PMC Customers by RBI, RBI is not taking any responsibility or even backing it with a Sovereign guarantee. To the extent the Amalgamation scheme does not even offer the basic DICGC Insurance of 5 lakhs. The Insurance is usually when a Bank goes belly up. Practically in all cases due to scams in connivance of Banking officials, Politicians and The Reserve Bank of India.

So in the case of Unity Bank if they can cancel their own One Time Settlement Scheme what can stop them from canceling the Amalgamation scheme or pay for few years as the initial years pay outs are paltry and then not honor the scheme? What if tomorrow Unity Bank SFB declares bankruptcy  then all PMC Bank depositors are just thrown to the wind.

Why is India having divisive and sectarian banking laws? Where some banks can get away with scams and some cannot? Instead of pushing a Common Civil Code, India should start with a Common Banking Code. Are the winds of change blowing this nation to a state of no justice? Is Banking in India a scam or a sham?

Wednesday, December 07, 2022


The Second Serving

The second coming is something Christians and even Muslims await. Then is the second coming daily of Christ through various individuals and institutions who are genuinely doing good for humanity. This daily coming of Christ is not even understood and Christians awaiting some big bang in the sky and Christ manifesting himself from the sky. Like Christ these individuals, religious bodies or Institutions lie crucified under the evil of today's world. Just that they keep resurrecting and continue to do good.

One such religious body is the Sikh Community. Never heard of them evegalising or converting anyone into their faith. They do something better. They feed the hungry. Something which the Bible teaches but the clergy would like to preach to the laity that Man cannot live on Bread alone but from every word that comes from the mouth of God.

Even Jesus who proclaimed God's word through his sermon on the Mount, also ensured the thousands fed, even though there was no food. He took a food packet from a boy who had 2 fish and 5 loaves, blessed it and multipled it and fed the multitude. After feeding there were 12 baskets of food left overs. The Catholic Church on the contrary only wants to be fed with money of the laity and there is no leftovers for the laity who are hungry or homeless.

Even more saddening is neither will the Church feed or allow others to feed. The Sikh Community on the other hand set up a food court called Langar, during the feast of St. Francis Xavier outside the Church called Bom Jesus, where his mortal remains are kept. They were serving free food and told to stop their activities. It was the Public uproar later that they were allowed to continue. News link below

Imagine if Jesus had not to feed, heal the sick and bring back a dead to life, would there have been Christianity? Imagine if Jesus was stopped by the Authorities from feeding the multitude? What would have happened to the crowds who came to hear him?

Catholic Churches don't even share Holy Communion with those who are not Catholics and even if Catholic and they have not received the man made sacrament of Holy Communion they cannot Communion. When the ritual of Communion is a symbolism of the Last Supper. Wondering what rituals the disciples need to go through to wine and dine. The irony is if a person has received Holy Communion once in a day at Mass, they cannot receive it if they attend another Mass. At the same time priests can say multiple masses in a day and can have the Communion and wine. 

So you cannot have a second serving of the body of Christ but the Church will happily and even accept a second serving of donation if you are attending a second Mass in a day. 

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