Thursday, April 09, 2020



If anyone turns to God now, more than ever in this global pandemic, is a hypocrite. We should have always been, should be and always be needing HIM. The problem was we thought we could do it on our own. So don't turn to HIM when you have turned away from HIM.

God is not an ATM (Any Time Miracle). He is an A True Master & A Tough Master. He has taught us what we should do. He is not a problem solver, but he has taught us how to solve it. God was ALWAYS, and IS and WILL BE a provider. HE will provide us the tools to solve ANY and ALL problems. HE is not there to solve and definitely not when we have messed it

Planet earth which was the biggest gift and the best tool from God, we destroyed it. We ended making our own tools of technology, so God allowed us to stay in touch through technology and now we cannot even touch each other. He gave us the fruits of the earth and we genetically modified it and now we realise the health benefits of organic food. He gave us water and we polluted it. So the problem is we destroyed the tools God gave us to solve problems. HE gives everything through nature and we pray and ask of HIM in Temples, Churches, Synagogues, Fire Temples, in the Altar of our Homes or on pendants or other religious paraphernalia we wear and adorn on our bodies. God is a spirit that cannot be caged.

As all good things come to an end, so will the bad. This is not a wrath from God as many religious would like to frighten their followers to believing into. God is, was and never will be a destroyer of HIS own creation. The problem is as always, we want to compete with God or be God in creation and end up making a mess of HIS and in the process make a mess of our survival. We may conquer or reach other planets, but we will never be able to make a planet. We try to explore life outside earth and destroy life on earth.  

So don’t pray to God asking for solutions. He does not want our prayers and rituals. Pay gratitude to HIM for giving you everything, with which you can solve anything. Solution does not mean solving only your problem, but solving a collective problem, in which everyone benefit along with you. The problem is today we want to win at the loss of someone. We have lost empathy, humanity and it is only my benefit. We have forgotten how to share and only interested in knowing what is our share. This greed has robbed the world of everyone's need. Mahatma Gandhi rightly said "The world has enough for everyone's needs, but not everyone's greed," 

Alexander Graham Bell’s Mother and wife were deaf, and he was the inventor of the telephone, where his Mother and wife could not benefit from his invention, but his solution has got us all connected today. Now can we connect with God with whom we have disconnected?

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