Tuesday, November 27, 2012


The Lord’s Prayer

Our Father in Heaven, Holy be your name.

Please continue staying in Heaven as we have messed up earth real bad. We have even made your name ‘un’ Holy and Jesus is now a cuss word. Even a simple word as Holy we made it Hallowed so many won’t know what they are praying.

Your kingdom come, and may your will be done on Earth as it is in Heaven.

If your will is to be done here as it is in Heaven, there is a problem as most of our kingdoms are on war, Some of your Priests who are to be your disciples here on earth are Pedophiles, involved in scams, etc, so don’t tell me the same is happening in Heaven. We even have a problem having a Pope of any other color besides white, and anyways we have even modified your image so you looking more European with blond hair and blue eyes.

Give us today our daily bread

You have given us more than bread and now we want more. We want the butter, jam and margarine also. We even try to modify the food you have blessed by making genetically modified foods to make more food for our greed and not our need which is in turn poisoning us and Corporations are happy making money in the process. Think you made a mistake on this line, it would have better if you had to teach us to ‘share our daily bread’, instead we want even what the other has, and try to grab it even if the guy would die in the process

And forgive us our sins as we forgive those who sin against us.

Since we have replaced the word sin with trespass, we don’t know what you talking about as abortion is not a sin, being gay is not a sin, going to war is not a sin, infidelity is not a sin, killing is not a sin….on the contrary we now don’t just kill each other, we even killed most of your other creation which are extinct. Yes we do forgive as long as there is blood money, compensation, penalty for mental harassment. So yes we do forgive.

Do not bring us to the test but deliver us from all evil Amen.

You don’t need to worry about testing us as we test ourselves with junk food, we even try to be YOU by attempting cloning which we have succeeded with animals, we test weapons to kill the other, we test medications for diseases and even get more new diseases like HIV, SARS. Deliverance from evil is too late now as everything bad is good, so we had the financial scam which was work of evil and greed, we have storms and floods due to the evil we have done to your creation earth. We are now in the process of messing your other creations like the Moon and Mars. So it won’t be long before we even try to get YOU so deliver yourself from us and our evil. Amen

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