Friday, August 19, 2022


Pot of Enlightenmemt

May this Janmashtami onwards be

A pot of human values, strung of so high that corruption cannot access it

A pot of justice on ground level where everyone is entitled to fair justice. Right from Police Station to court level. Not something the rich can buy justice with injustice done by them. Where their hearing supersedes cases before them

A pot of food for the hungry. Where food, water and hygiene facility is a basic right

A pot of knowledge that is not sold as business but a fundamental right for every child

A pot of healing where medical care is a human right and is equal for everyonw

A pot of prosperity that is accessed by team work where though a pyramid it is not the one on top (our political leaders especially) who has the access to the pot exclusively, but is equally shared

A pot where we not just put put our hands to take but a pot we put our hands in to give

Wishing you all an enlightened Janmashtami 

Monday, August 15, 2022


Should I only raise the flag?

Should I raise the flag this Independence Day, 
Or should I raise my voice and say? 
Say it so loud that my voice reaches far away. 

How good is it raising a flag just one day
When millions go hungry every single day? 

How good it is to wave the flag?
When there is no money in my bag? 
I am not poor, or need freebies, or charity
I only need my own money in a Bank with security 

I don't want politicians who raise hope
That end with farmers committing suicide with a rope

I don't care for promises of Good days called Acche Din
which is mainly all noise and only Din

I want my freedom to criticise a bad politician
With no fear of being slapped with defamation 

I want to speak against bad and wrongs in the nation
And not be scared of being slapped with sedition 

Do we truly believe that  a raised flag waiving
Will actually change India's standard of living? 

Will celebrating Indepence Day
be a celebration everyday? 
Celebration of a great nation today 
Not a mere celebration of a great nation that was yesterday

We take Pride and praise our leaders of yesterday
And what are our present leaders doing today?

Is it only respect for a flag of a nation, 
Or a hope for a future generation?

On this 75th Independence Day
Am I truly proud, or is it all about a flag that I will sway?

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