Monday, December 07, 2015


Impotent Nation

Suddenly a great revelation of realization has dawned that India and Indians are intolerant. On the contrary Indians are just dead scared, frightened and would like to camouflage fear, as being resilient and tolerate any rubbish. One rape here or there, or one butchering of an individual for butchering a cow cannot be concluded as the whole nation is intolerant. It just shows fear of the majority to a miniscule minority; who claim to be gate keepers and moral guardians of a majority alleged practiced religion. Alleged as religion because it cannot be religion if it has to be driven and practiced with fear, and those who don’t subscribe to the religious beliefs or practices of something as a basic right of food habits are killed.

26/11 when terrorists attacked Bombay, we had a minister who said “in big cities such small things do happen”. Were we intolerant to his remarks; no way. Instead we ensured he and his party continued to be in power and showed our support with tolerance. This same minister even went to say at a later stage when one party’s candidate committed an act of rape, “that he should have done it after the elections”. What an immense amount of tolerance India and Indians continued to show. Nature has been too intolerant to take away such a good politician away from our midst.  The politicians who continue to survive in our midst is only because of our tolerance.

Another minister once remarked on a draught situation, “If there is no water, should one urinate in the dams, and how can one urinate when there is no water”. How profound and thought provoking but never provoked India or India to intolerance. Scams worth billions of dollars equivalent, which could have run the nation without levying any taxes for a couple of years, yet India and ‘employed’ Indians continued to be tolerant and pay taxes. Now we have to pay a ‘Cleanliness Tax’ to clean our country and our tolerance to rubbish. Next would be an ‘Intolerance Tax’ for our tolerance to it.  

We have ministers who have not passed high school, housewife who ran a government when the husband was in jail, elected parties to power who leaders have blood on their hands for inciting violence and riots. What more level and acts of tolerance need to be more displayed by Indians and India? When beef was banned there should have been intolerance by the many who consumed it, but there was none. It was solidarity, support and tolerance shown to the government. To the extent for protein people resorted to the poor man’s food, which is lentils, only to end up taking pills to control anxiety and depression of the spiraling prices of the basic commodity. Was there any intolerance, were there riots? Indians showed tolerance to the Marie Antoinette of a decision, where if you can’t have beef have lentil, if you can’t have both, have a chill pill. Indians are promised of Acche Din Ayengey, meaning Good Days will come. Confident India and Indians are showing support and tolerance and patiently awaiting the Acche Din, even if many have to scavenge food from the bin.

Artists or other award winners returning the awards should not be given importance; especially cine artists who feel the country has become intolerant. Cine artists whose some movies we should be intolerant too on the contrary.  Instead India and Indians patronize such illogical, nonsensical and idiotic movies and making them box office busters. These same cine artists who allege intolerance promote colas and other unhealthy lifestyle products and India and Indians show tolerance and patronize the products. Media which is a pimp of an Institution can prostitute any insignificant and irrelevant news, and we consume it with tolerance.

The more we tolerate the more we are subjected to what we are experiencing. It’s time it is battled with courage. Otherwise soon we would be known, not just an intolerant nation but an impotent one, with potency only to prove our population growth.

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