Tuesday, May 14, 2024


Adha Padha Kaun Padha??

A slang peom used during my childhood when someone broke the wind. 

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This is exactly what Jaikishan Kakubhai Shroff is attempting by breaking wind to stay in the news? For those who don't know who this fart is? He is none other than a poor mediocre actor in Bollywood know as Jackie Shroff. Someone who is ashamed to even use his real name, now has filed a petition in Delhi Court to seek legal protection of his style of talking, mimicking his acting and using the word Bhidu. Bhidu means a colloquial style of addressing a friend. Something like buddy.

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So what about all the characters Jackie Shroff poorly enacted on screen. Somebody could have been mimicked. So should all who feel this poor actor mimicked them, sue him? Is this not a waste of judiciary time to seek legal protection for something so trivial? My street stray dog I call him Jackie, my cat I call him Bhidu so will Jaikishan Kakubhai Shroff sue me? 

This is a man who abused Marathi language and now wants protection for his tapori street lingo

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Next time someone breaks wind and they want to know who did it they will say 'Adha Padha Kaun Padha, Jackie Padha' So JKS please seek legal protection to the way you break wind. As you are a poor actor, but definitely a good fart.

BTW did his son Jai Hemant Shroff fart?

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Apna Time Ayega (My time will.come)

This video confirms that death is not some random happening. It happens in the time of an Universal clock. The Universe decides.


It could be war, natural calamities, disease, hunger, whatever, but if your time has not come, you don't go. Why few saved and not everyone, is something that cannot be intellectualised by our small human brain?

Mysteries of the Universe are still being tried to be understood. With telescopes being sent millions of miles into space and there are new findings that cannot be deciphered, understood and still researched. Similarly on earth too, we may think we have understood it all, but we may have only scratched the surface.

With the scratch of knowledge, we pride with our success of material possession, intellect, status, physical looks. Not realising like the lyrics of the song 'Apna Time Ayega', where a line reads 'Tu nanga hi tho aya hai, ganta lekhey jayega.' Meaning you have come naked and you will take nothing when you go.

So the song 'Apna Time Ayega', was actually to motivate you to believe that your success is inevitable and your time will come. Then again what you measure as success is relative. Whether you are successful or not, death will surely come to you, unlike success which you have to work hard for, and many a times with all the hard you may still not be successful.

So don't fret and be discouraged with what you can or could not achieve, but what is important is did you try? If you try, you may not not succeed, but if you did not try, you definitely will not succeed. Let happiness be a part of the journey to whatever you want to achieve. As in the end even if you achieve it not, what is important you stay happy. As many have achieved ot all but had been very unhappy and died unhappy.

Finally when death has to come, don't let it be happy to take you, but sad it had to take you happy. So if there is another version of the song, 'Apna Time Ayega', the lyrics would read

Tu nanga hi tho aya hai
Kushi sey tu jayega
Apna time ayega
Kushiyan batkar jayega


You came naked
Happy did you go
Your time will come
Happiness you will share and go

Tuesday, May 07, 2024


What if Jesus was guiding us during this elections in India?

The thought that came to my mind when I saw the boring spiel of Oswald Gracias shared on social media. As boring as his sermons.


Ashamed address him as Cardinal, His Excellency, Your Holiness or Your Grace, as he is someone who has Police FIRs against him? Allegation of corruption and someone who does not qualify to be a Cardinal but also does not qualify to be a priest? Then he is someone who is imposed as a Cardinal on the Indian Catholic Church by a white man in Rome? Can we the clergy and laity not decide who should be our Church leaders in India? As no where in the near future or even till the second  coming will we see an Indian as a Pope, as it would always be a white man? Then if we end up with an Indian Pope, like Oswald, it is better we have a white man?

What if Jesus was guiding us during this elections in India? Would he lace his talk with spiritual blabbery and the call to pray? He did not do that when he was a kid, debating on the scriptures with the elders in the temple? He did not pray and  then whip the traders out the temple? He did not make a speech. All he did whipped them out saying one statement, "Do not make my Father's house a place a den of thieves".

So too Oswald could have mustered the courage and made one simple statement, "Do not vote for BJP." Salute the brave clergy including Nuns in India who are openly creating awareness of BJP atrocities and educating the laity. Oswald needs to come down his ivory castle of AB house, step down his leather throne, shed off his fancy dress attire and be more modest in his dressing sense and taken a trip to Manipur when it was in flames. A trip to places where Churches are being burnt and vandalized. First reach to those who need you and then preach. Jesus did the same. He was not only preaching in Synagogues or public places. He was reaching out to those that needed to be healed and then preaching. 

Thursday, May 02, 2024


A palm that will hold me

I have seen politicians on TV and few in close proximity and they reeked a foul rotten stinking odor of corruption. It was worse than the odor of a sewer we experience in some pockets of Mumbai. Their stinking odor is also brazenly displayed with their display of wealth of the cars they move in and the sudden surge of their financial levels and material possession. Then is their shamelessness to declare that they will make our lives better?

Whose lives are getting better is an open book. Every rule.of the book is abused and these politicians get away with it. To the extent we have the present govt. even planning to ammend the book of the Constitution of India, to make it a religious majority governed country. The state of religious governed countries in the world is another open tattered book.

When Congress was voted out of power in 2014, India was euphoric with the hope of a better India, termed as Acche Din (good days) and that turned out to be only a din. A similar slogan was raised by Atal Bihari Vajpayee in 2004 'Shining India' and that led to their darkness in the political arena. So too this Acche Din would be the bin for the Modi govt. If they unfortunately come back to power it would Acche Din for them, their families and their cronie capitalist friends. How safe is an India with major industries including utilities like electricity and telecommunications and tomorrow maybe water controlled by few individuals?

Being politically neutral and agnostic, I attended a political public meeting of an election campaign which was campaigning for Mrs. Varsha Gaikwad. What struck me with amazement was her humility. Then her story of rising from poverty to the education levels she acquired and that too with flying colors and using her acumen of knowledge in education to drive political decisions in the field of education. She did not make tall promises of 15 lakhs in every citizen's Bank account or hope of a Acche Din. What came across was the conviction of her wanting to be a Acche Insaan first and then a Acche Neta. Meaning a good human being first and then a good politician.

Mudslinging is what is now happening where news channels that conduct debates, show mannerless and shameless politicians or political spokespersons trying to prove how bad is the stink of corruption of the opposing party. So it is proving how bad the other is and not able to prove how good they are? I don't want to promote a party, but yes would like to confirm my vote for Mrs. Vasha Gaikwad, who party symbol is a palm of the hand. I don't know if I would have the palm of the party who I can reach out for help if they win this election, but I definitely am convinced that I have the palm of Mrs. Varsha Gaikwad who I could reach out too, irrespective she wins or not. As either ways I know I have her voice that will speak for me and her palm that will always hold me. Confident that many in North East Central, especially Bandra, Khar, Santacruz would reach out their palms in support for Mrs. Varsha Gaikwad to strengthen her palm to work for us.

Thank you Cornel Gonsalves and your team, the family who gave their premises free to have the meeting and political associates who ensured a beautiful evening yesterday. An evening of  creating awareness and to make Bandra the Queen of the suburbs once gain. Today Bandra stands in tatters of dug up roads, bad footpaths, Catholic graveyards wanting to be taken in the name of infrastructure development. However Bandra will be graceful and benevolent to give this govt. a decent burial this elections.

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