Sunday, December 31, 2023


Liar Liar....

Cardinal Oswald Gracias supports Pope Francis, who feels the Gay Community needs to be included and accepted and blessed for their sexual orientation.

This is not about whether a person being gay is right or wrong. This is about Catdinal Oswald trying to prove acceptance of gays as a part of Indian culture. Which Temple, Mosque, Gurudwara, Synagogue or any other religious Institution gives a religious approval for homosexual union. Trying to camouflage it as a blessing and not a marriage is a weak statement. So is there no blessing in a marriage or is it only a dressing of western suit and gowns? Cardinal Oswald cannot justify a western culture and acceptance into religion saying it is a part of Indian culture. Acceptance into society and legal rights is different from approval into religion.

Why did Cardinal Oswald need a Pope's announcement to prove it is a part of Indian culture? Why could he not have the courage to declare it before that? So is this a back door entry for gay priests? As cases of guys in the clergy is in public domain. The Vatican and the Church's attempt to brush it under the carpet of the Altar is not able to hide it. The informed laity seeing such priests on the Altar is having many lose faith.

Cardinal Oswald cannot get selective to prove a point in Vatican announcement as a part of Indian Culture. It's time Indian culture is a part of the Church and not the other way around. Vatican modifying prayers adding a mystery to the rosary and we are suppose to just accept without questioning? Who gives white men in Rome supremacy to decide and dictate and then Cardinal Oswald a slave to the white men in Rome trying to justify it as Indian culture. Where is India's clergy leadership, views and voice that shapes and dictates views in the Catholic Church? 

The problem is appointment of Bishops and Cardinals are decided by the the white men in Vatican, so the Indian clergy will always be slaves to the white man in Rome. Then accept the laity to be sheep and they sheperds. An analogy which the laity is longer going to accept being regaled to as animals and the clergy as sheperds. Many in the laity are well and more informed that most in the clergy. It's time the laity decides who should be a Bishop and a Cardinal. These should be clergy, brave and of moral character who don't take orders but are a part of a team that decides and not just one white man who decides on his whims and fancy.

Cardinal Oswald your comparison of gays to being a part of Indian culture is lies. Liar Liar, your cassock is on fire

Wednesday, December 13, 2023


To be or not to be is the confusion.

A recent article on Pope's diktats being cared two hoots by the Indian clergy in Kerala. Apparently a state which is called 'God's own country'. The confusion is whether the priests should face the altar or face the congregation during mass

Many countries especially Africa and Kerala in India are getting loudly vocal to the white men, in joker two cone pointed hats in the Vatican. The message is do not dictate on how to conduct their rituals during Mass and other religious practices. There is a lot of culture deep rooted, in history which cannot be white washed by some white idiots in Vatican. More so because of their illiteracy and ignorance of cultures. All they know is a colonist mindset to rule which is failing. Christianity first came to India with St. Thomas a disciple of Christ and who brought the teachings of Christ to Kerala. This got corrupted by Portuguese and British colonists who brought their corrupted version of their Bible and rituals.

Another recent video is projecting yoga as demonic and devil worship. A video by a Catholic priest who himself looks demonic

The video goes to show how some postures are a worship to the serpent spirit. A white dove can be a holy spirit in Christianity but a serpent is bad. In Indian culture snakes are worshipped and respected. Who gives any clergy the bloody authority to decide whether it is bad or not compatible with Christianity? Just because in the Bible the devil took the form of a serpent to tempt Eve, does it make the serpent bad? The devil took the form of a serpent, like how today the devil has taken the form of the clergy who sexually exploit children, fornication, have secret families, involve in land scams and financial frauds. Tomorrow another idiot in Vatican may claim the Apple is a forbidden fruit. The world believes an Apple a day keeps the Doctor away. Wondering which fruit would keep the devils in clergy away. Then hanging crystals is bad. So is crucifix is good? Is that not an inanimate object?

What posture did Christ pray in the Garden of Gethsemane? It was with his face to the ground. Is that not a yoga posture. A posture which he learnt in India. Yes in India which is the missing years of Christ in the Bible. BBC has documented the missing period and traced it to Christ being in India. The Vatican would have a problem accepting it as then it would change the entire course of Christian teaching. Just like the Dead Sea Scrolls which has a lot of Biblical facts missing from today's doctored Bible.

What posture priests do on Good Friday. They prostrate with their face facing the ground before commencement of the holy service. Does that not represent a yogic pose?

So insteading of debating, arguing and dictating whether the clergy should face the altar or face the congregation, start contemplating and thinking if God is facing you or have we left him with no face to show

Saturday, December 02, 2023


Red Christmas

Elvis Presley's song 'Blue Christmas', is about having Christmas without a loved one. We have been celebrating Christmas without Jesus for over two thousand years. No one ever felt blue without Jesus. It's not about the season of Christmas where we celebrate his birth. That's not Christmas. That's an excuse to have a festive reason for celebration. To the extent in America even greetings of 'Happy Christmas' is replaced with 'Happy Holidays'. Reason being it resonates with a wider audience with people of other faith. How much inclusive are we trying to become? To the extent of even having Christ out of Christmas?

What Christmas are we planning to celebrate this year? When land were Jesus traversed is flowing in blood. Even Jesus may have not suffered as gruesome a death like many of the innocent civilians have faced in the bloody war between Israel and Palestine. Many of them infants. Atleast Jesus was given an embalming tomb burial. Here dead bodies are not even in body bags but in black garbage bin bags. Hospitals in ruins and medication performed by Doctors with torch or mobile lights. 

The wise men who came to visit Jesus were guided by the light of a star. Here we are seeing bloody carnage live, light up on our TV screens. What about the hundreds of infants being killed in the war. Atleast Jesus was saved from Herod, where the wise men were guided back home through a different route. What route could these who were brutally killed take? Killed in their own homes? Jesus atleast had the warmth of a Manger, here war effected innoncents especially kids don't even have a roof and taking shelter in rubbles. A wild thought, what if one of these infants killed was The Second Coming? Killed at birth even before he could redeem the world?

So this Christmas when you put decorations of red on a green Christmas Tree it won't be the same dear, for those living in the land of Jesus, in fear

And when those snow flakes start falling
Remember the blood drops that are dripping

You will be doing all right
With your Christmas of white
and your parties at night
Then there will be many who will be having a red red red red Christmas.

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