Wednesday, December 13, 2023


To be or not to be is the confusion.

A recent article on Pope's diktats being cared two hoots by the Indian clergy in Kerala. Apparently a state which is called 'God's own country'. The confusion is whether the priests should face the altar or face the congregation during mass

Many countries especially Africa and Kerala in India are getting loudly vocal to the white men, in joker two cone pointed hats in the Vatican. The message is do not dictate on how to conduct their rituals during Mass and other religious practices. There is a lot of culture deep rooted, in history which cannot be white washed by some white idiots in Vatican. More so because of their illiteracy and ignorance of cultures. All they know is a colonist mindset to rule which is failing. Christianity first came to India with St. Thomas a disciple of Christ and who brought the teachings of Christ to Kerala. This got corrupted by Portuguese and British colonists who brought their corrupted version of their Bible and rituals.

Another recent video is projecting yoga as demonic and devil worship. A video by a Catholic priest who himself looks demonic

The video goes to show how some postures are a worship to the serpent spirit. A white dove can be a holy spirit in Christianity but a serpent is bad. In Indian culture snakes are worshipped and respected. Who gives any clergy the bloody authority to decide whether it is bad or not compatible with Christianity? Just because in the Bible the devil took the form of a serpent to tempt Eve, does it make the serpent bad? The devil took the form of a serpent, like how today the devil has taken the form of the clergy who sexually exploit children, fornication, have secret families, involve in land scams and financial frauds. Tomorrow another idiot in Vatican may claim the Apple is a forbidden fruit. The world believes an Apple a day keeps the Doctor away. Wondering which fruit would keep the devils in clergy away. Then hanging crystals is bad. So is crucifix is good? Is that not an inanimate object?

What posture did Christ pray in the Garden of Gethsemane? It was with his face to the ground. Is that not a yoga posture. A posture which he learnt in India. Yes in India which is the missing years of Christ in the Bible. BBC has documented the missing period and traced it to Christ being in India. The Vatican would have a problem accepting it as then it would change the entire course of Christian teaching. Just like the Dead Sea Scrolls which has a lot of Biblical facts missing from today's doctored Bible.

What posture priests do on Good Friday. They prostrate with their face facing the ground before commencement of the holy service. Does that not represent a yogic pose?

So insteading of debating, arguing and dictating whether the clergy should face the altar or face the congregation, start contemplating and thinking if God is facing you or have we left him with no face to show

Hmmmm v well written
Needs some serious deliberation
Very well written and absolutely lucid in a readable manner
Should be taken very seriously
Some very serious obsevations & points to ponder.
Well written article
These men never understood any Biblical principles. Where in the Holy Bible is homosexuality sanctioned? Work of a perverted demented antichrist. Wake up Catholics?
Where in the Holy Bible is homosexuality sanctioned? These are definitely violations of GOD'S commands. Work of demented perverted antichrist.
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