Sunday, May 14, 2023


My Mother an ATM

My Mom was my ATM. 'All Time Mother' and also 'Any Time Money' in my growing years. Especially my Boarding years where parents were allowed to visit on Sundays. That day she used to bring me a meal and snacks for the week which was my ATM, 'Any Time Munching' that would not last through the week as it would be shared with other boarders. Some times flicked by others. For some strange reason, I don't know why we used to call snacks loading. So when hungry we used to ask "Anyone has loading". We also knew who had the hoarding of loading and how to download it, was an art perfected.

Mummy was also ATM, 'Any Time Medicine', being a nurse medicines were always at home for any illness. Not just for the family but the entire neighborhood. ATM, 'Any Time Matron' for emergencies in the neighborhood. As I grew Mummy became ATM, 'All Time Monitoring'. Guess being the only child she wanted me to be the best a ademically and I turned out to be the worst. To the extent when I failed an year in school, she was still an ATM, 'All Time Motivating' and strengthening me to handle the 'All The Mocking'. Ashamed to accept that I was never an ideal son and lucky to have had a Mother who I never deserved.

Though she would break but never show as I showed no signs of making it in life. She continued being ATM, 'Always the Mentor'. Never would allow anyone to speak ill of me even though there was nothing good about me to speak about. As I grew into adulthood, Mummy and I became more of friends and less of a Mother and son. Though I could never contribute with my presence near her. Boarding, then few years of employment and then overseas. A regret I feel hard to let go. Especially as she was ailing in her last few years, I could not be there for her if she needed anything, where I could proudly tell "Any Time Mummy if you need anything". 

I know I could have done more but did not as most of the time I guess I took my Mother a lot for granted. Just meandered a lot of my life and just when fate of Lady Luck smiled on me, my Mummy passed away. No opportunity to show her my ATM, 'All The Mementoes' of achievements in career, especially a home as we came from very challenging background, where a home was concerned. My wife and I after having a son we had our second child through adoption. She passed away after a month of my wife and I getting our second child home. Guess that was all she wanted to see.....

.....leaving me with only 'All The Memories'

Will miss aunty always. Avery humble and gentle lady. I will never forget her kind sevices she rendered for my dad.Giving my dad his injection before going on duty. I will always be in debt of her for this selfless deed God bless her and she may be granted the highest position in heaven
Well penned Sunny, a true dedication to mum and a pleasure to read.
A moving tribute to mum, Sunny.
Just wow brought tears to my soulso well penned
A Touching Memoir. (ATM). Photo and Ur lines made me revisit Esplanade MnsN, DBosco & all the Back files of 80s scene sceneries come alive wonderfully. She was MUMMY To Me Also.TNK U Sunny
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