Monday, May 22, 2023


Old currency new cowdung

The word Bullshit is a metaphor associated with rubbish and lies. Cowdung on the other hand in India is considered holy, with healing properties that cure cancer and even shield from atomic radiation, if applied on to the body. These are statements made by political or religious representatives on TV programs. So replacing Bullshit with Cowdung to make the lies more Indian. Like make in India. This is lie in India

So now to cowdung reasons for the latest move of phasing out Rs. 2000/- currency note. One cowdung reason is to introduce a 'clean note policy'. Instead of a 'clean government', the focus to divert attention to 'clean currency.' Then was the cowdung of notes having nano chips that could be detected by satellites which was fuelled by 'Ghodi Media' (media in the lap of the government). Financial criminals get a safe getaway and no agency was able to stop them or maybe the agencies ensured their safe passage and here we were fed with cowdung of currency that be tracked by satellite?

How much cowdung is the government going to feed and how much more we as citizens going to consume this holy dung. The claim of curbing Black Money. How intelligent was it to ban a Rs.1000 note and replace it with a Rs.2000 note. Made it more easier for Black Market hoarding of currency. Coins minted are of same dimension with different value. E.g. 10 and 20 Rs coin. 1 and 2 Rs. coin, which is difficult to make out. Could they not make different shapes like a round edge square coin or a coin with a hole. Then with a government that is burning holes in the Banking System and economy why the need for a coin with a hole. 

What would be the cowdung of security features that should be incorporated in the new currency note planned. One should be a picture of our Supreme Leader due to his rising global popularity. Then it should also feature a picture of a tea kettle. This would be to honor his humble alleged beginning as a tea vendor at a railway station. Something that cannot be proved as there was no railway station in that location at that time, where he alleged to have sold tea. Similar to his educational qualifications from an Unibersity and not an University, and neither the qualification be proven?

As bribe in India is called Chai Paani (Tea and water) it would be easy to transact with how much Chai Pani a corrupt official would want. The note will be cowdung infused so that it can ward of future viruses. Like how banging vessels and ringing bells could ward of Corona Virus. The note will also have a self destruct feature like Mission Impossible gadgets, which will self destruct if it gets into the hands of criminals and terrorists. Best security feature would be the currency would be impossible to be duplicated and made into fake currency, as there would already be a picture of a feku (someone who fakes promises) on the note. The eyes of our Supreme Leader on the currency bill would be imbedded with AI. This will give live location update of the location of the currency and people transacting with it.

This is a brief synopsis of cowdung on the features of the new currency. Now the choice is in the finger of every Indian, next year during elections. Didn't want want to mention hand of every Indian as would confuse with a party symbol. That hand too was involved in corruption but there was not so much of cowdung.

Think before you vote or there would be more note ban or phase out of currency notes and new currency notes introduced with additional cowdung features to divert attention from core issues as unemployment, inflation, infrastructure, etc. A country that wants to be a 5 Trillion US Dollar economy cannot have a secure safe currency note and neither safe banks to deposit into. 

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