Friday, May 19, 2023


Idiots in the laity

To the few ethnic origin discriminators in the laity of the Catholic Church of Bombay

Humans like to prove superiority of our ethnic origins of where our ancestors originated and how we followed our faith especially in the Catholic religion with the cultural influences in India.

This is good when we collectively enjoy the diversity of the festivities in the faith. Festivities which are more rooted to the land and has nothing to do with Catholicism or other Christian sects. On the contrary some of it are Hindu traditions with a mixture of Portuguese and colonial influence.

When ethnic origins become discriminatory that's when the rot starts to eminate. Communal cliques are normal in the Catholic Church. The problem gets murky when it seeps into the clergy. A recent expose of clergy sex scams has shown a majority involved being South Indian Catholic priests. The matter gets into ethnic garbage segregation by few with poor knowledge of history (even poorer in faith and plain idiots) in the laity by highlighting the ethnic origins of the Priests. 

Reasons could be maybe the commencement of the Christian faith in Kerala with the arrival of St. Thomas. Then the colonial arrival of Vasco Da Gama in Kerala and the first Church in India established in Kerala. Though many still are not aware that Vasco Da  Gama arrived in Kerala first. Then till today many don't know who found America and credit it to Christopher Colombus.

Some (or many) get into religious vocations to escape poverty. Especially Nuns as many families cannot afford the ugly scourge of dowry system prevalent in India. Religious going rogue in morality, ethics and honesty has nothing to do with origins of an Individual. The Cardinal of Bombay on whom there is an FIR and many  alleged corruption accusation. He is not a South Indian, unless some would like to prove his lineage with Darwin's theory to find out he came from a brood of monkey in South India. Rogue elements with poor morality and honesty in clergy was there, is there and will be there in the Catholic Church and also too in all religions. Judas went rogue and turned against Christ. So from the genesis of Adam and Eve to Judas at the time of Christ Christ, many went rogue and betrayed God.

So too humans in religious life (not just South Indians) will betray not just God, but prey on the laity with sexual crimes, squander the donations given by the Laity and cheat them of their land. Then what needs to be saluted are those in the clergy who dare to stand up and speak the truth. Even at the cost of being crucified with defrocking and getting excommunicated from priesthood.

Latest is Fr. Ajimon Puthiyaparamabil who has quit priesthood to take a slingshot at the Goliath of corruption in the Church.

To the idiots in the laity of the Church, Fr. Ajimon is a South Indian from Kerala.

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