Sunday, June 30, 2024


Mumbaikar to ...

The government's corrupt practise of giving flats to land encroachers is nothing but vote bank politics and abatement to crime of land grabbing? Why should anyone be given free homes when they have illegally encroached on public property? Then post encroachment they are given electricity and water? So is this not legalizing encroachment? Then to fool citizens giving a cut of date to legalise illegal properties prior to a certain date would be legal to get free housing?

This is not saying the poor and marginalized be not taken care. If you are giving free homes, then don't allow them to be sold. Slum Rehabilitation Authority is allowing sale of these flats after 10 years. So basically these illegal encroachments get free housing and free long term investment. In Bandra West in Mumbai, home to celebrities and the ugly rich, SRA flats of around 250 square feet are getting sold for minimum 75 lakhs plus approx 89000 USD. All this for politicians to farm votes? It is just apathy and 'it does not effect me attitude' of the citizens that the politicians are exploiting.

A simple solution would be giving free homes with a condition it cannot be sold. Let these houses be given for 50 years lease and after that the government takes it over. Presuming in next 50 years that there would be no more slums. If after 50 years of giving a roof a generation is not able to buy a house in the suburbs, then let them be located to far off suburbs, with same conditions when they get their first free home. Or every SRA sale ensure is taxed to 100% of land reckoner value. Then no one will buy it. Ideal is no voting rights to those living on encroached land. This way politicians vote bank will bankrupt.

If citizens don't awake now, Mumbai will soon be a Slum Capital of India. As anyways Dharavi is the largest slum cluster in Asia. Which is now planned to be given to a capitalist who is allegedly going to change it? Change it to what? Where slums would be cramed into matchbox dwellings and these buildings cramped so close that you can virtually walk across the other building from any floor. So basically taking horizontal slums and making them vertical?

The balance land the capitalist builds swanky glass facade buildings with no concern to damage to the environment or ecology of the place. A place which has a river that is called Mithi river, meaning sweet river now a sewer of industrial and human waste. So this capitalist will laugh his way to the Bank and Mumbai retains it's title of financial capital of the world. Resulting in the average Mumbaikar who in a slumber to be a known as a slumbaikar? Wake up Mumbai before it's too late. 

Thursday, June 20, 2024



India was, is and will be the spiritual destination of the world. Many don't know the meaning of spirituality an connect it to religion and man made rituals. Very simple meaning is humanity.

For attaining spirituality you don't even need a Guru or even education. It is simple ingrained awareness not to harm any living thing or being. Being compassionate and a heart that loves, cares and reaches out.

Yoga which is actually pronounced as yog is not exercising just the physical body, but also the mental and spiritual state. As Yog travelled beyond India with the first ambassadors being Buddhist monks it went to China and became the birth place of Shaolin Temple. A temple that was built by Boddhidharma an Indian who went to China. A monk who added an art form to Yog practices and is known today as Kung Fu.

All major martial arts form in the world have a direct link to an Indian Martial Arts,. Kallaripaittu which again is a form of yog at its core practice. From yog also was the genesis of medical practise of Ayurveda. Even Jesus during his visit to India learnt the ancient art of Yog, which helped him to meditate for 40 days and 40 nights before his crucification. Meditation a part of yog is what leads to enlightenment which is called Siddhi in sanskrit. An enlightened form of consciousness that gives powers to heal. Something that Buddha did after attaining salvation and consciousness.This was 600 years before Christ. Both these spiritually aware souls did the same healing of the sick and preaching love

Yog also means destiny. I pride my destiny to be born in the land of Yog and spiritual salvation. A salvation not something you attain after death. Something you attain when alive.

May you enjoy the happiness, peace and bliss of this day that pays respects to Yog

Have a blessed and happy Yog day in awareness of the beautiful spiritual art form

Sunday, June 16, 2024


The knife that cuts to divide

As we celebrate the holy and auspicious festival of Eid Al-Adha and it is commemoration with a sacrifice of a goat or a lamb, let us not sacrifice ourselves to the following kinives

Politicians that cut us on religious lines.

Media that cut the reputation of a community.

Law that uses justice to cut partially on a person's faith and belief.

Religious leaders and priests that cut us from respecting other faiths.

The knife of stereotyping a community as bad and evil.

Any religion that cuts out other Gods  with indoctrination of their God as the only God and you cannot respect other Gods. Or have any other Gods above HIM.

The knives of discrimination that women are inferior to men. Where a woman cannot take her own decisions and make choices?

The knife of sexual orientation of God mostly as male and not a female.

The dagger of Apostasy that demands the death of a person if he or she leaves a religion. This is not religion as no God would want anyone of HIS or HER creation to be bound in fear and not faith.

The knife of using any holy book as law. Holy books are for moral values and not legal frame work. That's besides both, holy books and the legal system has not driven a sense of humanity and justice in today's world.

The knife of selfishness that cuts what is the right of another, for one's personal greed.

The sword that cuts love in-between a man and a woman on religious grounds.

The knife of racism, caste and creed

Finally using God and religion for cutting humanity to the world we are living in today.

Eid Mubarak

Thursday, June 13, 2024


Father don't preach (Part II)

A parishioner was once very sweetly, courteously and lovingly requested by the Parish Priest, to not read the theme of the reading. Something which is there in the gospel. Then the reading ends with something like 'The word of the Lord', where the reader read as 'This is the word of our Lord'. Something that sounded more personal of a God which is ours, was requested to read as it is printed. So is the theme of the gospel printed. Then reading the responsorial psalm, not to guide the congregation to say the response?

Who makes these bloody rules? Earlier after communion, the announcements used to be read, followed by the final blessing. Which changed to a part of the final prayer, then the congregation made to sit and then rise again for the final blessings. What was the problem with earlier format? Did the Church realise that the congregation gets bored with the sermon of the priests and even the way they say mass, so make them exercise a bit to stay awake?

Responses like when the priest says "The Lord be with you and peace be with you" responded by the congregation "and also with your spirit", which was earlier said as "and also with you". Why is the priest not giving the prayer to the spirit of the congregation that the congregation has to respond the prayer reciprocated to his spirit? Like dying vocations, are the spirit of the priest dying that they need the congregation to charge it? Prayers getting changed like the 'I confess', where a line changed to read as 'thru my fault' repeated thrice? Was once not enough for God to hear? Then to strike the chest thrice as the congregation says it? Even communion serving has become a confusion, some parishioners take it served on the tongue, some take in-between two fingers,.some take it handed over in their palm. All this because we wanted to ape the western culture of mass.or a diktat by a white idiot in Rome. A simple Lord's prayer became a passage out of Shakespeare's writing.

Francis as a Pope is someone who has realised that vocations do lack the quality of preaching which can enrich the congregation in faith and belief. Time is now the priests stop telling laity how to read and what to read, instead showcase the laity in how they lead their daily lives. Are they involved with the laity? How many times do they meet Parsihoners and spend time with families? Is it just one ritual of few minutes spent in a year to bless homes? Not to mention financial scams, land frauds, sexual crimes of the clergy, where they don't have the courage to preach how they are failing the Church.

Thank God that Francis is requesting the clergy to cut down their boring sermons to 8 minutes. Wish it could be 8 seconds. 

Select the below link to open the news article

Ideally priests be requested to shut up, stop preaching and start reaching the flock who they are a sheperd to. No sheperd has ever give a sermon to his flock of sheep.

Friday, June 07, 2024


Halal Indians?

Is it the Congress that does appeasement politics towards the minority Muslim community? Or is it the majority of the 80% Indians?

This video will explain who is actually doing Muslim appeasement?

Why are Hindus patronizing Halal products? Why did Modi in his 10 year of dictatorial regime and anti Muslim tirade not ban Halal certification in India? If he could ban triple talaq then why not ban Halal certification? An absolute no brainer, it was to promote capitalist business economy. If beef consumption against Hindu religious beliefs, why was it allowed in certain states? Who are the largest beef exporters in India? Is it Muslims or the Hindus? If Hindus they belonged to which party? Congress? Why are Baba Ramdev's Patanjali products Halal Certified? Is Baba Ramdev a Muslim? Or when it comes to business, Hindu Muslim Bhai Bhai? 

Where does the Halal certification tax go to? Is it going into thr Indian tax coffers? Why is it going to the Muslim community Organisation's? Where do they use that money? Money paid by 80% percent Indians who forced to buy Halal Certified products, who after paying tax are now forced to pay Halal approval tax over it? Why should Indians pay halal tax? Just because the one man's food is another man's religious poison?

Modi's Hindu appeasement towards Hindus actually proved him to be a Ravan, where Lord Ram burnt his Lanka of political dictatorial ambitions? Lord Ram never wanted a temple to house him, he wanted a temple in the hearts of our leaders. Like how Hanuman had Lord Ram and his wife Sita in his heart. When Lord Ram was ousted from his kingdom of Ayodhya for 14 years, he gave the reins of power to his brother. Bharat never sat on the throne, but instead kept the footwear of Lord Ram on the throne, as he believed that Lord Ram was the rightful ruler. Bharat when he was a custodian care taker of Ayodhya in the absence of Lord Ram, he never named Ayodhya after himself. Modi trying to name India as Bharat to please the Hindus, and the Hindus 'bulldozed' the Modi's Yogi out of power in Ayodhya, with a huge margin. Why? As majority of Hindu homes and even temples were bulldozed to make an infrastructure around Ram Temple? Were those God's in those demolished temples an inferior God?

Modi was given the reins of power by Lord Ram who resides in every Indian and voted him into power. Instead what did Modi do? Regaled himself to the throne and wanted to keep Indians under his dictatorship? Divided Indians on religious lines. To the extent even divided Hindus? When Ram Temple was inaugurated, why was the President of India not called to inaugurate it? Because she belonged to a lower tribal class of Hindus? When did Hindus have a Halal class of Hindus?

If there is Halal certification happening in a secular country, it is completely wrong. If there is an impotent government, be it BJP or Congress, that cannot ban it, then Indians should ban Halal Certified products. Time for Indians to see the Halal business the country or the government is patronising with politics. Ensuring Halal appeasement to Muslim communities in India and globally, and forcing Indians be Halal Indians? Many countries in Europe are banning Halal products.

So wake up India and smell the coffee. Just make sure the coffee is not halal

Tuesday, June 04, 2024


Prime Minister to....

This election wrap was a rap on the face of BJP and also on their base. Pun unintended as base referred to their base of voters. The old English saying proven right, you can fool some people all the time but you cannot fool all the people all the time. So BJP basking in the glory of a win is actually a win with the numbers of crutches of other parties that support BJP. 

Even earlier BJP was in power was with alliance partners, who they could bully and arm twist, because of their strength alone in numbers. This time it's twisted bad for the BJP and its rock and roll for the alliance partners who will push BJP to a dead end rock with their demands or roll their dice to drop the government. The only other option for BJP is to project another face as PM, as Modi's face is no longer politically erotic and neither is his deflated 56" chest. The balloon of Modi is pricked and is flying like a balloon that is released with its air shooting it up, only to fall down soon. 

Parties now aligned with BJP have been partners in the bed of poiltics with the Congress INDI Alliance in the past. What will stop them now demanding what position they want to play in bed with BJP.NDA alliance? They too may demand a position on top?

Many  Hindus did not get swayed with the religious ideology. That was the only weak platform on which Modi stood. Trying to prove his mettle by building a temple for Lord Ram, by destroying a mosque which was built destroying a temple in the past. Indians don't want destruction of a past, they want construction of a future. They don't want the world's tallest statue, but want a leader who can stand tall.

The world is moving ahead in science and technology and we are a still a sweat shop for technology corporates globally. We pride of having Indian CEOs in these global conglomerates and what are Indian Business leadership in India doing? Big fat Indian marriages in global destinations? Flaunting their wealth of material possessions? It is the corrupt political and weak legal system that is creating these Businesses Frankenstein Tycoons. Crores of their loans signed of as NPAs? Anil Ambani who declared himself bankrupt is living THE life, thanks to a corrupt political and weak legal system.

So the NDA which won the last time with a sweeping victory this time it is a scrapping, where BJP base (no pun intended) is bruised bad. Their attempts to show Modi as Prime Minister, would result him being relegated from a Prime Minister to a Puppet Minister in the hands of the allies?

Saturday, June 01, 2024


World knew Jesus because of....

The missing years of Christ was always alleged and confirmed by many that he was in India. The missing years from the age of 12 to 30, in the Bible is alleged he had his spiritual learning and enlightenment in India. Besides a BBC documentary and many videos, one of the alleged video claiming Jesus was in India. Select the below link to open the video

So if he spent nearly two decades in India, BJP should confirm his Indian citizenship and get his name registered in CAA and NRC. What Jesus did was a reverse brain drain of getting religious teaching and enlightenment in India and applying it in his country of birth which is now in some part of today's Israel. Then that part today, Palestinians claim is there's. So that confusion would get cleared once the war is over. 

So if Modi was there when Christ was around in India, Christ would atleast have an Indian nationality with an Aadhar card and PAN card, because of his number of years spent in India. As with Modi's claim of being everywhere he may even prove that he was there at the time of Jesus, when he was in India? Then with his claim of divinity and with his huge fan following he would blow the fan to even proving he taught Jesus all the divine teaching and healing. Modi will even probe he got a degree in entire religious studies from that time, like how now he has a degree in entire Political Science. The problem is whether he got it from an University or UniBersity, as the degree reads it be conferred by an Uniberisty. 

Thank God, that Modi did not follow Jesus to Jerusalem, as he would have been the third one to be crucified alongwith Jesus. Then even if he was crucified Modi would have risen on the 3rd day and helped Jesus to rise from the dead on the 4th day which would be Monday. Monday, because Modi recently claimed that Sunday holiday in India is because of Christianity that came to India. Irony is Modi was born on a Sunday. 

Then it would be because of Modi that the world not only knew Jesus but he was also resurrected. 

Come tomorrow elections result will confirm if Modi would be crucified in the history of Indian politics. Or if he comes again, would he claim to be the second coming? Or would it be his 3rd coming in Politics. Hope the 2nd coming was his last.

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