Monday, February 10, 2025
Budget or .........
The recent budget got everyone excited or fooled that upto 12 lakhs of Income you pay no income tax. On the contrary it was just optics jugglery of numbers and the Ghodi Media (Media that sits on the lap of the government) and intellectual idiots that garnish the garbage of filth praised by financial news anchors.
The carrot on the stick or the stick up the citizens gives an impression of the savings each bracket of income could save or will have extra to spend. How long are we going to be fooled or are we bloody fools. The below video if it does not awake the nation, then we rather be put to sleep.
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What is allegedly shown as savings or extra money to spend is only paying for the same basic expenses, more. With inflation we end with less to spend and even less to spend on basics. The joke is the unemployment numbers. Highest in the history of India. Irony is even this class is paying tax, maybe not on income but expenditure. This government has been the most cruelest and corrupt of all cruel and the corrupt governments in the past. So cruel that basic staple food is taxed
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With imports into India over USD 800 billion, tax on imports have been raised. Adding salt to the injury with rupee falling so fast against the dollar, that it would have confused Newton with his discovery of universal gravity. Maybe he would have discovered India's fall to depravity. Needless to mention the stock market tumbling, like a clown in a circus tumbling down a flight of stairs. Confused should we be laughing or crying?
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This was less a budget and more a numerical fudge it.
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