Thursday, May 02, 2024


A palm that will hold me

I have seen politicians on TV and few in close proximity and they reeked a foul rotten stinking odor of corruption. It was worse than the odor of a sewer we experience in some pockets of Mumbai. Their stinking odor is also brazenly displayed with their display of wealth of the cars they move in and the sudden surge of their financial levels and material possession. Then is their shamelessness to declare that they will make our lives better?

Whose lives are getting better is an open book. Every rule.of the book is abused and these politicians get away with it. To the extent we have the present govt. even planning to ammend the book of the Constitution of India, to make it a religious majority governed country. The state of religious governed countries in the world is another open tattered book.

When Congress was voted out of power in 2014, India was euphoric with the hope of a better India, termed as Acche Din (good days) and that turned out to be only a din. A similar slogan was raised by Atal Bihari Vajpayee in 2004 'Shining India' and that led to their darkness in the political arena. So too this Acche Din would be the bin for the Modi govt. If they unfortunately come back to power it would Acche Din for them, their families and their cronie capitalist friends. How safe is an India with major industries including utilities like electricity and telecommunications and tomorrow maybe water controlled by few individuals?

Being politically neutral and agnostic, I attended a political public meeting of an election campaign which was campaigning for Mrs. Varsha Gaikwad. What struck me with amazement was her humility. Then her story of rising from poverty to the education levels she acquired and that too with flying colors and using her acumen of knowledge in education to drive political decisions in the field of education. She did not make tall promises of 15 lakhs in every citizen's Bank account or hope of a Acche Din. What came across was the conviction of her wanting to be a Acche Insaan first and then a Acche Neta. Meaning a good human being first and then a good politician.

Mudslinging is what is now happening where news channels that conduct debates, show mannerless and shameless politicians or political spokespersons trying to prove how bad is the stink of corruption of the opposing party. So it is proving how bad the other is and not able to prove how good they are? I don't want to promote a party, but yes would like to confirm my vote for Mrs. Vasha Gaikwad, who party symbol is a palm of the hand. I don't know if I would have the palm of the party who I can reach out for help if they win this election, but I definitely am convinced that I have the palm of Mrs. Varsha Gaikwad who I could reach out too, irrespective she wins or not. As either ways I know I have her voice that will speak for me and her palm that will always hold me. Confident that many in North East Central, especially Bandra, Khar, Santacruz would reach out their palms in support for Mrs. Varsha Gaikwad to strengthen her palm to work for us.

Thank you Cornel Gonsalves and your team, the family who gave their premises free to have the meeting and political associates who ensured a beautiful evening yesterday. An evening of  creating awareness and to make Bandra the Queen of the suburbs once gain. Today Bandra stands in tatters of dug up roads, bad footpaths, Catholic graveyards wanting to be taken in the name of infrastructure development. However Bandra will be graceful and benevolent to give this govt. a decent burial this elections.

Well Said Sunny.
I Truly Endorse your Comments.
We need such Politicians who really Care for the future of our Society.
Wish her all the best. Hope clean politicians can clean up the mess created.
if u see bandstands B.j rd people as residents hd been
severale unheard n ignorred complient to bmc n police 4hawkers n beggars but wen salmKhan was attacked all hawkers are removed .. tez surly temporarily
You nailed it. Well written.
I only hope that the new person taking charge is not corrupt and has the right intentions to uplift the society, the surroundings the roads and the Civic sense of people.
Mr Sunny, I am glad that, on interacting with MLA Varsha Gaikwad, you felt that this is one candidate (and thus Party too) through whom you hope to get your Achhe Din back. One thing you (and all others who feel the same as you) need to prevail upon her and her party bosses to not repeat the mistakes committed prior to 2014 - corruption, misuse of power by Vadra to enrich himself and the many scams exposed by Shree Anna Hazare and his co-activists during the IAC movement. This is essentual since public is in no mood for repetition of history. They trusted Modi to give us better and corruption-free governance. And now being utterly disappointed with Modi and his coalition, public deserves nothing less than transparency, accountability and clean governance.

Incidentally, a group of activists have prepared a list of commitments which need to be taken from every Candidate who approach us sedking vores. The list is on this link, if tgat is of interest to you :

Link : )

Thanks. :)

The palm had held us for 50 yrs by neck choking us , was not enough?
Mr Sunny, I am glad that, on interacting with MLA Varsha Gaikwad, you felt that this is one candidate (and thus Party too) through whom you hope to get your Achhe Din back. One thing you (and all others who feel the same as you) need to prevail upon her and her party bosses to not repeat the mistakes committed prior to 2014 - corruption, misuse of power by Vadra to enrich himself and the many scams exposed by Shree Anna Hazare and his co-activists during the IAC movement. This is essentual since public is in no mood for repetition of history. They trusted Modi to give us better and corruption-free governance. And now being utterly disappointed with Modi and his coalition, public deserves nothing less than transparency, accountability and clean governance.
My heart bleeds Sunny for the continued suffering of people who lost they hard earned life fortunes to predators .. I'd like to believe the new man has both the integrity and the strength to stand against tyranny to try to fix it .. but I'm too old to be optimistic
Sunny I am glad for your optimistic
article pardon my skepticism but I don't trust political class of any hue and colour bcos their fundamental policy is APNA KAAM BANTA TOH BHAD MEIN JAYE JANTA.
I have seen them at close quarters no scruples, no compassion. But the only passion is increase of their own opulence.
Varsha Gaikwad is a good worker. Her fathers and her work in Dharavi and transgender persons is well known to people who have seen her work. Mr Nikim is a good lawyer who became famous after Kasab and 9/11 case. He is new to the field of politics but a well read person in the field of law. Also for which party he represents and its ideology's if any he represents and the anger of people against this khoke govt and washing machine members. Is that the Govt. you wish for is the real question we should be thinking about. When we use our God given brains for justice, real development, existence with diginity, grace, understanding from where the pain comes and compassion. The choice is yours. As for me , "Amch tharlay" 🖐
Kudos . Sunny Fernandes. You hit the nail on the head. We need people like you to promote our cause against all these fascists. I wish Mrs Varsha Gaikwad all the very best of success and trust our Consustinuency will grow under her.
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