Monday, October 19, 2009


Chinese Masala

It was George Fernandes who blew the whistle years ago that India’s real enemy was not Pakistan but China. India forever continued to prove ability over Pakistan despite Pakistan continuously attacking us like termites and India doing only pest control. At the same time China continued pumping its strength and we continued ignoring or looking at it as kids who watch WWF wrestlers. What can the kid do besides be in awe of the huge hunks.

India’s protocol and proclamation of self resistance and solutions through dialogue is something what China cares a hoot for. We may have proven to China that one man from India could conquer China without a single soldier and through non violence, and that was Buddha. China will not tolerate another invasion of Indian supremacy through its current intellectual capital and economic growth. World superiority today is military and economic strength. So it is a catch 22 situation for India where it has economic strength but not military. China on the other hand focused on its military strength and also simultaneously built in economic strength. The economic strength of China though was on abuse of human rights and only America as its market which was again from a manufacturing level and not intellectual capital.

India continued its pursuit of intellectual economic growth and matched its military capabilities only with that of Pakistan which is anyways regaling itself to anarchy and self destruction. India continued to bask in its foolish glory of being a democracy, and not realizing that ultimately might is right. It’s like an old saying when you want to soar like an eagle you don’t keep company of chickens or compete with them. So if India wants to be a super power it cannot think it can be a David that can take on a Goliath like China. All diplomacy and dialogue channels are not going to work, when China is going to constantly keep our borders simmering in tension and we underplay it. Nothing is going to work if it constantly keeps harping that portions of India belong to it and dictate terms to us who can and who should not visit Arunachal Pradesh.

It is not that India does not have the ability, it just lacks will. It is a country governed by a 5 year itch, where a ruling political party’s vision is just 5 years that they are in power. In those 5 years it is not building India, but building their personal wealth. Politics has lost its sanctity of service to the nation, as so with all noble professions in India e.g. like teaching and medicine. Any growth that India has experienced has never been a government backed or visualized one. It is a growth of that of a child who outgrows his shoes. India’s growth has been purely a part of the global process and none of its own. None of its growth is neither innovative but is purely being a ‘sweat shop’ to the world by IT outsourcing or BPO’s.

If India does not accept China as an enemy then like Indian versions of Chinese restaurants in India, we would be the Chinese version of Indian Masala, completely crushed.

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