Wednesday, April 28, 2010


United States of Arseholes (Part II)

The sudden olive branch extended to the Muslim community by US of A, confirms its desperation and confusion. Support Israel that is killing Muslims in Palestine; waged a war against Iraq, which is a Muslim country; fight against terror in Afghanistan killing innocent Muslims; plan to strike Iran for its nuclear plans, which is a Muslim nation and now camouflage with its melodramatic gesture to Muslims saying “Let’s make a fresh start”.

A fresh start of what Mr. Obama and what are you trying to tell the Muslim world? Are you accepting responsibility of USA for the mess in the Middle East and the world at large? If yes then the sincerity of USA needs to be applauded and commended. Unfortunately Mr. Obama the world will never trust US of A till the end of mankind. In the Iran – Iraq war you supported Iraq. When Iraq refused to play to your tunes later you waged a war against it for it occupation of Kuwait. Why not wage a war against Iran for its occupying islands of UAE, unfortunately there is not much oil to milk so you don’t see that as occupation. Why not wage a war against Israel for its occupation of Palestine or do you don’t see that, as if you dare to see it then Israel will blind the US of A forever as its economy is a prostitute in the hands of Jews. Why not wage a war against India or Pakistan as both are claiming parts of Kashmir to be theirs? Unfortunately you cannot with Pakistan as you are in bed with them and you need them in your fight against so called terrorism, as in the garb of funding the so called fight, you supply them with monetary assistance and arms to fight India, and claim to be friend of India. Are you blind to the atrocities in Europe against Muslims, where they are planning to ban building mosque minarets and ban women wearing veils. Just because US economy works on advertising with women as good as nude, have some respect to communities that live and honor the modesty of its women. What about religious profiling that is being carried out in US Airports after 9/11 under the pretext of security, and now you invite Muslims to US to fake peace.

USA’s dream of being a world power has failed as your military strength has been challenged right from the days of Vietnam to present day Afghanistan or Iraq. US may win a battle or two and has realized too late that it can never win a war. USA’s dream of being a financial power speaks for itself with the recent world crisis and meltdown. The day is not far when your dollar will be sold as toilet paper. Mr. Obama you are leading a nation of greed and deceit. If you can get your own citizens homeless with the subprime crisis, what assurance of protection are you giving the world? All of US divisive policies in the world have failed especially with the Muslim world. The world knows today that USA has puppeteered and orchestrated terrorism in the world. A very cheap gesture Mr. Obama now to play the religious card and this will not save the save the face of USA. By getting you a colored face or a black face as the President of US has not helped either.

You feared that the awareness of your father being a Muslim would disrupt your chances of being the President of US, that you went on record to claim that you are a Christian. Was it shameful to accept a Muslim Father? Even if you now proudly claim that your Father was Muslim and yell you are Barak ‘Hussein’ Obama will not convince the Muslim community, for that matter even if you become a Muslim it will not.
I just finished reading your entry on US of Arseholes (II). What happened? All your other blogs are (1) funny, (2) eye-opening, (3) informative or any combination of these three. But this entry was quite disappointing. It came across as one long diatribe; as if you have an axe to grind with the US in general and Obama in particular. Not that there is anything wrong with that in and of itself provided (1) it was justifiable, (2) wasn't based on factually incorrect information and (3) didn't use inherently illogical prepositions. To wit, your writing suggests that its a case of "dead if you do, and dead if you don't". All these years, the US never gave a damn about the Muslim world. And now that they seem to, you are using their erstwhile foreign policies to condemn their new diplomacy.

And more importantly, what should be the alternative? Surely you wouldn't recommend the same old failed policies of the last 60 years, would you? And if you don't like the current change in orientation or policy, what alternative would you propose? Attacking Israel? Come on Sunny, you are better than that.

The thing that we need to bear in mind is that, akin to India or any other country, the US is not a singular homogeneous entity. In the broadest of terms, you have the Republicans and the Democrats. The republicans are military-oriented, aggressive, tax-cutting, wealth-favoring, ethnocentric, Bible-thumping, egomaniacs whom I blame for all of America's ills while the Democrats are the intelligent, sober, conscientious Americans who clean up the mess the republicans create. All the bad wars you refer to (two in Iraq, Afghanistan, Vietnam, Grenada, etc.) were by Republicans and were for US interests. The only recent Democrat-initiated war was in the Balkans when Clinton (with UN) intervened in Yugoslavia, which I should point out was perhaps the only time a Christian nation attacked another Christian nation to protect Muslims from getting slaughtered!! Ditto with US involvement in Somalia. There was no American interest in the Balkans or Somalia - no oil, no land to acquire, and no political favors to be gained; just a humanitarian desire to stop war-lords from slaughtering religious minorities (Muslims in both cases).

Bottom line, you are blaming Obama and his current Democratic administration for trying to undo much of the ills of the previous Bush (Republican) administration. And for what its worth, Obama never hid the fact that his father was a Muslim (read his Dreams From My Father). Just that after his parents divorced, Obama was raised by his mom and her parents who were Christians - hence his Christian underpinnings. And all this was common knowledge in the US well before he was elected President - so there was no hiding, no shame, and no false-pretense about his Muslim dad.

But more importantly, I didn't want you to continue believing what you do, and paint the USA with a broad stroke when it is clearly unjustified. Not only does it not do you any justice, but I'm afraid it may prejudice your readers. And you know what they say about prejudice: it exists not because of what we don't know, but because of what we know that ain't so.
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