Friday, May 06, 2022


WTF is happening in the Church

The common Abrahamic roots of the religious family tree for Jews, Christians and Muslims, was down the line through Moses that God revealed the Ten Commandments. The first commandment states, I am your thy God and thou shall have no others God before me. Somehow, this God became or was made into three God's by the three denominations. God never divided them. They decided to get divided and have their own versions of their God. 

This became a bloody messy, with the Jews killing Jesus and early followers of Christ. Then the Crusades happened, which went about evangelizing and baptizing, mainly by fear of the sword and converting people to Christianity, this was followed by the Muslims through conquests, war, massacre, vandalizing and demolishing other religious structures, ensured the spread of their religion. All three religions claim or allege to promote peace and humanity. Is this how peace and humanity can be achieved. 

Then there is the cradle of spirituality or religion for the world, which is India. Apparently, the cradle looks like is becoming the graveyard or crematorium of religions. Political incitement of the majority versus the minority and vice versa, and with every passing day, getting uglier and bloodier. 

In the mayhem, of all this religious divide, the Catholic Church in Maharashtra a state in India is stirring the hornets’ nest. Muslims, a minority community is allegedly targeted, for their religious beliefs like divorce, clothing, food habits, and volume of their prayers over loudspeakers, how they slaughter animals for food. In this alleged inhumanity, the Church which is a miniscule smaller minority, is only rattling the government Institution, by displaying sympathy for the Muslim community by having iftar meal (a meal that breaks the fast during the Holy Month of Ramadan) hosted in Catholic school premises. Not only that the Muslims even allowed to pray inside the Church. Excellent move of such deep humanity for other religions. The question is now, will the Muslim community reciprocate the gesture allow the Catholic to offer mass in a mosque? Will they host Christmas parties for Catholics in any Muslim School premises? So now will the Church install Ganesh statues during the festival of Ganesh Chatturthi? Or is the love, care and humanity, only for Muslims? When was the last time any Catholic parish had a free meal get together for all its parishioners for Christmas, Easter or any occasion? 

Then recently, some Churches had a poster of a marriage broker arranging alliances for Goans, Mangaloreans and East Indians. So is the Church now getting sectarian with marriages? So is the Church only made up of Goans, Mangaloreans and East Indians, and helping marriages within their communities or marriages amongst these communities? So are other Catholic communities inferior or superior to Goans, Mangaloreans and East Indians. That too, the service was with a fee? So is the Church becoming a temple of traders? Why are not other businesses of Catholics promoted by the Church? 

With so much sympathy and empathy by the Catholic Church for the Muslim community, which is good. So next will be marrying Catholics to Muslims to show solidarity and unity in diversity? WTF (What The Farce) is happening in the Catholic Church in India?

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