Friday, September 16, 2022


Hindi Divas

14th September, a day celebrated in pride of India's National language, Hindi. On what basis does a language become national? It is when every citizen speaks it or understands it. Do everyone in India speak Hindi? How many even understand it? 

Can India have anything nationally binding with its huge and wide beautiful diversity? Consumption of beef gets dictated because of some alleged religious reasons. Religion when India is secular? Post the murder, actually lynching of Moammed Akhlaq is was estimated that millions of Indians eat beef which also includes a sizeable number of Hindus! 

Now this veiled dictating of Hindi as a national language? Tamil which is the world's oldest and an Indian language does not get any recognition? India cannot have any single fit of nationality as it is a kaleidoscope of cultures, languages, religious beliefs and food habits.

How come all progressive lacking and pressing issues like health, education, infrastructure, environment not getting spoken in India and it is now about what language we speak? Constitution of India has had over 150 ammendments. So using Constitution as the authoritarian grip to prove a language importance or dominance is draconian as majority is with what a Constitution ammendment gets effected. So obviously languages or dilects would never get prominence or the importance like celebrating a Hindi Divas, being a minority spoken language.

India (read Indians) needs to evolve from slipping, pulled, dragged or fooled into divisive politics and politicians. Fear is, even the so called educated and intellectuals that are gravitated towards these ideologies. Reasons could be vested interests of business that could targeted if they raise their voice or being politically correct or relevant and even being in politocal power. 

The highly qualified Civil Servants or even politicians, they have to bend and even prostrate if front of uneducated, uncouth and ill mannered political masters. How many prominent politicians children study  in Hindi medium schools? The mockery our Honorable Finance Minister, Nirmala Sitaraman makes of herself when she makes a speech in Hindi, is worth hearing or maybe not?

These are the same leaders who dictate what you speak. Time for India(ns) speak up or will made to speak what you cannot speak or don't want to speak

Jai Hind (not Hindi)

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