Friday, September 16, 2022


Who let the dog's rule?

How can we fall into the trap of divisive politics and basic safety and survival of human beings?

In is the process of life chain priority. Simple question. Would you save the life of a human being or a dog?

That too when a dog is the reason of threat to a human being? Can understand if the movement was against eating dog meat. Though not justifiable as who has given rights to humans to decide on what to eat and what not to eat? 

Jungles are destroyed endangering habitat of so many species and wild life and even killing them. Is that jusified? So it is fine to destroy territories of animal species and kill them but when it comes to dogs humans must not only allow them into their territories but even show sympathy, love, care and kindness to them even if they are threat? Who let the dogs rule?

Heard of every dog has his day. This is every dog can decide what it wants to bite. So Kerala's action to protect its citizens is right, for its citizens to live in safety. Coming to boycott of Kerala Products and Tourism, here we shamelessly use Chinese products when China is a threat to our Sovereignity, threat to our citizens on our borders. Even our dogs as they even eat them

So yes Kerala is God's own country and not dogs own territory

Good one Sunny, we need to understand our priorities and take the necessary action.
Didn't make sense to me at all. I am confused as I don't know if you are emphasizing on political freedon and current happenings or are you discrediting a dog?
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