Monday, October 31, 2022


All Saints Play

The Bible clearly explains saints as anyone who believes in God in the Old Testament, and in the New Testament, anyone who believes, follows, and practices the teachings of Jesus Christ. 

Sainthood in Roman Catholicism is a title that can be purchased. Corruption in this sainthood business is something that can be found on the Public Domain called Google, however you will never find any of it in the Bible. 

The Bible itself never speaks of any saints as prescribed by the Catholic Church but uses the term in reference to prophets in the old testament and disciples of Christ in the New Testament. 

The Roman Catholic Church (not Christ) decided on this title business. A business so that on these dedicated saint days, it is money that gets pumped into the Church coffers and peripheral businesses around the Churches that thrive with candles, the relevant Saints pictures, and other religious paraphernalia.  

Nothing wrong in this as the birth of Christ- Christmas itself became a global business. Even the date of Christ’s birth is not clear, the Orthodox Churches celebrate it on another date (January 7th) and not Dec 25th. The date has no religious reasons but was a political reason dictated by the Roman empire, Constantine. 

The ethnicity or nationality of a major number of saints are Caucasians or Hispanics. How many saints are there who are of other races and nationality? 

In a country like India where a disciple of Christ set foot and preached the gospel, how many Indian saints are there? 

Then came the colonists - the Portuguese and the British with their version of Bibles and their band of saints. Ask any Indian how many Indian saints they know, the immediate answer would be St. Xavier and Mother Theresa, both  not of Indian origin. Then if one reads of the Goan Inquisition one would wonder how and why was Francis Xavier was even canonized as a Saint considering the brutality that was done to the locals in Goa especially the Hindus. Salute Pope Francis for his openly coming out and speaking of the crimes of the Crusades and many of the Christian empires. 

Conferring titles to Indian origin priests or nuns is a recent happening. Not because they suddenly discovered the piety of Indian Catholics, but due to the realisation of the Catholic Church that you can't hide or rule much under a white skin. 

How many Indian saints feasts are celebrated around the world? Forget the world, how many in India? Even if celebrated it maybe in the region of their birth or where they worked. How many Churches are there in the world or in India named after Indian saints? 

So on this All Saints Day, along with remembering the white saints, remember the ones in India, as they worked for the poor and marginalized amongst us, and not some imported Saints we are made to pray to and who did nothing in India. Fooled to pray to a particular saint for particular favors, when we should be recognizing saints amongst our clergy like Fr. Stan Swamy and many others in the Catholic clergy who suffered brutal injustice and many martyred in their service to humanity

Rome was not built in a day, but saints being churned from Rome is definitely foul play.

Good food for thought. But how many will use the power of discrimination to realise what ever you have written. Perhaps very few. Anyways, best wishes to you
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