Friday, October 28, 2022


False Gods in Goa

A foreign news media which looks like a western attempt to colonize India, once again through religion.

This time raking and making an issue of clergy in Goa that is encouraging the laity to participate and celebrate other religion festivities? What is the holy sacrilege harm in this? Why is the west and even the Vatican dictating terms and conditions, of how we pray and worship and even demonizing our showing respect to other Indian religious God and beliefs? If it is a mortal sin then ensure no other religion practicing Indians enter Catholic Churches. Then the Church does not want to lose on the money. So another religion person can come and pay respect and EVEN pray to God, but Catholics should not show reciprocal respect. The other religions who welcome everyone to their temples even share food items what they offer their Gods. Catholic Church won't even share the Body of Christ which is offered in Communion. At the same time claim Christ gave life for all if humanity? Ain't it a paradox?

Salute African nations who were the fist to dictate and warn the white supremacists in Vatican to not interfere with their traditional way of life. Why is the Indian Roman Catholic Church still colonial slaves to the Vatican.Christianity prevailed in India thousand of years prior to the white colonial crusades invaded India. Calling them crusades as what they did with inquistion in Goa is more brutal what the Crusades actually did.

BBC and Buddhist temple scrolls have proven that Christ was in India during his lost years in the Bible or deliberately removed from the Bible . Even reincarnation which was a part of the Biblical teaching was deliberately removed. Why? Because it is a part and belief of Indian religions and spituality. Will the second coming of Christ not be a reincarnation? Why is the Indian Roman Church shying away or ashamed of its cultural roots?  

Time for a mind set reincarnation of the laity and clergy in India, or continue to be slaves to the colonists in Rome.

Good one. Never knew these facts.
It's me Sunny. Loved reading it. Very bold indeed. Never knew these facts. Keep writing.
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