Sunday, February 12, 2023


St. Andrew's Church in Bandra

Many parts in Indian history  of Christianity is ensured we are kept not informed and those who know, turn blind, deaf, mute and even block their nostrils? To block stinking racism in Catholic history.

In Bombay there is a Church that has a history that stinks and it is a fishy stinking smell. A Church that boasts of its structure being older that the Taj Mahal. Taj Mahal was a structure after completion, the artisans who built it, having their hands chopped off, so another Taj Mahal could never be built. A part of history least revealed or tried hard to conceal,  and the structure called as a Monument of Love. St. Andrew's is a Monument of stench

The Church that was given to the original inhabitants of the land who were fisherfolks. Due to the nature of their profession they used to stink. A stink which can be repulsive and the Portuguese colonists allocated the Church to their fisherfolk so they could have their prayer services there. Imagine converting the sons and daughters of the soil to worship an alien version of God and its messenger Christ, and separating them for worship because they smell? Sons and daughters of the soil segregated because they smell of fish from the sea?

A religion whose foundations started by Christ, had his first few disciples who were fishermen! The fishermen who were to be fishers of men and their followers later ending discriminating their own in profession because they smell? How much stink is the Roman Catholic Church in India going to bury. A religion whose first meal was 5 loaves and 2 fish, multiplied by Christ to feed a multitude. A part of the multitude who fished the fish discriminated in India?

This Church Monument in Bandra in Mumbai of stinking history is named after St. Andrew  A brother of St. Peter upon whose grave the Vatican Church is built, as Christ had prophocised to Peter, that he is the Rock, upon which he would built his Church. On St. Andrew's grave in Patras, Greece it is alleged that it produced manna and flour and oil with the fragrance of nectar

Any amount of nectar fragrant oil from St. Andrew's grave in Greece is not going to wipe the smell of this fishy stinking history in Bombay of the Church built in his honor.

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