Sunday, April 02, 2023


Artificial Intelligence or Destruction?

Artificial Intelliegence is the latest in human techno evolution taking the world by storm. Literally a storm as no one can fathom the destruction it can bring about. More than the advantages it is the disadvantages, destruction and mainly disruption of jobs. Yes humans may evolve to another level in technology usage. Like how we use our mobile devices which is become an extention to our anatomy. Sci-fi futurist have predicted human heads to bigger in future. How far that is true is debatable, but definitely the most exercised part of our body is our thumbs with the way we are using mobile technology. The mind gets gets vulnerable to everything that is fake and reality is burnt at the stake of technology.

ChatGPT has proven how it is written business and law exams and scored well. How this technology is misused for content creation. Students cheating with assignments penned by ChatGPT. The disadvantages are terrifying where AI created content could influence violence and other evils. The most frightening is AI application actually communicating with each other. This zone of danger no one knows what it can evolve too. As machine evolution may not be able to decipher between good, bad and ugly, ending with humans possibly experiencing the worst brunt of technology made destruction. It could even make a new religion and we ending up worshipping machine Gods in future. We are anyways so easily fooled by men who claim to be Godmen. Imagine the levels AI could influence and bring about a paradigm shift to our belief system of the Gods we worship and anyways don't work. 

All this was created by Human Intelligence and called Artificial and we would end up believing it or already are? The lines have already blurred between human and artificial Intelliegence and expecting AI to be human and just looks remote as they would lack emotion or programmed or self programmed for destruction? At the same time humans with emotions, soul and heart are so artificial in their daily lives. In all probability AI may help other AI applications to upgrade when humans would look how to supress another human being. AI if used right could interpret laws for justice and populate medical information for a cure. What are humans doing? Justice is used for the benefit of the rich and the powerful even if they are wrong. Medical industry is become a business where it is not the cure that is the focus but the monetization from the illness with unwanted tests, etc forced for the patient to pay.

Suddenly there is a rush by IT corporate global giants to stall the research into further Artificial Intelligence. As realisaton has dawned late. What they thought was another business opportunity is something that could threaten not just their businesses but their very human existence. Unfortunately unlike the virus allegedly Made in China and created mayhem, could be allegedly controlled by vaccines. Then now reports are saying many are dying because of the vaccine. 

AI destruction and disruption will not have a vaccine and now to stop it, looks remote. Even if we can it does not need Human Intelligence, it needs common sense and not Artifical Intelligence to makes our live better. Our lives are good and can be better with we improving other human beings lives and not creating and improving Artificial Intelliegence.

Sir its the demand and supply QUOTIENT.
We have delegated our chores to the EVIL called ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE believing it to run our lives smoothly.
But we have stopped using our intelligence or should I say bluntly WE HAVE LOST OUR MIND.

IF AI is going to run our lives then the day is not far that it will not let you take back your life.

With due apologies It will b worse then a nagging wife 👰.
Mr Sunny has hit the nail on its head by his concluding statement "Our lives are good and can be better with we improving other human beings lives and not creating and improving Artificial Intelliegence.". So true !!
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