Monday, July 10, 2023



A video at the end of the news article link pasted below explains the  header. Coming to that later, some things that strikes a strong resemblance is how different is religion from politicians?

Politicians promise us a good life if we vote them to power. Monks, Spiritual Gurus, Maulvis or Priests promise us an even better life if we follow what they have to share or say (even dictate)

Both ways, political or spiriitual the world is in a bad state but the political or spiritual heads are the ones only that benefit or profit

Take any political or spiritual leader's background and the ground on which they stand today. Most don't even stand on the ground. They are usually on an elevated platform or the ground they walk laid with a red carpet.

The followers of religion and politicians are always in a virtual hope. With politicians a hope the next they will give them a better life and their spiritual leader will help them to deal with life. Practically do they deliver? Then they ensure you deliver. That is you deliver payments to them. The Politician will extort it legally through tax and keep the axe of the tax dangling over your head. The spiritual leader will not ask or extort. They become an addiction which you end up hooked and you just pay. Some charge with fees for their talks, some have collections, most have people who just give out of fear of God and His wrath if they don't pay!

So both Institutions are a Casino where you spin the wheel for a good life or a peaceful way of life. Few reap a jackpot which is basically to entice the rest to keep spinning the wheel. Ending getting ground in a grinding wheel where you are spinning round and round through life mundane routine. Neither peaceful nor happy.

The politicians and the spiritual leaders laugh their way to the Bank. The Politicians will keep giving promises and the Spiritual one giving hope. Hope with anecdotes of 2 plus 2 is 5, and they end up with One Hundred and Ten Million of Indian Rupees that's around a Million Dollars PLUS, if the below article is true.


YouTube video Link

The poor become more poor,The richer rich and rich there greed never ending selfish people.
Very nice message.
So why do we keep falling for them? And how can we arm our future generations better so that they aren't as easily deceived?
Very thought provoking, as we all move in a herd and the sequence mentioned by you keeps repeating over time...
Politics is a business which thrives on deception, lies, false promises & corruption. How do people who have never worked a sincere job amass wealth? On the other hand religion is a belief that brings benefits of peace, hope & spirituality. However scoundrels need to be kept at bay.
Great thoughts indeed but who heeds nobody all are busy in milking poors and chor becoming bigger chor and there are many like minded who support them and get due share of their loot and common man is crying since birth so that’s the way it is and trust I am not talking about Celine Dion song..
A wonderful write. That subtly covers the world of make believe and promised lies. Although I would expunge the casino part. Congrats Sunny keep going πŸ‘Œ
True politics and religion are 2 topics I never get involved in. Your thoughts on the abovevl well covered.
Education without Values and Virtues like Truth and Purity, Politics With out Character , all are Intellectual Giants, Mentally Dwarfs, all in Fear & Laziness dwelling in Blindness, Lacking Courage & Tollerence. What else to expect from this state of affairs of full Lust, Anger. Attachment ,Greed, & Ego.
SELF Realisation, Acceptance, Activation and Achievement is the methodology for Indilvidual Transformation of Thought Talk & Action for REAL CIVILISATION.
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