Tuesday, September 12, 2023


Table manners at the Last Supper


After watching the above video, was wondering what table manners or etiquette did Jesus instruct his disciples to follow? It was just a simple get together of the disciples to have a meal and for Jesus to show his humility by washing the feet of his disciples, before the meal.The whole episode which is today what the Christian Church celebrates as Mass. 

Doubt Jesus would have had rules on how to break the bread and drink wine. Neither was their any shiny chalice or theatrics of bells chiming when he broke bread and poured wine. Presuming he would have poured it for everyone as there would have been no altar servers or waiters. Neither color coded vestments donned by the disciples.

A God in the old Testament saved Israelites whose homes doorpost were marked with the blood of a lamb, against the wrath of God of death on the Egyptians. Is the faith in that God so weak we feared a virus? So is our faith not even that of a mustard seed? Can understand laws of the land forcing Churches to be shut. Then post opening even water fonts where the laity used to dip their fingers in  the holy water and sign themselves with the sign of the cross, where shut. The same holy water which allegedly cleanses the original sin and baptism and sprinked on holy occasions and finally sprinkled over the dead, was considered unclean, unholy or fear of contamination. Where were all the faith healers? Or were the healing services a filling service to the coffers?

From where or who on earth is Cardinal Oswald Gracious to decide and dictate on how we can now receive Communion? A Cardinal who has a Police FIR against him, not yet defrocked? How is Sunday attendance of mass suddenly dictated as an obligation. Are the collections running low? Or are his instructions from some white man in the Vatican. A Vatican who has not uttered a word on the killings in Manipur dictating terms to India on how we should conduct our religious practices? A Vatican that is shielding criminals with sex crimes including pedophiles and land scamsters and financial fraudsters? To make it worse even collecting money from India for the Pope's office expenses, called Peter's Pence collection. Ideal would be calling it 'Clergy Defense' collection or 'Judas Pence' to pay for the legal costs of criminal Clergy. 

Still cannot understand how Communion served in hand to the laity by a priest cannot transmit a virus? Are the hands of the clergy so clean? A hand that has a virus can transmit to a hand or a tongue. Maybe a better idea would be to use tongs and serve it in on the tongue or hand.

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