Sunday, October 22, 2023


Lights, Camera, Action.....(Part 2)

How does law work? Can justice be taught and learned? If it can be then obviously it has not worked, with the way the world is. Maybe it is time for Artificial Intelligence to start giving verdicts as allegedly real Intelligence of human beings can be so easily manipulated. Manipulated with greed of wealth for those in justice or in India with positions of power post retirement or with threat and killed like Justice Lohia.

A recent plea in court rejected a plea for the ban Pakistani artistes to perform in India

Can this justification be given to families of soldiers and civilians who were killed by Pakistani trained terrorists? Killing of enemy soldiers during war is something that cannot be avoided. Hete it is unprovoked killings of our soldiers and even civilians on the border. The Bombay blasts was the most gruesome act of terrorism orchestrated from Pakistani soil. So what does one do to avoid this hostility from Pakistan? What steps has Pakistan taken towards peace? Blowing up soldiers, civilians and places to pieces? Will allowing Pakistani artistes to perform in India eliminate hostility?

Which sane legal system would allow rapists to be set free. That too for good behavior behind bars? How safe and secure and just would the victim and the family feel? To make it more humiliating, these monsters were felicitated with garlands? Is this justice? Or is this a dictatorship that has control the legal system? So are the other rapists, murderers and other criminals not well behaved behind bars? Or has justice locked itself behind bars?

Does the legal system have queuing system or is it a commodity that can be purchased by the rich. If cases are pending for decades, how come the rich, powerful and influential get such easy access to justice and bail. It is like getting a beverage from a vending machine? When Charles Dickens penned his book Oliver Twist, a character Bumble states the law is an ass, imagine what he would have said today, with state of the legal system world world wide today. Would it be the Law is an ass and practiced by assholes? Maybe the book would be titled 'Legal Twist'

Back to Pakistani artists being allowed in India. Are talents from India so bad or ugly, that we need Pakistanis? Featuring Pakistani artistes is insulting families of soldiers massacred on our borders and is like encouraging and welcoming Pakistanis for Lights, Camera, Action....Destruction

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