Friday, November 17, 2023


The prayer confusion

Confused seeing the above post as it is a one way communication as the other end called God does not reply. Then the problem is which God are we referring too? 

You have to.charge your connection it with tithe in the Catholic Church and other forms of monetary payment in other religion. With no assurance of a two way communication and even if there is a signal confirming the other end is listening

Then we have to rely on 3rd party vendors called saints to lift our prayers.

The 3rd party vendors only work on certain days or for certain requests. Like Saint Anthony seems to help you to find lost stuff.

Corporations who run this divine communication centres like Church, Temple, Mosque, Synagogue don't even have a complaint window or grievance cell. So if your prayer is not answered means you are at fault. So pay more and pray more.

Then there is physical penance like fasting, which makes no sense as all one is seeking is a two way communication and a solution. It's like your cellular companies asking for one day a week fast or 40 days in a year alongwith the payment subscription.

Prayer means reaching out to your fellow human beings and helping them, not reaching out to God asking for help. As we all like to believe that God is dwelling in our hearts and in your fellow human being hearts. We also like to believe that God made us is HIS own image.

What did we end up doing? Made an image of him and his 3rd party vendors called saints and praying to their idol images and ignoring the suffering of human beings around us.

The idol images are just most or all the time artistic imagination and some of the saints images could be right. What is wrong is ignoring the right thing we ought to do. Not just pray but play our part of the God that resides in us.

More things are wrought by prayer than the world dreams of.
You realy do not need 3rd party vendors
Serve humani you serve God
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