Sunday, July 07, 2024


Doubting Thomas or a daring Thomas?

The feast of Saint Thomas, one of the apostles of Christ wad celebrated recently on 3 July. Why is he called as 'Doubting Thomas'? No one calls Peter, 'Betrayer Peter', as he betrayed knowing Christ thrice, before his crucification? Is his wanting to be convinced of Christ having being resurrected, being doubtful? How long are we going to be bound in blind faith, dogmas and decrees of a white controlled Catholic Church?

Who are we to brand him as Doubting Thomas? The clergy who are the disciples of Christ, weaken our faith in Christ, with their lifestyles, their sinful, criminal and nefarious activities, which is all in public domain. If the ones who are supposed to teach and preach of Christ are not living like Christ, what Christ can the laity believe and have faith in? Luke 9:3 Christ tells his apostles take nothing on their journey. No staff, no bread, no money and not even an extra tunic on their journeys. What is our clergy doing? The hierarchy from the Pope to Cardinals and Bishops with their vestments, their head gear and their fancy staff which is given an even fancier name called Crozier. Then the various symbols that which many in the clergy and even the laity won't know. Did Christ don all this paraphernalia when he was going about preaching or when he resurrected?

Thomas wanted to touch the wounds of Christ to believe, that is not doubt, that is seeking conviction. That is courage and daring to seek proof, even if is the son of God. Doubt is even after seeing not believing. If blessed are those who don't see and yet believe, then would the other apostles have believed if they had not seen a resurrected Christ? The clergy cannot fool the laity by using the Bible teachings selectively. Even Christ had to perform miracles to have people believe in him. Would there ever have been a Christianity with a Christ who did not perform miracles? 

Today the clergy is fooling by preaching the laity to pray and using them as victims of prey with tithe, sex, peadophile, financial scam,.
land frauds, and the list goes longer than the sins mentioned in the Bible. It was never a Doubting Thomas, but a Church today leading its followers to doubt.

Today's clergy reminds me a lot of the Pharasees in Biblical times. They made sure they were known, they forced the people to adhere to impossible laws, they made themselves appear to be better than anyone, and Jesus despised them, because inside they were greedy and self-indulgent. As for Thomas, Jesus invited him to touch his wounds so as to be convinced and to believe. I found that to be so loving from the Son of God when he didn't have to do that, he understands limitations of mankind and was humble and willing to help Thomas think outside of the box. After all, Jesus appeared in front of them in a room out of nowhere, that had to be amazing to witness, and so hard to believe! By allowing Thomas to need proof to believe, he demonstrated his own love for mankind, and his own humility to demonstrate.
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