Monday, July 08, 2024



Terrorism is not only an act of destruction and killing of innoncents by an external enemy or radical force in a country. It is also laws made, broken or amended for monetary gain of unjustified profits for corporates or capitalist business tycoons and money siphoned to corrupt politicians and bureaucrats. Is this not financial or economic terrorism?

Anything thing that binds you with limited freedom of choice of basic  utlitiies services and you have no choice but to buy only those services is economic terrorism. As these services have only profit as a motto. Not that earning profit is bad. It is about abnoxious amount of wealth of profit that is channel to few capitalists. Religion does it with fear of the wrath of God or entices others into their religion with freebies like how political parties do. Some or one religion even threatens you with apostacy if you leave the religion. Then there are religions that decides the percentage of your earning you pay as tithe? Is This not religious terrorism?

Corporate terrorism where basic resources and amenities like water, food, electricity, telecommunications and Internet are controlled by corporates. This should be ideally controlled and monitored by the government. A billionaire's son gets married and all he has to do fund the marriage is hike up subscription fees of his mobile and internet telephony services. No questions, no investigation. Is this not utility terrorism?

An Airforce airstrip is temporarily made into a passenger Airport to faciliatate and felicitate the son's pre marital celebrations? Then on his marriage certain roads in Mumbai closed? Is this not terrorism where government is facilitating a capitalist to use defence facilities and public roads used for a marriage function? Facilities where a common man is paying taxes for? To make it worse the common man does not even have a basic infrastructure of good roads. The financial capital Bombay sinks every monsoons. Certain pockets stink all through the year.

Tax collected from Bombay city alone can dwarf the GDP of some countries, still the citizens are subjected to the worst infrastructure and high fines for breaking driving rules when there are no good roads? Is this not terrorism by the system for the common man where his basic right to live is risking his life and then they made to pay taxes for the poor quality of life they have to live with? All this to fund the economics of corruption of politicians and government servants? Road repair and maintenance are given to private companies. How many of them are penalised and prosecuted? 

Bridges in India are falling like a pack of cards. New bridge built in Bombay has developed cracks. How long can Indians be silent to this terrorism? Bombay could come on the streets to to felicitate and celebrate India's win in the Cricket World Cup. Then they should also unite to protest peacefully. Otherwise there will be no good roads or footpaths that will not be encroached. If there will be a good road that too will be closed when a rich man's son gets married?

Google their wealth of leaders of the terrorist group Hamas, what lifestyle they live and where they live.  Also do a Google of the wealth of politicians before they came politics and after? Are these both not an evil and criminal economic business accumulation of wealth by the few to rule the majority either as terrorits, political leaders or corporates who control basic amenities? Plain and simple, Terrornomics!

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