Tuesday, July 30, 2024


Wake up India (Part 2)

Democracy was never, is never and will never be  of the people, for the people and by the people. It is not who you choose to vote for, to rule the country, it is always an option of you choose to vote for, to ruin the country.

Democracy is allegedly of the people, for the people and by the people. In reality democracy is to rule the people, fool the people and ruin the people? Recent laws where you can be jailed with no reason? Protests will be illegal? Opinions can be twisted as sedition now termed as treason? There are more atrocities of laws to suppress the masses?

Are these the laws that needed attention or an urgency? Bridges are collapsing like a house of cards? How many of the involved in the decision of passing the tender, contractors that built the bridge, would be tried under any stringent laws? Are there laws made for polical parties and leaders in power? They can promise anything during election campaigns and then very casually claim it was a 'jhumla', meaning it was a casual statement. You can't win making casual promises and then make rules to control and suppress the masses? Why can't there be laws that can be criminally applied to politicians and political parties on default of their manifesto promises?

This video that shows abuse and misuse of power by the Congress Party when in power for personal pleasure.

Select the link and play the video


How many of these involved in this abuse of power will be tried today? Though the video ends with a Modi propoganda. Atrocities happened under Modi's regime is common knowledge? Felicitating rapists when released on bail? Building a temple in Ayodhya by demolishing homes of people? Which God would want a temple for HIM with demolition of homes of people? Finally making a joke of God with a temple made for HIM that leaks?

How good is a bullet train that can take you from Bombay to Ahmedabad in high speed and comfort, when people in Bombay don't have basic level of transport within the city? Citizens of Bombay travel worse than how garbage is transported? How good is banning beef consumption and allowing its exports? How good are laws that are stringent against killing, when farmers are committing suicide. Is that not killing farmers with laws that don't protect them or give them justice? How many political leaders would be tried for these suicides?

Latest in UP where names of owners /operators have to be displayed on their boards? How would that help? Same in Maharashra where businesses are forced to display names in Marathi or slapped with hefty fines? At the same time no penalty or fines on contractors build bad roads and bridges? Why can't these criminals names be displayed in roads with their mobile numbers? 

Wondering what next? Will a Christian businessman whose name is Michael be instructed to display a board stating 'Micheal daru peekay dhanda nahi karta' meaning Michael does not drink and do.business. Will a Hindu businessman whose name is Krishna and Lord Krishna follower be instructed to display a Board stating 'Jai Shri Ram' or a  Muslim businessman whose name is Khan be instructed to display a board stating, 'My name is Khan and I am not a terrorist'.

Wake up India before it's too late and you would be known as 'late', and you leaving behind a generation with a bad fate.

india loves2sleep
Mr Sunny has hit the nail on its head. PM Modi has totally hijacked India's Democracy in the past 10 years. Now he is saddled with two crutches that is bogging him down even if he wishes to undo his sins of his past. The two have demanded a largesse from our Country's money-box and which have been promptly handed over in the recent Budget by our FM with consent of the PM. Whats worse is that the two crutches have won last elections with support of not law-abiding Indians but anti-national elements.

This is going to undo all the good done by our well-meaning politicians of the past and throw our Country into an abyss of lawlessness and anarchy as time goes by. God save my Country. :(
Good article
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