Sunday, September 01, 2024


Chaining Varsha Tai?

Recent visit of Modi ensured that an elected and loved MP leader of the masses, Prof. Varsha Gaikwad, was detained from leaving her home. Why is our 56-inch-chested PM scared of a lady? Just because she is a fearless and honest opposition leader?

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If this is the state of justice for an elected leader, what justice can a common man expect? Why was she detained? Why is the police machinery used as goons to suppress a leader's rights? What threat was she to the PM? Does she not have the right to a peaceful protest during the PM's visit?

This is nothing but fear of the upcoming elections, where the BJP will be shown the same result as what happened in Ayodhya. The masses have awoken, and they cannot be pleased with religious propaganda. Propaganda with a temple built that leaks. If you can't make a temple for God, what homes and country can the BJP build?

The temple of democracy, the Parliament, recently built, is leaking. Not to mention exam paper leaks. Detaining Prof. Varsha Gaikwad, whom the masses lovingly call Varsha Tai, was as good as chaining her. The mistake Modi made was taking on Varsha Tai, who is Bombay's Lakshmibai and the queen of citizens' hearts, from where she was elected.

From the land of Shivaji Maharaj, in whose memory even a solid statue could not be built, and it collapsed? A party that cannot build a statue promising infrastructure? Modi, you bowed your head in apology for the statue of India's beloved and fearless leader, Shivaji Maharaj, that fell. Get ready to bow your head in shame this coming election.

You chained our beloved Varsha Tai; now soon your party will have to bid goodbye to Bombay. The citizens will drive the final nail in the coffin of your leadership and your party this election.

True that... it appears that finally realization has dawned on the common man. Let's hope and pray more and more people follow suit
Wish our Varsha Tai helps us to get back our hard earned money in PMC Bank
Well said.
Wish Varsha Tai all the best
Appreciate your Guts to write Honest facts ...
Salut to Vasha Tai.. Need some more Like Her
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