Sunday, September 08, 2024


Happy Birthday Mama (Part II)

Congregation flocked the early morning mass today 5.30 am at the Bascillica of Mount Mary, to wish her a Happy Birthday. Just wondering why the choir couldn't sing Happy Birthday to her? Then even if it was sung, would she be happy. 

A virgin chosen by God to give birth to his son in human manifestation to save and redeem the world. Would it be a happy Mother, to see the state of the world today? Her only son was crucified for no crime of his. Crucified and died on the cross and saved humanity from its sins. Did we humans or let's say only Christians stop sinning after that? 

Imagine a Mother who saw her only son sacrificed for a hope of a better world. With what face are we facing her today? Infact many face the statue of our Mother with their mobile cameras and take selfies. This is all we have to offer to her for the selflessness of her son and she as a helpless Mother watching her son die on the cross. 

The feast at the Basillica of the Mount has been around for three centuries, and another famous pilgrimage site of our Mother in South India,.Our Lady of Velankanni has been commemorated since the 16th century. What have we as Christians proved over the centuries of worshipping and praying to Mother Mary? 

Our prayers are for her intercession, for various petitions we as human beings have. Ranging from cure of illness, tide over financial crisis, marital discords, to get a job, success at exams and the list is endless. As a Mother she has and will always be there to intercede with her son for us. Like Mothers in today's world, many are abandoned, lonely with kids having migrated, ailing and no one to help. They are now desperately seeking love and attention from their kids who they gave everything? Many don't even want their money,. With technology where one can make a video call free, even a call is rare. 

So to with our Mother Mary, who gave us her only son, is now seeking as to what is that we can give her. She does not want us to get crucified. She does want us to wish each other Happy Feast. She would prefer us to see how we can reach out and make someone happy. As the Church was filled with no place for many to sit, there were not many who would even offer their seat to an an elderly or a lady or even many Nuns. We can't even offer a seat to someone who needs it in Church, what place can we offer Mother Mary in our lives?

Well written article. Somehow I feel that everything is becoming a show off these days. It's St. Mary's feast in Bangalore today too.
True about the criminality of children abandoning their parents and putting them in old age homes etc.
The Truth
Well expressed
Dark reality
Well written
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