Friday, September 13, 2024


What's the difference?

What's the difference?

Was the Church not always like a club, and will continue to be one?

Millions are betting that their prayers will be answered? Microscopic few that get healed or get what they prayed for? Something that could have been got or achieved without prayers? This gets magnified and then more people pray (gamble) with petitions and money thrown to that Saint or Church like Lourdes or The Mount Mary's and Velankanni in India?

Then it is a strip club, where the strip you more of your wealth with passages from the Bible? Like tithe and Jesus telling a rich man sell all your belongings and follow me?

Finally what you get from this club?

Few drops of water sprinkled on your head at baptism?

A wafer as the body of Christ?

A slap to proclaim you as confirmed?

A blessing on your marriage? Does the blessing work as many marriages are not working?

Finally few drops of water when you are lowered in a grave? 

Again none of the above are free services?

In a night club a women gets picked up decently? There is good amount of security to ensure you are safe?

In a Church you may not know which priest is a peadophile who will prey on your kids, while you pray? Which Nun may get raped by a Bishop or a priest Which? Which elderly may get fooled of their property? Then the financial scams and land frauds. 

Will you forgive them Father, for the know what they are doing?

Can I get an Amen for this

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