Wednesday, January 29, 2025



Apocrypha are works, usually written, of unknown authorship or of doubtful origin. The parents of Mary the mother of Jesus is also a work of Apocrypha as there is no authenticated genealogy of Mother Mary's family tree.

How come Apocrypha of Mother Mary's parents decided by Rome is deutrocanonical? At the same time facts of Jesus being in India which is documented proof not accepted by the Church? Who or What is the reference that the Church uses as a yardstick for many of its apocryphal works?

If a Church in Turkey which was used as a Museum is now converted into a mosque, it is such a hue and cry. The Crusades did worse and it was evengelaisation. A Christ who features made to look Western, with blond hair and light eyes, is thrusted on us to bow down and worship?

China has started a new Crusade of Christianity, where Jesus pictures are being replaced with that of Xi Jingping. This maybe down the centuries be the new face of Christ with China's economic and military power, with Rome confirming it as deutrocanonical?

The life and teachings of Jesus is most impartant. The genealogy of Joseph or that of Mariam is not an important criteria for a true and faithful Christian believer.
The teachings and the practicing of it in our lives are important.
Mark recorded Jesus genealogy to present Jesus as the Messiah they were looking for.
But majority rejected it and crucified Jesus.
And for gentile christian what is the signicance of Jesus genealogy???
Many stories and sayings in the new testament attributed to Jesus Christ, are not considered as so by many theologians and believed that these were added to strengthen the authenticity and to cement the message of that the authors wanted to convey.
But all these arguments do not belittle the teachings of Christ or the salvation that mankind attains by following Him.

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