Sunday, January 26, 2025


Republic Day

Another day which is a dry day. But you can stock alcohol and drink? When there are teary wet eyes of many facing injustice, persecution and discrmination?

Another day where there is a parade and floats of states depicting their culture? When there are still cases of women paraded naked and India losing its culture of humanity?

Another day when we display our weapons and military might and many dont have basic rights?

Another day where we display patriotism with flags waved and medals of tricolor pinned on our chest? When religion is divided with colors and hatred in our hearts?

Another day when politicians will unfurl a flag and give patriotic speeches? When curruption is unfurled batantly and speeches otherwise are laced with threats?

Another day where Airforce will be displayed and pride of our reaching into outer space? When our inner space of the country is in poverty?

Another day of a holiday, which unfortunately fell on a Sunday? When we have capitalists that want to slave labor for 70 to 90 hours a week?

Another day where speeches may touch on pride of the tallest statue in the world? When we lack leaders tall in character?

Another day where speeches on the commemoration of the Constitution would be preached? When one of the primary foundation article 21 of the Constitution emphasis on the right to life? When in reality is, do we have rights to live a life of dignity and safety?

Another day where schemes of appeasement with facilities maybe declared? In reality when we don't have good roads and good public transport?

Another day where proposal of one nation,.one election would be made? When what we need is one nation and one nationality of identity and not identities of caste and religion?

Another day where many may display the flag outside their homes? When what we need are voices of courage to speak outside on corruption and not sit and watch debates inside our home? Courage to stand and codemn injustice and not only stand and wave a flag?

Another day where we celebrate an alleged secular democracy? Are we secular? Are we really a democracy or dynastic democracy? Or are we a peculiar, secular hypocricy masked in democracy?

Another day when we will mark 76 years of our nation becoming a republic, when will the day dawn when we will be a nation of Free Public? Freedom of speech where our voices are not muffled with fear? Freedom of choice of what we eat? Freedom to practice religion? Freedom to believe we are really Free?

Wishing you all a hope of a Freepublic India one day. Jai Hind.

Well written article
The naked truth

Beautifully worded!
Well said. The contradictions are starkly evident. We proudly claim to have reached the sky, yet we need manual scavengers to clean our sewers. True freedom will be achieved only when every person in our country will enjoy the same rights and opportunities.
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