Friday, February 24, 2023
I am.....
It's not something that I just decided to do suddenly. As neighbours we all do have our differences. Skirmishes and arguments between neighbors which is normal. Then when I see my immediate neighbor constantly banging my wall, it becomes a nuisance value.
Then this is a neighbor with whom I have the best cordial, civil and congenial relatioship. Even our cultures are the same and yet this constant, repeated and deliberate intention to harrass me is something that was raising doubts. Allegation a certain portion of my house belongs to him was something beyond understanding. As both flats were one unit once upon a time and then divided with proper legal documentation.
Suddenly I see neighbors who are not even neighbors in my building, but of a building few blocks away interfering providing my neighbor with tools and sometimes tools capable of big destruction that can weaken my house and cause very bad damage. Again these neighbors from buildings few blocks away need me, for whatever I can offer that help them to live in comfort. They cannot do without it and neither I boast of my abilities which is a gift of nature. They then gang up and ensure my talents are not provided to other friendly neighbors with who I have very good relationships.
As decades go I see all the neighbors from far neighboring building sending people to my immediate neighbors house. They are coming with more destructive machinery. I try to get mediation or arbitration from the community which I realised is controlled by one powerful neighbor who stays in a building far away from me. His fear is my popularity and strength through which I can bring him down. His survival and income is only through destruction and while mine is not, despite the strength of my superior intellect, finance and even physical power.
When push came to shove with no options, I retaliated physically. Retaliation was bad and to inhuman levels. There was grief and sorrow of physical hurt to a fellow nieghbor human being and to the hurt he gave me. I refused to give up despite coward powerful neighbors who lack the courage to take me head. But will try to destroy me supporting my immediate neighbor. My destruction which is extremely remote can be a problem to many in the neighborhood. This is a fight to a finish or to a retreat of my neighbor clear loud legal warning. Don't mess with me.
Today marks one year of my fight. My neighbor knows he is finished. Then the pride of far away powerful neighbors are at stake. They are using my idiot neighbor as a pawn. He does not realise. He is opiated with the hallucination of support of social media. He is shown as a brave man and shown with the whole community standing with him. When in reality he is standing alone on the crutches of verbal assurances from neighboring building neighbors and tools they are providing him to encroach my house.
He needs to understand that I have not Rushed In to Rush Out of this fight. I have rushed in to survive in with dignity and pride. I have Rushed In not to prove superiority or be a sole power. I have Rushed In to let my neighbor know that he cannot survive without me and so do the many who are supporting him. It's time they know who I am......
........I am Russia
Thursday, February 23, 2023
Is the Catholic community in India wanting to be crucified?
Another vandalism of a Grotto in a Church at Malad in Bombay city?
How long is the Catholic Community going to resort to prayers, candle marches and occasional peaceful protests
The system slowly but surely is trying to marginalize the community. They know the community cannot be instigated ro retaliate as Catholics are peaceful as a community. If there was retaliation that is what exactly they would want to have them to fall in the trap. Then twist the narrative against the Christian community.
The folly of the Church is not getting into main stream politics. Christ himself was a politician. The land in his time was ruled by religion. He came to change wrongs in the system. Ending being crucified.
Indian Catholic Church not having (or not wanting) autonomy from the leash of Rome is another price the community is paying in India
There have been cases of Priests in India contesting elections not supported by the Church. Neither the Church encourages or supports laity to contesting elections
Christ was crucified fighting the system. The Catholic community will be crucified of their rights, Church properties, graves for not contesting elections
Praying forgive them Father as they know not what they are doing, will not help. They know what they are doing and they are wanting. It is for the Catholics to pray and play their role is politics
Tuesday, February 21, 2023
Ash in my mind
As the Season of Lent begins, due to my limitation of knowledge of my religion, and even more limited in my practice,
I am cobwebbed in confusion
Should I go for Mass and smear my forehead with ash that marks a sign of the cross, or should I try to reach out to lives and lighten the cross of challenges in their lives or help whose lives are reduced to ashes.
Then what I see is many displaying the ash on the heads, so I guess that is what I would also do
Why is there is so much war that is turning countries to rubbles of dust, when we are dust and unto dust we shall return. Why we not realising this even after the priest saying it as he applies ash on our forehead? Has ash penetrated into our minds?
Should I give up something bad, wrong in me during Lent or should I give it up forever. Is Lent a season for a change or is it a reason for a change in my life. Some give up alcohol and certain food and binge on Easter. If this is so, I give up the bad in me for this Season, give up alcohol, etc and binge on everything on Easter Sunday, which is more a Feaster Sunday. Am I celebrating resurrection of Christ? Or is it an excuse to go back to my bad meandering ways?
Is the Season of Lent that culminates in the Holy Week a rituals of external display of religious worship only, or should it be reaching out and resurrecting people out of poverty, hunger and pain.
Should I be fasting on Ash Wednesday and Good Friday or should I be feeding the hungry?
Is the end of Lent Season which is Easter only enjoying Choclate Eggs, or is it revelling in the resurrection of Christ or a Bunny?
Monday, February 20, 2023
Junglee Book
Once upon a time there roared a Tiger. He wanted to rule and dethrone the Lion as the King of the Jungle. His strategy was simple. He proclaimed all creatures in his part of the territory would be sons (read animals of the soil). All other animals from other parts of the jungle who had migrated to his part of the jungle were discriminated and ill treated.
Especially the ones who came from the south as they had a different domesticated animal culture and they took away all the jobs leaving the animals of the soil dig their head in soil. The problem was animals of the soil were not given education and they could not match the hard work and educated animals of the south.
The south animals had a skin color called 'pungi'. He stared a Pungi Hatao (Remove Pungi) movement and subjecting them with violence.
His power increased in huge popularity. He openly spoke of goats that they are of a different religion and should go to where goats were settled when the jungle was partitioned. His policies sometimes got his foot in the mouth. As he never knew how he should discriminate. Should it be religion, language or geography. As sometimes animals from the North were targetted and beaten as they never spoke the language of his jungle territory.
His speeches were so thunderous that lions in the centre of the jungle who allegedly ruled the entire jungle would shiver. He even had a symbol for his rule which was a bow without an arrow and the logo was obviulously his image, a tiger. Then at rallies he even showed off a sword and a bow with an arrow. Like every ruler especially dictator, the tiger power was slowly dwindling. He then aligned with some flower looking birds who were slowly spreading their wings (and petals). His reason for aligning was to create a religious divide and make the entire jungle a religiously controlled jungle. He was carnivorous in his political ambitons but ensured the cow was safe.
As his physical levels were weakening he had had to hand over the baton. The obvious choice was his nephew who had a spitting tiger image and his roar. Then parental animal instinct ruled and he proclaimed his son as the King of the jungle. The son who never grew up in any form resembled a cub infact more a pussy cat. The nephew enraged, angered and insulted formed a new group and he wanted to be the rail engine that would chug the jungle to prosperity. Unfortunately he lacked steam and his steam engine could not cover much length and all he could do was blow the engine horn to let the jungle know he is there.
The tiger finally died and the cub son that looked like a pussy cat did meow for a while. He even broke his Father's religious ideology and sidelined religion and walked into the palm of the opposition. The others in the opposition clocked the opportunity and made him King. He lacked the panache of his Father who was a Tiger. The Father Tiger came from grass root level and this cub pussy lived a life of opulence and enjoyed shooting pictures in the jungle. So lacking street smartness and eating pedigree brand of food. That did not make him a good pedigree. The flower looking bird waited and bided their time. They had eliminated the palm of opponents and clock was running back for many opponents. The flower bird had become so resourceful that even the best and the ruthless of animals fell for the peanuts they threw and they grew in size and power. It was a piece of cake to throw some cake crumbs to some of the cub pussy cat followers who were disgruntled and hungered for power. The fell for the crumbs, even though there were no peanuts.
One sweep and the cub pussy cat career was put to sleep. The cub pussy cat had a son who resembled less an animal and more a cold bird. He tried to flap his wings only to realise he had no wings. The cub pussy cat break away faction projected the tiger as their inspiration and convinced the break away group that ideology of the Tiger was alive (Tiger Zinda Hai). They killed the original party taking away their name and logo which was the bow without an arrow. The break away faction leader was crowned Puppet King and the flower bird will slowly and surely and definitely peck him to a Political death. The feather bird though a thorough bred junglee (animal like) tries to project democracy in the jungle with elections with EVM (Eeriee Voice Mechanism). In this every animal had to make the noise of the animal they want in power. However hard they roar like a lion, trumpet like an elephant, bleat like a goat, they would still sound like the chirp of the flower bird.
(Disclaimer : No animal or bird in this story is based on any animal living or dead and is a work of fiction with no intention to resemble to any animal or any other speciesl
Saturday, February 18, 2023
Crystal balls of GenX
All those who are born in the 60's are the only generation that has seen maximum evolution in technology and social life. The generation called Generation X. Advancement of technology where one cannot explain to the so called Generation Y what was a pager or a telex machine or a telegram. There question would be 'Y' could you not SmS or 'Y' did you all need those bulky stuff when it could be done on a Smart Phone?
Maybe that could be the reason they are called generation Y.
Generation X has seen the fall of ruthless leaders and dictators and seen the rise of newer ones. The latest ones don't don the attire of dictators but camouflage themselves in goodness and humanity of democracy. Democracy has anyways failed practically all over the world. One clear example is India. A nation that had and has all the potential of being a great nation, today a nation trying to project a great leader. Where growth is measured with a statue built or the destruction of a religious place of worship and build another place of worship of the majority faith. To the extent dictated what you cannot eat? Wealth concentrated to a miniscule minority. Infact just 2 individuals?
Most of the leaders or followers of their leader are Generatin X better known as bhakts meaning religious followers of a political party, in India it is currently follower of an individual. Some are older than GenX that they resemble living fossils. Many of these followers are even educated, intellects and people in high position of society and media. What is strange, sad and heart breaking is none of this GenX want to gaze into the past where you don't need a crystal or if you need one, juxtapose history and see how it would look in the future. One clear example presently is the not just the down fall of Shiv Sena but it's burial into archives. A party that lost its name and symbol to a break away faction. Lost even the name and figure of its founder Bal Keshav Thackeray, fondly and respectfully called Balasaheb Thackeray. His son crying over spilt milk saying the party or the opposition needs his Father's name to stay relevant. Did Shiv Sena not need the name of Chatrapathi Shivaji Maharaj to stay in power?
Come next year 2024, the present supreme leader of the nation is confident that he will continue to rule (or ruin) the nation. What is surprising is GenX not having the vision to realise what are they leaving back for GenY. How will you will you reply to GenY when they ask 'Y' did you do this to us? Could you not gaze into the crystal ball to see this coming. Was it fear of an individual or was it andh bhakti (blind faith) or you just had no (crystal) balls?
Sunday, February 12, 2023
Political Football
Atrocities on Christians is becoming a norm in India. Recently in Bombay a portion of a Catholic and a Jewish graveyard is planned to be demolished to make way for a road. Grave yards which are over 100 years old. Reason cited, to build a road. Alternative routes are available and this road planned was to give another way to a building project which is allegedly associated with powerful names.
So this would not only change the road plan, but may also also change English metaphor, which was 'Walk over my grave', now be 'Drive over my grave'. The irony is on this road planned there is a public toilet which is not to be demolished.
So you can defecate in peace in India but not rest in peace.
Few days ago was another saddening news of a 400 years old Church in Daman, planned to be demolished to make way for a football field! So what all excuses would be used to target minorities in India. First it was mosques were built over temples, so plans to demolish them and build temples over it. Did they find footballs under this 400 year old Church that they now want to build a football field? A food sufficient nation and a agricultural economy, is now facing threat of agricultural land being taken away for infrastructure development. Food is physical nourishment and religion is nourishment for the soul. If both these physical and spiritual nourishment are being compromised, India would be nation without a soul.
Trying to make rules on conversion into another faith a crime? To ensure there is no more conversion does a country need to take away graveyards and Churches? So is there no freedom in India to choose a religion? At the same time we want to believe that God is one and religions are different routes to this one God. So let people choose the path to their faith and let not path for roads or a football field be over Catholic graves and Churches. Catholic community may not be a vote bank, but it definitely is an education Bank with the best educational Institutes in India, best health Bank with hospitals, amongst the best in humanitarian reach to the poor and the marginalized. Development of a nation with infrastructure or even sports is what any any nation would aspire.
Let the nation not be developed over a community just because it is a minority
St. Andrew's Church in Bandra
Many parts in Indian history of Christianity is ensured we are kept not informed and those who know, turn blind, deaf, mute
and even block their nostrils? To block stinking racism in Catholic history.
In Bombay there is a Church that has a history that stinks and it is a fishy stinking smell. A Church that boasts of its structure being older that the Taj Mahal. Taj Mahal was a structure after completion, the artisans who built it, having their hands chopped off, so another Taj Mahal could never be built. A part of history least revealed or tried hard to conceal, and the structure called as a Monument of Love. St. Andrew's is a Monument of stench
The Church that was given to the original inhabitants of the land who were fisherfolks. Due to the nature of their profession they used to stink. A stink which can be repulsive and the Portuguese colonists allocated the Church to their fisherfolk so they could have their prayer services there. Imagine converting the sons and daughters of the soil to worship an alien version of God and its messenger Christ, and separating them for worship because they smell? Sons and daughters of the soil segregated because they smell of fish from the sea?
A religion whose foundations started by Christ, had his first few disciples who were fishermen! The fishermen who were to be fishers of men and their followers later ending discriminating their own in profession because they smell? How much stink is the Roman Catholic Church in India going to bury. A religion whose first meal was 5 loaves and 2 fish, multiplied by Christ to feed a multitude. A part of the multitude who fished the fish discriminated in India?
This Church Monument in Bandra in Mumbai of stinking history is named after St. Andrew A brother of St. Peter upon whose grave the Vatican Church is built, as Christ had prophocised to Peter, that he is the Rock, upon which he would built his Church. On St. Andrew's grave in Patras, Greece it is alleged that it produced manna and flour and oil with the fragrance of nectar
Any amount of nectar fragrant oil from St. Andrew's grave in Greece is not going to wipe the smell of this fishy stinking history in Bombay of the Church built in his honor.

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