Monday, October 31, 2022
All Saints Play
The Bible clearly explains saints as anyone who believes in God in the Old Testament, and in the New Testament, anyone who believes, follows, and practices the teachings of Jesus Christ.
Sainthood in Roman Catholicism is a title that can be purchased. Corruption in this sainthood business is something that can be found on the Public Domain called Google, however you will never find any of it in the Bible.
The Bible itself never speaks of any saints as prescribed by the Catholic Church but uses the term in reference to prophets in the old testament and disciples of Christ in the New Testament.
The Roman Catholic Church (not Christ) decided on this title business. A business so that on these dedicated saint days, it is money that gets pumped into the Church coffers and peripheral businesses around the Churches that thrive with candles, the relevant Saints pictures, and other religious paraphernalia.
Nothing wrong in this as the birth of Christ- Christmas itself became a global business. Even the date of Christ’s birth is not clear, the Orthodox Churches celebrate it on another date (January 7th) and not Dec 25th. The date has no religious reasons but was a political reason dictated by the Roman empire, Constantine.
The ethnicity or nationality of a major number of saints are Caucasians or Hispanics. How many saints are there who are of other races and nationality?
In a country like India where a disciple of Christ set foot and preached the gospel, how many Indian saints are there?
Then came the colonists - the Portuguese and the British with their version of Bibles and their band of saints. Ask any Indian how many Indian saints they know, the immediate answer would be St. Xavier and Mother Theresa, both not of Indian origin. Then if one reads of the Goan Inquisition one would wonder how and why was Francis Xavier was even canonized as a Saint considering the brutality that was done to the locals in Goa especially the Hindus. Salute Pope Francis for his openly coming out and speaking of the crimes of the Crusades and many of the Christian empires.
Conferring titles to Indian origin priests or nuns is a recent happening. Not because they suddenly discovered the piety of Indian Catholics, but due to the realisation of the Catholic Church that you can't hide or rule much under a white skin.
How many Indian saints feasts are celebrated around the world? Forget the world, how many in India? Even if celebrated it maybe in the region of their birth or where they worked. How many Churches are there in the world or in India named after Indian saints?
So on this All Saints Day, along with remembering the white saints, remember the ones in India, as they worked for the poor and marginalized amongst us, and not some imported Saints we are made to pray to and who did nothing in India. Fooled to pray to a particular saint for particular favors, when we should be recognizing saints amongst our clergy like Fr. Stan Swamy and many others in the Catholic clergy who suffered brutal injustice and many martyred in their service to humanity
Rome was not built in a day, but saints being churned from Rome is definitely foul play.
Friday, October 28, 2022
False Gods in Goa
A foreign news media which looks like a western attempt to colonize India, once again through religion.
This time raking and making an issue of clergy in Goa that is encouraging the laity to participate and celebrate other religion festivities? What is the holy sacrilege harm in this? Why is the west and even the Vatican dictating terms and conditions, of how we pray and worship and even demonizing our showing respect to other Indian religious God and beliefs? If it is a mortal sin then ensure no other religion practicing Indians enter Catholic Churches. Then the Church does not want to lose on the money. So another religion person can come and pay respect and EVEN pray to God, but Catholics should not show reciprocal respect. The other religions who welcome everyone to their temples even share food items what they offer their Gods. Catholic Church won't even share the Body of Christ which is offered in Communion. At the same time claim Christ gave life for all if humanity? Ain't it a paradox?
Salute African nations who were the fist to dictate and warn the white supremacists in Vatican to not interfere with their traditional way of life. Why is the Indian Roman Catholic Church still colonial slaves to the Vatican.Christianity prevailed in India thousand of years prior to the white colonial crusades invaded India. Calling them crusades as what they did with inquistion in Goa is more brutal what the Crusades actually did.
BBC and Buddhist temple scrolls have proven that Christ was in India during his lost years in the Bible or deliberately removed from the Bible . Even reincarnation which was a part of the Biblical teaching was deliberately removed. Why? Because it is a part and belief of Indian religions and spituality. Will the second coming of Christ not be a reincarnation? Why is the Indian Roman Church shying away or ashamed of its cultural roots?
Time for a mind set reincarnation of the laity and clergy in India, or continue to be slaves to the colonists in Rome.
Wednesday, October 26, 2022
With Rishi Sunak now as PM of UK? So many questions in India? Will a minority every scale the political height of being a PM? Which is confusing. So if a Muslim becomes a PM and his ten generations prior have been in India, he is still seen as a minority by religion. Rishi was a minority (maybe not anymore with the amount of Immigrants) as that of Indian subcontinent origin and then also a religious minority being a Hindu. So if a white British convert of Hinduism becomes a PM, is he or she a minority still? Is it color, race or religion?
Could understand if it was a transgender, that it was something to celebrate. Then it would be still trying to find the origins of the transgender? If it is from India, then again questions if a transgender could be the PM of India. Humans became races over millions of years of migration, which gave color or texture or color of the eyes or their shape. Then for thousands of years everyome lived in their natural biological habitat.
Humans again started migrating or Immigrating across in today's man made country borders as the world became flat with trade, commerce and technology. Yet our brains have not yet evolved from the dark zone of our mind in seeing or discriminatint another human being by color, race or religion. Then was the minority Indian Christian in brigade questioning why was there no euphoria of ecstacy and rejoicing when Ireland and Portugal had Indian origin Prime Minister? Why don't they question the Vatican of why no Pope of color in the hundreds of years? Then the election of choosing a Pope is done by a majority of white pointed hat donning Cardinals, so is there a hope? Hope atleast Christ in his second coming, comes in India. Then again he would be somone who is a minority in a Hindu majority, even if he is born to a devout Christian virgin?
What all do Indians want to equate and celebrate of Indian origins making it in the political scenario in foreign countries? Will they celebrate if a Pakistani or Bangladeshi Immigrant makes it to being a PM in India or is the yardstick only to measure Indians scaling political heights in foreign countries?
Time India looks within as there is something much better, higher and lovelier than caste, creed, religion and confusing politics. A place where you don't see a himan beings as minority, majority, religious orientation but you see only humanity
Watch the video. There are many more of YouTube. So India can either opiate on Indians making it abroad and back home a nation going down the Tube
Friday, October 21, 2022
Enlightened Diwali
Is Diwali a festival of displaying lights or
you being a light in someone's life?
Is is about gifting sweets or being sweet to one another?
Is it only about loud fireworks and crackers or would you be brave and loud towards injustice and not cracking under fear?
Is it about worship and welcoming Goddess Laxmi for prosperity or also you being a reason for another's prosperity?
Is it being fooled by multinationals who promote their goods or would it be us boycotting products that harm human beings and the earth?
Is it about celebrating Lord Rama's return after 14 years of exile in a forest or you returning to the ones you have been estranged with?
Is it about wishing the other a Happy Diwali or also exploring how you can be a source of happiness in someone's life?
Is it a festival of light over darkness or ensuring you are not the source of Darkness?
May you have an enlightened Diwali and be the light for others
Wednesday, October 19, 2022
Carlos Acutis
WTF (Where They Found) this new Saint?
(sic) Google explains this kid Saint as follows:
Carlo Acutis, who died of leukaemia in 2006 aged 15, has already been dubbed "the patron saint of the internet". On Saturday, he was beatified at a ceremony in the town of Assisi and moved one step closer to sainthood. The teenager recorded purported miracles online and helped run websites for Catholic organisations.
Patron Saint of the Internet? Seriously? What all marketing Holy Gimmick is the Catholic Church trying to fool the world with? First it was miracles that the saints did when alive. Then it was after they were dead and performed miracles when prayed too. Now the latest is online abracadabra of miracles. India is allegedly the brain that runs Infornation technology globally. To the extent that CEOs of many global conglomerates are Indians. Maybe they don't qualify to be Saint material after they are dead as they are not Catholics.
The speed at which this white kid is beatified brings about the question on the races of saints so far. Mostly all white? Does God not like black, brown and yellow skinned Catholics? Or are they not holy, spiritual and prayerful enough to be saints? Wish God was Michael Jackson as he could take anyone to be his brother, it did not matter if he was Black or White. Now imagine if the Church beautified Michael Jackon, the question would be, is he black or white?
Coming to the beatification of Carlos Acutis, just wondering why a holy and spiritual kid taken away by God, due to leukemia? Was he taken so he could be declared a Saint and prayed too for miracles? Wondering what miracle can I ask him in prayer? As he is a Saint of the Internet I will pray that my Internet connection never goes down?
Thursday, October 13, 2022
It happens only in India (Part II)
When a Government cannot provide jobs, bulids temples
Tells educated jobless to start street side fast food stalls
Where the PM cannot debate or have press conference, but decides what language the country must speak
A country that is trying to prove that a majority speak Hindi, when in reality a majority don't speak Hindi
Cannot build good road infrastructure but want rear seat passengers in cars to wear seat belt
A nation that prides of a tea vendor becoming a PM, a tribal becoming a President, and the rich becoming richer and the poor poorer
A nation that gives aid to foreign countries and deprives the common man of his saved money in a Bank
A nation that is keen to prove where temples existed in the past and today mosques are built, but cannot pave a future and prides in building the world's largest statue and that too with the help if Chinese?
Cannot stop encroachment of footpath and roads by hawkers and wants to prove of allegedly driving away Chinese from encroached Indian property
A govt. that wants to dictate religious practices of marriage and divorce but will not implement a Common Civil Code
A govt. that promised to get back black money and pushed the country into red. Red not just with economy and falling Rupee but red with blood with lynching and communal divide
A govt. that writes off trillions of Rupees of loans of the rich, but will not write off loans of farmers or the poor who cannot repay. Leading to farmer suicides
A country where a cow is sacred and worshiped as a Mother and women raped
A country because cow is a sacred animal cannot be eaten, but can be eaten in some states
A country that enforces dry days where no alcohol is sold or served, but citizens can stock and drink at home on those days
A country that is trying to prove a religious majority but still wants to be called a secular country
A country where a minister speaks the facts of a prophet and gets thrown out of the party due to pressure from GCC Islamic countries. At the same time silent on China's abuse of human rights on the Uyghur Muslim community. Why is India not questioning these Islamic countries on what is happening in China, Pakistan and Afghanistan? No God, prophet or religion would advocate such inhuman autrocities meted out.
Then this can happen only in India and we like voice Sarey Jahan Sey Accha Hindustan Humara (Meaning Amongst all nations in the world, India is the best)
Sunday, October 09, 2022
Fr. Stan Swamy Memorial meet
Gratitude in words will short to St. Paul's Media & Indusda Foundation for the lovely evening arranged yesterday to remember late Fr. Stan Swamy with the Topic, 'Freedom of Expression'. Ensuring the huge no. of crowds fed with snacks and beverage.
Fr. Stan Swamy a Catholic priest who was murdered by the legal system as he stood for the rights of tribal communities and their rights over their land. A man who ensured the Constitutional rights be applied for human rights of the tribals. In the process his own rights deprived in a maze of legal cobweb and ultimately jailed and branded as a terrorist. Finally died with mental torture and physical deprivation of basic needs, like a sipper to drink water due to his ailing health
A juxtaposed life with that of Jesus Christ who was branded as a criminal for sedition against the Empire. Finally crucified and even deprived a drink of water as he lay hung on the cross. Instead given a drink of vinegar doused on a sponge.
Bringing Dr. Shashi Tharoor as a speaker was a great choice. Like any celebrity that would bring in the crowds. I am a great fan of Dr. Shashi Tharoor for his his linguistic power over the English language and his depth of knowledge of global history, politics and social issues. Beyond that I doubt his abilities to make a change. His political ambition to be the top boss of the Congress Party may end up as the Top Puppet of the Congress Party akin to Dr. Manmohan Singh. One of the best and highly educated Prime Minsiter India has ever had. Unfortunately firmly held by a leash by the Gandhi Family. Dr. Shashi Tharoor too even stated and accepted that the Gandhi's would be central to the Congress Party. How much of sycophancy and low levels can Intellectuals bow down too? Democracy needs not just 'Freedom of Expression but also Freedom from Dynastic ruling.' As In India it is not Democracy but Dictatocracy. Where Autocracy and Dictatorship is packed as Democracy.
Dr. Tharoor's eloquecy of speech shadowed the purpose and subject of the evening and ended with it being a more enriching and enlightening history class and evolution history of human rights and how they differ across culture. Then being a political celebrity, can get away with poor comparison. Poor example of an Indian attired man beating his wife, with a question whose rights are getting violated? Great stand up comedy line. Something again which he is good at and maybe ensuring a parallel career and his mane maintained incase his political ambitions cannot stand up. Another example was of a rich man flying business class and a poor man sleeping under a bridge. This was the same Dr. Shashi Tharoor who once stated that he does not fly economy class of an Airline as it is cattle class.
Then were Catholic Clergy who shared the dias with Dr. Shashi Tharoor. One of them being Fr. Frazer. His nursing Fr. Stan Swamy in his last days and having name shown as next of kin was heart warming. Then was his sharing a conversation where he asked Fr. Stan Swamy, why do all this work with life being in danger and not take up some other work as Fr. Stan Swamy had held a lot of important positions in educational Institutes of the Church. Fr. Stan Swamy's answer could have made a lot of clergy at the meeting hang their head in shame, where he said "My Lord Jesus suffered much more worse".
What is the Catholic Church in India and especially the Clergy doing? Nuns Raped, Children sodomised, Bishop fathering kids? What preaching Freedom of Expression is the Church advocating? What did the Church do for Fr. Stan Swamy? One of the richest religious bodies? What has been the support or from the Archbishop House where Cardinal Oswald Gracias resides? What has been statements from the Vatican or the Pope? Will the Catholic Church have the courage to demand immediate beatification of Fr. Stan Swamy? Mother Teresa's was fast tracked, why not Fr. Stan Swamy? One does not need a miracle to prove to be cannonised a Saint. It can be just someone who was Christ Like as Fr. Stan Swamy. Fr Stan Swamy beatification would be the biggest slap on Indian democracy and it's judiciary. The Indian Roman Catholic Church should be a Indian Roaring Catholic Church, as Vatican is a body of white supremacist and fascists and will stay that way for a long time. Maybe till the second coming.
Definitely courageous and heartening was to hear a Nun, Sr. Pauline pose a couregous question on women empowerment. A Church that does not give women to be in power is preaching 'Freedom of Expression'. Are the Nuns to be regaled as Mary Magdalenes of the Church to perfume the feet of the Priests with their hair? Slavery of Nuns by the Cathloic Church is in the Public Domain. What was more surprising and shocking, not a word on Sr Lucy, who spoke of Nuns being being allegedly raped by Bishop Franco Mulakkal. A Nun who is currently protesting for ill treatment meted out to her by her Convent. Demanding legal protection from the state for Nuns on autrocities done to them.
Will Sr. Lucy be remembered after she is dead? This time not killed by the state or the judiciary but by the Church? Maybe Dr. Shashi Tharoor would be generous to grace that occasion too with his Intellectual entertainment of history. However Shashi Tharoor was inordinately delayed for yesterday's meeting but hats off to the Spirit of Bandra and residents who ensured the crowds were kept entertained. Why was Dr. Shashi Tharoor delayed? Bad roads and even more bad traffic. Maybe next he could give a talk on 'Freedom of Movement'.
India and the Roman Catholic Church in India don't just need people who can talk but also walk the talk, also get crucified for walking their talk.
Tuesday, October 04, 2022
Victory Dassera
May your happiness be on your victory from this Dassera onwards
The victory of burning the evil in you
The victory of burning multiple personalities you display to the world and none of them have honesty, integrity, ethics, humanity, love, caring and reaching out
The victory of buring evil in you that may have depirved anyone anything that should have been rightly theirs and you got it with your influence or position in society
The victory of burning pride and sharing how many could benefit from your knowledge, experience or abundance of prosperity God had blessed you with
The victory of burning my fear to fight for my rights and justice and to stand up for the rights and justice of others
The victory of burning greed where you desire what someone has more then you. Greed to gain only for your benefit. Greed to abuse Mother Nature exploiting its natural resources and killing it. Not realising that in exploiting or destroying Nature, Nature is not destroyed but you are destroyed and destroying future generations.
Not only to burn the evil Ravan in today's society but the victory of burning the Ravan in us that could be the source of evil to anyone or society or the world at large or to humanity.
Wishing your family and you a Victory Dassera and you being a source of Happiness and Hope in the evil world.

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