Wednesday, October 09, 2024


Goodbye Tata

Rata Tata's demise, would be a void that may never get filled, by any business tycoon world wide. With capitalist greed of business moghuls, it is just profits and personal consumption of materialism and ugly display of wealth. For Ratan is was profits which can benefit society at large. For him business was for nation building. A tradition that Tata Group always stood for. Something no business house can stand up to the towering levels of the Tata Group towards national growth, progress and humanity.

Philanthropical and charitable works of Tata Group is public knowledge. Ratan took the levels of reaching out not just for humans but for his love for dogs also. Stray dogs are not driven away from the prestigious Taj Mahal hotel, but given shelter. Simple act of reflective collars for stray dogs so they don't get driven over by motorists at night. In a dog eat dog world, here is a man who teaches humans not be like dogs, but to be human towards not just their own but also towards animals.

In a broken corrupt world, Ratan was an example of business ethics and standards. Not compromising on values of integrity and honesty. In India corruption levels are so ugly visible, with big businesses and infrastructure projects given as gift hampers to one or two business houses. Ratan ensured the legacy of the Tatas gifting back to Indians.

Shameless ministers, business men would be giving their hollow, soul lacking eulogy of how great Ratan was and how he was an inspiration, when under their collar it would be perspiration of shame. Maybe they need to wear a dog reflective collar to reflect on Ratan and how they can emulate him.

Goodbye Tata. May your soul Rest in Peace and may your life be an example for a world seeking peace, justice and humanity

Friday, September 13, 2024


What's the difference?

What's the difference?

Was the Church not always like a club, and will continue to be one?

Millions are betting that their prayers will be answered? Microscopic few that get healed or get what they prayed for? Something that could have been got or achieved without prayers? This gets magnified and then more people pray (gamble) with petitions and money thrown to that Saint or Church like Lourdes or The Mount Mary's and Velankanni in India?

Then it is a strip club, where the strip you more of your wealth with passages from the Bible? Like tithe and Jesus telling a rich man sell all your belongings and follow me?

Finally what you get from this club?

Few drops of water sprinkled on your head at baptism?

A wafer as the body of Christ?

A slap to proclaim you as confirmed?

A blessing on your marriage? Does the blessing work as many marriages are not working?

Finally few drops of water when you are lowered in a grave? 

Again none of the above are free services?

In a night club a women gets picked up decently? There is good amount of security to ensure you are safe?

In a Church you may not know which priest is a peadophile who will prey on your kids, while you pray? Which Nun may get raped by a Bishop or a priest Which? Which elderly may get fooled of their property? Then the financial scams and land frauds. 

Will you forgive them Father, for the know what they are doing?

Can I get an Amen for this

Sunday, September 08, 2024


Happy Birthday Mama (Part II)

Congregation flocked the early morning mass today 5.30 am at the Bascillica of Mount Mary, to wish her a Happy Birthday. Just wondering why the choir couldn't sing Happy Birthday to her? Then even if it was sung, would she be happy. 

A virgin chosen by God to give birth to his son in human manifestation to save and redeem the world. Would it be a happy Mother, to see the state of the world today? Her only son was crucified for no crime of his. Crucified and died on the cross and saved humanity from its sins. Did we humans or let's say only Christians stop sinning after that? 

Imagine a Mother who saw her only son sacrificed for a hope of a better world. With what face are we facing her today? Infact many face the statue of our Mother with their mobile cameras and take selfies. This is all we have to offer to her for the selflessness of her son and she as a helpless Mother watching her son die on the cross. 

The feast at the Basillica of the Mount has been around for three centuries, and another famous pilgrimage site of our Mother in South India,.Our Lady of Velankanni has been commemorated since the 16th century. What have we as Christians proved over the centuries of worshipping and praying to Mother Mary? 

Our prayers are for her intercession, for various petitions we as human beings have. Ranging from cure of illness, tide over financial crisis, marital discords, to get a job, success at exams and the list is endless. As a Mother she has and will always be there to intercede with her son for us. Like Mothers in today's world, many are abandoned, lonely with kids having migrated, ailing and no one to help. They are now desperately seeking love and attention from their kids who they gave everything? Many don't even want their money,. With technology where one can make a video call free, even a call is rare. 

So to with our Mother Mary, who gave us her only son, is now seeking as to what is that we can give her. She does not want us to get crucified. She does want us to wish each other Happy Feast. She would prefer us to see how we can reach out and make someone happy. As the Church was filled with no place for many to sit, there were not many who would even offer their seat to an an elderly or a lady or even many Nuns. We can't even offer a seat to someone who needs it in Church, what place can we offer Mother Mary in our lives?

Friday, September 06, 2024


Ganpathi Bapa Moriya

You don't bring Lord Ganesh into your home.  It is he who comes every year into HIS home, to collect HIS rent, of our honesty, humanity humbleness and our faith in HIM. 

Let's ensure we keep our honesty, humbleness and faith in him every day, and not just regale it only to the festival of Ganesh Chatturthi 

Ganpathi Bappa Moriya

Sunday, September 01, 2024


Chaining Varsha Tai?

Recent visit of Modi ensured that an elected and loved MP leader of the masses, Prof. Varsha Gaikwad, was detained from leaving her home. Why is our 56-inch-chested PM scared of a lady? Just because she is a fearless and honest opposition leader?

Select blow link and click to open news article

If this is the state of justice for an elected leader, what justice can a common man expect? Why was she detained? Why is the police machinery used as goons to suppress a leader's rights? What threat was she to the PM? Does she not have the right to a peaceful protest during the PM's visit?

This is nothing but fear of the upcoming elections, where the BJP will be shown the same result as what happened in Ayodhya. The masses have awoken, and they cannot be pleased with religious propaganda. Propaganda with a temple built that leaks. If you can't make a temple for God, what homes and country can the BJP build?

The temple of democracy, the Parliament, recently built, is leaking. Not to mention exam paper leaks. Detaining Prof. Varsha Gaikwad, whom the masses lovingly call Varsha Tai, was as good as chaining her. The mistake Modi made was taking on Varsha Tai, who is Bombay's Lakshmibai and the queen of citizens' hearts, from where she was elected.

From the land of Shivaji Maharaj, in whose memory even a solid statue could not be built, and it collapsed? A party that cannot build a statue promising infrastructure? Modi, you bowed your head in apology for the statue of India's beloved and fearless leader, Shivaji Maharaj, that fell. Get ready to bow your head in shame this coming election.

You chained our beloved Varsha Tai; now soon your party will have to bid goodbye to Bombay. The citizens will drive the final nail in the coffin of your leadership and your party this election.

Friday, August 23, 2024


Raping Doctors?!

The rape of a Doctor is nothing short of low level animal behavior, evil, filthy, sickening, immoral, injustice of the system. All this euphoria of emotions of anger and demand for justice and courtroom debates will all fade and die? Will justice may or may not happen? Whether the real culprits would be booked or someone innoncent planted or someone who did but the rest cannot be touched or caught?

The anger of Doctors with their peaceful protests, hope would ensure justice? The question to the Doctors is how many come to the streets when Doctors are medically and financially raping patients? With treatments and operations not required? Medicine prescribed not required?

Time the medical fraternity looked inwards and read the title of this message once again?

Wednesday, August 21, 2024


Over two decades gone by

21 years gone by, when my daughter adopted my wife and me as parents. She was 7 months when she came into our lives. After my wife conceiving our first boy child in her womb, I conceived her in my heart. Today she celebrates 22 years of age. A birthday she shares with my son and me.
It was a joy to be parents all over again and that too as a birthday gift. Just that this time, my wife and I were adopted as parents. We were not perfect parents, but were lucky to have her adopt us, and make us feel perfect. Wondering how would our lives have been without her. She adopted our son as her older brother. Something he cherishes with his love for her and is protective of her. Infact even more than us parents.
Now as she fledges her wings to fly, we know without her we would die. Not a physical death, but a living dead life. She was a purpose of us living and a glue to our marriage and ensuring we sticking together as a family. We knew some day she would leave to explore world and make a world of her own. Leaving us orphaned as parents, as we never adopted her, it was she who adopted us.
As she would be flying overseas for higher education in a few days all my wife and I can say to her is "Thank you baby for the love and memories. Go fly and make the world your oyster."

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