Tuesday, March 04, 2025


Donald Trumpty

Donald Trumpty sat on wall 
Enjoying, seeing nations fall
Fooling the world, to bring peace
Selling weapons, creating unease

Empires have fallen in history
Rulers and kings defeated to misery
No bad lasted forever in the past 
Humpty Trumpty fall will happens fast

In the process of destroying the world
Wanting to rule it as a power Lord
Sitting on a wall of power and greed
World uniting will bring him down indeed

USA will have no cards to play
Economy a house of cards that sway
Swaying creating enemies of nations
Not realising it's own damnation

Friday, February 28, 2025


Black or White

It does matter if you are Black or White as the next Pope will be white. Papal election is allleged to be divine intercession of God that is chosen and channelised through the college of Cardinals. Does this mean God is a racist? For hundreds of years the Pope has always been white? So does that mean the Black, Brown and Yellow are less intelligent, less holy, less liked by God? Or less liked by the Church or the Catholic laity? Is it a cartel that dictates?

Are other races only lyrics of a hymn, 'Walking with the Lord', where a stanca of the song reads as follows:

Hand in hand with everyone,
We're walking, walking,
Black and white and brown,
Together, walking, walking,
Singing new songs now,
Living new lives,
Building new bridges,
Walking distanct miles,
We' we're walking with the Lord.

Even here the yellow race is missing or is it they don't fit into the tune of the hymn or the tune of the Church? Why is the Papal election exclusively conducted and decided by a College of Cardinals? Why can't every country that has a Catholic Population send a clergy. The representative does not have to be a Cardinal? Did Jesus choose his disciples through a College of Intellectuals? Was there a chimney which gave out Black or White smoke, when he declared Peter as the rock of the Church? Even smoke emitted from the chimney is Black or White? If it is black smoke the Pope is not yet declared and if it white the Pope is declared? Why not reverse the color? Or have other colors of smoke? Had Michael Jackson been alive, he would have another album Black or White 2. Where one of the lyrics would state, "You can be my Pope, but it does matter if you are Black or White."

This time Papal conclave 138 of 252 cardinals are eligible to participate. What are the ratio of races? It's a no brainer? To even conclude which race will be the Pope, one does not even need a brain? The Papal election should change. Every country should have a clergy appointed who can be decided to become the Pope. Let the countries be decided by a lot. Let the appointment of a Papal candidate in every country be a decision with involves the laity. The laity should not be used only as a pay and pray contributing to the piggy bank of the Church. 

Don't restrict the Papal candidate to be a Bishop or Cardinal. Let it be even just a priest. Imagine if Fr. Stan Swamy was alive would Indian Catholic Church especially the laity not have voted him unanimously? If Jesus could choose ordinary fishermen to be his disciples, why can't it not be an ordinary priest? Instead of the age limit for Papal candidency of 80 years, restrict the age limit to 60 or 70 for normal life longevity. 

Why not a Nun be a Pope? If Mary could be the Mother of God, can not a Nun be a leader of the Catholic Church?

Monday, February 10, 2025


Budget or .........

The recent budget got everyone excited or fooled that upto 12 lakhs of Income you pay no income tax. On the contrary it was just optics jugglery of numbers and the Ghodi Media (Media that sits on the lap of the government) and intellectual idiots that garnish the garbage of filth praised by financial news anchors.

The carrot on the stick or the stick up the citizens gives an impression of the savings each bracket of income could save or will have extra to spend. How long are we going to be fooled or are we bloody fools. The below video if it does not awake the nation, then we rather be put to sleep. 

Select the link to open the video

What is allegedly shown as savings or extra money to spend is only paying for the same basic expenses, more. With inflation we end with less to spend and even less to spend on basics. The joke is the unemployment numbers. Highest in the history of India. Irony is even this class is paying tax, maybe not on income but expenditure. This government has been the most cruelest and corrupt of all cruel and the corrupt governments in the past. So cruel that basic staple food is taxed

Select the link to open the news article

With imports into India over USD 800 billion, tax on imports have been raised. Adding salt to the injury with rupee falling so fast against the dollar, that it would have confused Newton with his discovery of universal gravity. Maybe he would have discovered India's fall to depravity. Needless to mention the stock market tumbling, like a clown in a circus tumbling down a flight of stairs. Confused should we be laughing or crying?

Select the link to open the video

This was less a budget and more a numerical fudge it.

Wednesday, January 29, 2025



Apocrypha are works, usually written, of unknown authorship or of doubtful origin. The parents of Mary the mother of Jesus is also a work of Apocrypha as there is no authenticated genealogy of Mother Mary's family tree.

How come Apocrypha of Mother Mary's parents decided by Rome is deutrocanonical? At the same time facts of Jesus being in India which is documented proof not accepted by the Church? Who or What is the reference that the Church uses as a yardstick for many of its apocryphal works?

If a Church in Turkey which was used as a Museum is now converted into a mosque, it is such a hue and cry. The Crusades did worse and it was evengelaisation. A Christ who features made to look Western, with blond hair and light eyes, is thrusted on us to bow down and worship?

China has started a new Crusade of Christianity, where Jesus pictures are being replaced with that of Xi Jingping. This maybe down the centuries be the new face of Christ with China's economic and military power, with Rome confirming it as deutrocanonical?


Sunday, January 26, 2025


Republic Day

Another day which is a dry day. But you can stock alcohol and drink? When there are teary wet eyes of many facing injustice, persecution and discrmination?

Another day where there is a parade and floats of states depicting their culture? When there are still cases of women paraded naked and India losing its culture of humanity?

Another day when we display our weapons and military might and many dont have basic rights?

Another day where we display patriotism with flags waved and medals of tricolor pinned on our chest? When religion is divided with colors and hatred in our hearts?

Another day when politicians will unfurl a flag and give patriotic speeches? When curruption is unfurled batantly and speeches otherwise are laced with threats?

Another day where Airforce will be displayed and pride of our reaching into outer space? When our inner space of the country is in poverty?

Another day of a holiday, which unfortunately fell on a Sunday? When we have capitalists that want to slave labor for 70 to 90 hours a week?

Another day where speeches may touch on pride of the tallest statue in the world? When we lack leaders tall in character?

Another day where speeches on the commemoration of the Constitution would be preached? When one of the primary foundation article 21 of the Constitution emphasis on the right to life? When in reality is, do we have rights to live a life of dignity and safety?

Another day where schemes of appeasement with facilities maybe declared? In reality when we don't have good roads and good public transport?

Another day where proposal of one nation,.one election would be made? When what we need is one nation and one nationality of identity and not identities of caste and religion?

Another day where many may display the flag outside their homes? When what we need are voices of courage to speak outside on corruption and not sit and watch debates inside our home? Courage to stand and codemn injustice and not only stand and wave a flag?

Another day where we celebrate an alleged secular democracy? Are we secular? Are we really a democracy or dynastic democracy? Or are we a peculiar, secular hypocricy masked in democracy?

Another day when we will mark 76 years of our nation becoming a republic, when will the day dawn when we will be a nation of Free Public? Freedom of speech where our voices are not muffled with fear? Freedom of choice of what we eat? Freedom to practice religion? Freedom to believe we are really Free?

Wishing you all a hope of a Freepublic India one day. Jai Hind.

Monday, January 13, 2025


70 and now 90????

What next will India business honchos come with with? Slave labor emplyees and use them as ponchos to protect their selfish interests? Justifying his 90 hour work comment, Chairman SN Subrahmanyan of L&T, questions how long can you stare at your wife at home, so work on Sundays also. Does he work 90 hours a week? Or is his wife is so ugly that he cannot stare at her face?

Select links to open the news article


Maybe being a Chairman he may not be knowing to be Bedman. As many Indians not only love staring at their wives, but also being on bed with them. Now L&T HR head, Sonica Muraleedharan has to clean the mess, SN Subrahmanyan defecated from his mouth, and state his words were taken out of context??


What is the out of context? Did he mean take 90 ml shots on weekends to improve productivity at work? Instead of condemning the statement; lowering her posture, bowing to below 90 degrees to protect her Chairman? When Will Management in corporates stop being sycophants and suck up to a job following inhuman instructions of the Chairman, CEO or MD? Instructions to slave work employees 70 to 90 hours a week? 

First it was Murthy of Infoshit (sorry typo error), Infosys, who wanted employees to work 70 hours? Then justifying that it is for nation builidng? Or was it to buy his palatial home in a swanky builidng?


My earlier blog to Muthy's comment of 70 hours work week was, What next Murthy? Work 70 hours a week till you are 70?


My question to SN Subrahmanyan is, what next? Make employees work 90 hours a week till his current salary of 51 crores hits 90 crores?

Wednesday, January 08, 2025


Santa Banta and jokes on Sardars

Most Indian jokes needs a Sardar character as the butt of the joke. A community that never got touchy or sensitive but stood their ground for who they are and in pride with their dress code of religion. To the extent many countries where armed troops and police require an uniformed look, the government respected the Sardar head gear. 

One of the biggest scams in the Urban Cooperative Sector in India, was the Punjab & Maharashra Cooperative Bank Scam. Hundreds of PMC Bank depositors killed with no access to their money. Few suicides and over 5 years of injustice. In the depth of grief, sorrow and anguish of the surviving depositors, it is the Sardar community that is now leading from front on the legal battle ground to ensure justice.

One of the main coordinators leading the battle is Sardar Gurjyot Singh and someone who honors me accepting me as his brother. President of the Sikhs in Maharashtra and affiliated to Sharad Pawar Sir's political party The Nationalist Congress Party. Sharad Pawar Sir and his party stood by PMC Bank supporters right from the beginning with Madam Supriya Sule even voicing the pain and concern in Parliment.

Gurjyot has given the battle cry on the legal battle field. He is not even a PMC Bank Despositor, but is depositing his love, courage and dedication for the PMC Bank depositors. Such is the heart of the Sardar community

Select to open link


Gurjyot stood by PMC Bank depositors right from the time the scam broke out and attended many protests and stood in the forefront and at times taken by the police into custody.

Select to open link


Next time when you hear a joke on Sardars remember the one who cracks the joke and you enjoy, just remember you are the bloody jokers and Sardars the fighters.

Saluting my brother Gurjyot. May the force be with you

Saluting the Sardar brave hearts on the real battle ground because of whom we pride to live in an India of today

Pre-Independence Era

Maharaja Ranjit Singh: Unified the Sikh Empire, expanding its borders and establishing a strong, centralized government.

Banda Singh Bahadur: Led the Sikh army against the Mughal Empire, capturing key cities and establishing Sikh rule.

Sikh Regiment in World War I. Fought bravely in various battles, including the Battle of Gallipoli and the Battle of the Somme.

Post-Independence Era

General Joginder Singh. Led the Indian Army's Eastern Command during the 1971 Indo-Pakistani War, liberating Bangladesh.

General Harbaksh Singh. Commanded the Indian Army's Western Command during the 1965 Indo-Pakistani War, defending against Pakistani aggression.

Air Chief Marshal Arjan Singh. Led the Indian Air Force during the 1965 Indo-Pakistani War, earning the Padma Vibhushan for his service.

Notable Sardars in the Armed Forces

Captain Gurbachan Singh Salaria (Param Vir Chakra): Fought in the 1961 Congo Crisis as part of the United Nations peacekeeping force.

Major Shaitan Singh (Param Vir Chakra): Led his company during the 1962 Sino-Indian War, defending against Chinese forces.

Lieutenant Colonel Harcharan Singh (Maha Vir Chakra): Fought in the 1965 Indo-Pakistani War, leading his battalion in key battles.

Group Captain Gurcharan Singh. Participated in the 1971 Indo-Pakistani War, flying combat missions.

Colonel Narinder Singh. Served in the Indian Army's Special Forces, participating in various counter-insurgency operations.

Wednesday, December 04, 2024


Reverse Colonisation

Immigrants are destroying the West culturally, economically, vandalism, murders, and rising crime, especially in the UK and France.

The globe has become flat and human beings are a commodity in the economic space, like any other product. So when you import, what is good for the economy? Take in the scientists, the engineers, the doctors, the nurses, or any profession that is good for the economy. Poland is ensuring just that. Select below link to open the video

Select the below link and click to open

The mess starts when the flavor or favour of human rights kick in. Instead of reaching out to countries that are seeped in civil war and corruption and ensuring a good life for them, you suddenly feel it is better to give them a home, shelter, and security in your country.

That's when the bomb starts ticking economically and in reality. These immigrants want everything free and contribute nothing. You don't give refuge to a criminal in your home and expect it not to be robbed and your family to be safe, the same applies to a country which is a geographical home.

Though I am not religious or a God believer in a brand of religion, karma has hit the Western shores. These immigrants are from countries that were exploited by western countries, especially countries in Africa and Indian subcontinent. Colonial brutality of Africa and Asia, the colonists don't want to address and redress. Colonization to levels of just not looting and plundering, but destroying the culture and religious beliefs and identity of the colonized countries. Even the colonial brand of Christianity completely different to what was already prevalent in a more pure and authentic form in India. Something that was brought to the shores of India by a direct disciple of Christ, St..Thomas. To the extent original religious and Biblical material and prayers books burnt.

Select the below link and click to open

So this time it is an Islamic colonization, with the question if the Christian colonists could do it, why can't they?

Today the West is not colonized by forces of power and might, but their own lack of simple intellect. All these immigrants did not land on their shores illegally or with guns and ammunition. They invited them citing humanity, when it was actually need of cheap labor. So don't cry for yourselves, West, when you were the worst.

Sunday, November 24, 2024


Why the palm got fractured?

Rahul walked and walked
Rest in Congress talked and talked
Congress turned out to be a dope
Their actions had no hope
You cant talk and walk
You got to walk the talk
Congress needs to shed its image
Or someone needs to take the image
Take charge of the palm and manage
The Clock and The Bow and Arrow
Once the image of another Hero
You can't have one hero or a family
Rule a country and live a life of jolly
Confidence and head in clouds a folly


Goencho Saib or....?

The decinnial exposition of the body of St. Francis Xavier in Goa commenced recently and a celebration that will go into the New Year to follow. Why is the Catholic Church only exposing his allegedly incorruptible corpse and not exposing his evil, cruel and inhuman acts that was meted out to the Goans?

The inquisition is something the Church tries hard to cover or bury the evil deeds of St. Francis Xavier, which unfortunately is getting exposed and realistation and awareness of the Catholic Community in India.

The cruelty of Saint Francis Xavier is in Public Domain and one of the sites that details his horrific evil is the following. Select link to open the site


Hope Catholics in India especially Goans when the open the site also open the eyes to get a true sight of the Inquistion in India? This joke of canonization of saints is a mockery. To the extent the Catholic Church prides in some of its saints who had an evil past and then become pious or enlightened in faith and did miraculous acts. 

The irony is the title given to Francis Xavier, Goencho Saib or Lord and protector of Goa. Why is the Catholic Church in India not accepting and condemning that the white ruled Vatican. Actually insulting Indians especially Goans who had to face a brutal past in the allegedly holy hands of Saint Francis Xavier, and hiding the truth?

Is this a Goencho Saib or protector of Goa or Goencho Khooni the murderer of Goans? 

Wednesday, November 13, 2024


Hum anek hai aur anektha mein humari ektha hai

The recent statement at an election rally by the honorable Home Minister, "Hum ek hain tho safe hain", meaning if we are one we are safe? What is this, one, is a trillion dollar question? Trillion because India wants to achieve a 5 Trillion dollar economy, and if this question answered may add another Trillion?

Election rallies have become so divisive that none speak of Infrstructure, Health, AQI, Education, Sports, Job creation and basic human needs to lead a quality and dignified life. It is all about dividing a nation on religious lines, which has failed. Proof election results in Ayodhya where the Ram Mandir was built. Now it is reservation assurance for backward class and tribes? How many of these backward class and tribes has any government brought out of their alleged poverty? If they have been brought out have they been declassified from their class status?

Reservation status was a part of the constitution. It was planned for a period of 10 years, which got stretched to 78 years after Independence. So was it reservation for backward and tribal class or was it reservation for politicians and their parties ensuring a vote bank? 

At the same time Christian missionaries for over 2000 years have been uplifting people out of poverty and educating tribes of the rights are termed as converting people. Alleging as converting people and luring them with food and money? Are not freebies, monetary benefits not converting people to vote for a party. Is not banning beef forcing a religious dietary habit on the rest including Hindus who eat beef?

Now the latest threat of banning conversion. Over thousands of years that Christianity prevailed in India and if  the religion was converting people, how come it is a minority religion? That to around 2%? This confirms the religion was not into converting people. Instead Christians converted society and upliftment of education standards in India. Many of the politicians across parties had their education for prestigious Christian run schools, including many from the present government. Sad on their stoic silence to what is systematically and continously being done to the Christian community, especially the carnage and inhuman brutality in Manipur?

Christians persecuted for their religion? A religion where Jesus Christ, son of God was crucified and killed, by the state, for his interpretation of doing good and being good! Teaching to offer the other cheek when someone slaps you on one cheek! Christians will continue to be non violent and follow their Lord's prayer that teaches them to forgive those who trespass against them. They were always forgiving and only kept giving.

Many secular peace minded non Christian citizens may also have a similar belief to forgive those who trespass against them. They may forgive but will never forget and will definitely never vote for party that trespassed a nation of its unity in diversity. Hum anek hai aur anektha mein humari ektha hai (We are diverse and united in our diveristy)

Thursday, November 07, 2024


If you don't vote....

There is no corruption in Bombay, then why are we still complaining?

There is no bribery in Bombay, then why are we still complaining?

There is no bad infrastructure in Bombay, then why are we still complaining?

There is no bad transport facilities in Bombay, then why are we still complaining?

There is no pollution in Bombay, then why are we still complaining?

There is no water crisis in Bombay, then why are we still complaining?

Bombay is one of the cleanest cities in the world, then why are we still complaining?

There was never ever flooding in Bombay, There is no corruption in Bombay, then why are we still complaining?

We should not be complaining if we are experiencing bad and otherwise to the above mentioned. It is because we are the cause for our bad experiences. We don't want to vote.

Or could it be we are voting for bad parties with bad politicians who represent them?

Monday, November 04, 2024


You can be Judas this election!

Who crucified Jesus? Roman Empire? The Jews? Or was it his own followers? All his disciples went underground when he was arrested by the Roman authorities. Even Peter his closest aide betrayed and refused knowing him. How many disciples were there when he was carrying the cross to Calvary? Even when load of his cross couldn't be borne by him, it was a stranger, Simon of Cyrene who was forced to carry the cross. 

Even after 2000 years we are still betraying Christ. Churches are being burnt in Manipur, Christians persecuted and tortured, Church properties being targeted to be confiscated, Christian educational institutions forced to remove all religious objects, Clergy like Fr. Stan Swamy murdered by the legal system. What did the clergy do for Fr. Stan Swamy? Forget Vatican that will do nothing for Christians in India? What is our own Clergy and Church leadership doing? Just preaching? Christ was not only preaching, he was also reaching to those in need. Even Christ did not spare the traders outside the temple, where he whipped them out and told them, "Do not make my Father's house a den of thieves."

We the laity who are comfortable and not effected till date, are not realising that what is happening in Manipur or UP, can happen in Bombay? It is already late and maybe the last chance where we can avoid the crucification of the Church in India? This includes all minorities and secular citizens who are effected. The irony is even the majority did not vote for the BJP in Ayodhya. Despite a grand temple made honoring Lord Ram. That is besides the point a temple that leaked in the first monsoons.

So it's time every Christian believed that we as an individual is the Church. We are the rock on which the future of the Church and our generations to follow will survive in India. Church is not a physical grand monumental structure. It is we who make it. It is we Christians who will destroy it if we don't come out and vote during this assembly election. We don't need the physical strength of Samson to bring down this corrupt government. We just need a finger to cast our vote.

Or you can be Judas otherwise, to betray the Church for 30 winks of extra sleep, chill and take a break being a holiday. Even more worse, vote for Barabus and crucify the hand of Congress that will protect the Christians?

A message to the Catholic Community, Minority communities and secular minded citizens of Bandra, Khar and Santacruz to vote for Asif Zakaria this assembly election on 20 Nov 2024

Friday, November 01, 2024


Two options

One option is a flower that withers
The other a palm that glitters
Glitter of hope, peace and unity
And the flower that withered society

We bore a withered flower for too long
We now need a hand that is strong
Enough of a flower that is stinking
Stinking the nation and  corrupting

A flower that was a hope of freshness
Ruining a nation in hate and sadness
We had enough of fake fragrance
Now we need a palm of assurance

Tuesday, October 29, 2024


Many value you more than gold

May you experience golden blessings of God on your family and you on this auspicious occasion of Dhanteras

May your health be as solid as gold.

May your heart be as pure as gold.

May your words that you speak be golden 

May your deeds shine like gold

May everyone who thinks of you have golden memories

May you always be an inspiration of golden character to everyone who interacts with you

Remember you are special and many value you more than gold 

Happy Dhanteras 

Sunday, October 27, 2024


A hand that will save Bandra

When the candidate from Congress for Bandra West was declared for the upcoming elections, it was relief that that the hand symbol now has a face. It was joy to know the face was of Asif Zakaria. A known face and a better known human being. As in politics there are many popular faces but very few with humanity.

Bandra West is really fortunate to have Asif as a Congress candidate. Now it is upto Bandra West whether they want him to fight the elections or if they will fight for him and with him. A hand is weak without the body of citizens to support. Bandra was amongst the only spots in India that prided a true secular feel. This got threatened with graveyards of the Christian and Jewish community targeted for demolition for infrastructure development. If it was genuinely and really development it was understandable though not justified as there were alternative options. This was for a builder who wanted an access to his prime premium high end luxury building.

The Catholic Community had to come of the streets to beg for justice for the souls who were resting in peace. Those living in Bandra are nostalgic and reminisce of the peaceful and beautiful place that Bandra was. Proud to call it the Queen of the suburbs. What has been done to the Queen? Infrastructure raped with potholes? Footpaths where one cannot put a foot to walk? Manhole covers that death traps? Posters during elections and wishing politicians happy birthday? Some posters even titling the politician as Boss? Asif was, is and will always be a public servant and never claiming to be a Boss. 

Asif is a face that is seen on the streets and rarely on posters during elections. Asif is a voice that does not intrude you a with a voice recording asking for votes during elections, but a voice that speaks for Bandra in the assembly. 

Wake up Bandra as we had enough of a flower on a stick and time for us to stick together behind a hand that will protect and a face that cares. Do we want to pride to live in Bandra West or Bandra Worst?

Let's extend our finger of our hand to vote for the hand that will save Save Bandra. 

Thursday, October 17, 2024


Popelation crisis

Indonesians make up 3% of world population and their land density to the no. of people is cramped and 4th largest populated country. 

Pope praising Indonesians during his recently visit to Indonesia, of having more children over having pets was completely insensitive and irresponsible statement. Definitely not called for from someone of his stature in the world. 

Select the below link to open


Today the core of global crisis is population explosion. Leading to global warming with humans consuming more than what the earth can provide and resulting in floods, storms and other natural calamities.

This is the problem with most, if not all elected leaders, who skirt the matter of population explosion and make clichéd statements with no action. With the Pope he is not even elected. It is a coterie of internal white dominated clergy hierarchy system and not decided by Catholic laity. If the laity had to decide none of these jokers would be in the Vatican.

With population explosion being the biggest problem in the world today how can someone like the Pope even make such a statement? Then we had Pope Benedict that supported the use of condoms. This maybe justified claiming it was to stem the spreading of HIV. Then how does HIV spread? Primarily with promiscuous sexual behavior. So instead of preaching, teaching or educating on sexual behavior, the Church is advocating safe sex?

Why is Francis encouraging Indonesian Christians having large families? To evangalise and make it a Catholic country? Is it because of the effflux of the laity leaving the Church? Then the ones in the faith not procreating but only recreating with sex? Is it a problem that they prefer pets over having children? Pope Francis needs to understand the problem of  population in Indonesia and not preach a sermon  which would be termed a Popelation crisis.

Even God ensured he sent only his only one son to earth.

Then was another sexist remark saying it's "bad when the woman wants to be the man" during a speech at Belgium catholic university. If it was not for a woman there would have been no son of God on earth. Giving titles to Mother Mary as Mother of the Church a title given to Mary in the Catholic Church, as officially declared by Pope Paul VI in 1964, is meaningless. A woman can be a Mother of God but not the head of a Church? Forget head of the Church she cannot even conduct mass and have equal rights to that of a priest? Is that the reason they are called Nun, which sounds like none, meaning nobody?

Mary headed the disciples at the feast of the Pentecost, where the holy spirit descendant like tongues of flame on the head of Mary and disciples. Time Pope Francis controls his tongue and pray that the holy spirit descends on him with common sense as fire could burn even the little sense he has.

Wednesday, October 09, 2024


Goodbye Tata

Rata Tata's demise, would be a void that may never get filled, by any business tycoon world wide. With capitalist greed of business moghuls, it is just profits and personal consumption of materialism and ugly display of wealth. For Ratan is was profits which can benefit society at large. For him business was for nation building. A tradition that Tata Group always stood for. Something no business house can stand up to the towering levels of the Tata Group towards national growth, progress and humanity.

Philanthropical and charitable works of Tata Group is public knowledge. Ratan took the levels of reaching out not just for humans but for his love for dogs also. Stray dogs are not driven away from the prestigious Taj Mahal hotel, but given shelter. Simple act of reflective collars for stray dogs so they don't get driven over by motorists at night. In a dog eat dog world, here is a man who teaches humans not be like dogs, but to be human towards not just their own but also towards animals.

In a broken corrupt world, Ratan was an example of business ethics and standards. Not compromising on values of integrity and honesty. In India corruption levels are so ugly visible, with big businesses and infrastructure projects given as gift hampers to one or two business houses. Ratan ensured the legacy of the Tatas gifting back to Indians.

Shameless ministers, business men would be giving their hollow, soul lacking eulogy of how great Ratan was and how he was an inspiration, when under their collar it would be perspiration of shame. Maybe they need to wear a dog reflective collar to reflect on Ratan and how they can emulate him.

Goodbye Tata. May your soul Rest in Peace and may your life be an example for a world seeking peace, justice and humanity

Friday, September 13, 2024


What's the difference?

What's the difference?

Was the Church not always like a club, and will continue to be one?

Millions are betting that their prayers will be answered? Microscopic few that get healed or get what they prayed for? Something that could have been got or achieved without prayers? This gets magnified and then more people pray (gamble) with petitions and money thrown to that Saint or Church like Lourdes or The Mount Mary's and Velankanni in India?

Then it is a strip club, where the strip you more of your wealth with passages from the Bible? Like tithe and Jesus telling a rich man sell all your belongings and follow me?

Finally what you get from this club?

Few drops of water sprinkled on your head at baptism?

A wafer as the body of Christ?

A slap to proclaim you as confirmed?

A blessing on your marriage? Does the blessing work as many marriages are not working?

Finally few drops of water when you are lowered in a grave? 

Again none of the above are free services?

In a night club a women gets picked up decently? There is good amount of security to ensure you are safe?

In a Church you may not know which priest is a peadophile who will prey on your kids, while you pray? Which Nun may get raped by a Bishop or a priest Which? Which elderly may get fooled of their property? Then the financial scams and land frauds. 

Will you forgive them Father, for the know what they are doing?

Can I get an Amen for this

Sunday, September 08, 2024


Happy Birthday Mama (Part II)

Congregation flocked the early morning mass today 5.30 am at the Bascillica of Mount Mary, to wish her a Happy Birthday. Just wondering why the choir couldn't sing Happy Birthday to her? Then even if it was sung, would she be happy. 

A virgin chosen by God to give birth to his son in human manifestation to save and redeem the world. Would it be a happy Mother, to see the state of the world today? Her only son was crucified for no crime of his. Crucified and died on the cross and saved humanity from its sins. Did we humans or let's say only Christians stop sinning after that? 

Imagine a Mother who saw her only son sacrificed for a hope of a better world. With what face are we facing her today? Infact many face the statue of our Mother with their mobile cameras and take selfies. This is all we have to offer to her for the selflessness of her son and she as a helpless Mother watching her son die on the cross. 

The feast at the Basillica of the Mount has been around for three centuries, and another famous pilgrimage site of our Mother in South India,.Our Lady of Velankanni has been commemorated since the 16th century. What have we as Christians proved over the centuries of worshipping and praying to Mother Mary? 

Our prayers are for her intercession, for various petitions we as human beings have. Ranging from cure of illness, tide over financial crisis, marital discords, to get a job, success at exams and the list is endless. As a Mother she has and will always be there to intercede with her son for us. Like Mothers in today's world, many are abandoned, lonely with kids having migrated, ailing and no one to help. They are now desperately seeking love and attention from their kids who they gave everything? Many don't even want their money,. With technology where one can make a video call free, even a call is rare. 

So to with our Mother Mary, who gave us her only son, is now seeking as to what is that we can give her. She does not want us to get crucified. She does want us to wish each other Happy Feast. She would prefer us to see how we can reach out and make someone happy. As the Church was filled with no place for many to sit, there were not many who would even offer their seat to an an elderly or a lady or even many Nuns. We can't even offer a seat to someone who needs it in Church, what place can we offer Mother Mary in our lives?

Friday, September 06, 2024


Ganpathi Bapa Moriya

You don't bring Lord Ganesh into your home.  It is he who comes every year into HIS home, to collect HIS rent, of our honesty, humanity humbleness and our faith in HIM. 

Let's ensure we keep our honesty, humbleness and faith in him every day, and not just regale it only to the festival of Ganesh Chatturthi 

Ganpathi Bappa Moriya

Sunday, September 01, 2024


Chaining Varsha Tai?

Recent visit of Modi ensured that an elected and loved MP leader of the masses, Prof. Varsha Gaikwad, was detained from leaving her home. Why is our 56-inch-chested PM scared of a lady? Just because she is a fearless and honest opposition leader?

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If this is the state of justice for an elected leader, what justice can a common man expect? Why was she detained? Why is the police machinery used as goons to suppress a leader's rights? What threat was she to the PM? Does she not have the right to a peaceful protest during the PM's visit?

This is nothing but fear of the upcoming elections, where the BJP will be shown the same result as what happened in Ayodhya. The masses have awoken, and they cannot be pleased with religious propaganda. Propaganda with a temple built that leaks. If you can't make a temple for God, what homes and country can the BJP build?

The temple of democracy, the Parliament, recently built, is leaking. Not to mention exam paper leaks. Detaining Prof. Varsha Gaikwad, whom the masses lovingly call Varsha Tai, was as good as chaining her. The mistake Modi made was taking on Varsha Tai, who is Bombay's Lakshmibai and the queen of citizens' hearts, from where she was elected.

From the land of Shivaji Maharaj, in whose memory even a solid statue could not be built, and it collapsed? A party that cannot build a statue promising infrastructure? Modi, you bowed your head in apology for the statue of India's beloved and fearless leader, Shivaji Maharaj, that fell. Get ready to bow your head in shame this coming election.

You chained our beloved Varsha Tai; now soon your party will have to bid goodbye to Bombay. The citizens will drive the final nail in the coffin of your leadership and your party this election.

Friday, August 23, 2024


Raping Doctors?!

The rape of a Doctor is nothing short of low level animal behavior, evil, filthy, sickening, immoral, injustice of the system. All this euphoria of emotions of anger and demand for justice and courtroom debates will all fade and die? Will justice may or may not happen? Whether the real culprits would be booked or someone innoncent planted or someone who did but the rest cannot be touched or caught?

The anger of Doctors with their peaceful protests, hope would ensure justice? The question to the Doctors is how many come to the streets when Doctors are medically and financially raping patients? With treatments and operations not required? Medicine prescribed not required?

Time the medical fraternity looked inwards and read the title of this message once again?

Wednesday, August 21, 2024


Over two decades gone by

21 years gone by, when my daughter adopted my wife and me as parents. She was 7 months when she came into our lives. After my wife conceiving our first boy child in her womb, I conceived her in my heart. Today she celebrates 22 years of age. A birthday she shares with my son and me.
It was a joy to be parents all over again and that too as a birthday gift. Just that this time, my wife and I were adopted as parents. We were not perfect parents, but were lucky to have her adopt us, and make us feel perfect. Wondering how would our lives have been without her. She adopted our son as her older brother. Something he cherishes with his love for her and is protective of her. Infact even more than us parents.
Now as she fledges her wings to fly, we know without her we would die. Not a physical death, but a living dead life. She was a purpose of us living and a glue to our marriage and ensuring we sticking together as a family. We knew some day she would leave to explore world and make a world of her own. Leaving us orphaned as parents, as we never adopted her, it was she who adopted us.
As she would be flying overseas for higher education in a few days all my wife and I can say to her is "Thank you baby for the love and memories. Go fly and make the world your oyster."

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